
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · อื่นๆ
24 Chs

First mission

Waking up, in a bed, in a familiar room. I get up and look around.

'Yep. I'm in the medic bay.' I think to myself.

Getting off the bed, I stretch, getting a satisfying pop, from all my joints.

(I like popping my joints, comment here if you do too)

Leaving the room, I make my way to the garden. When I got there, my family wasn't there. Sniffing around, I found a trail.

Following my nose, I found an entrance to a forest near the training grounds. Continuing my search, I eventually found them. They were all cuddled up and sleeping.

Joining them, I just lay there. I couldn't fall asleep, so I just think. Thinking about how my fight with the king went.

Clenching my fist in front of me I thought.' I wanna fight him again.' Without me knowing, a smile spread across my face.

Hearing a twig snap, I turn my head in the direction of the sound. Coming out of the foliage, Shiva came out.

"I thought you'd be here. Follow me. Alexander has requested for you." Shiva said.

"Wait, who's Alexander?" I question.

"Oh yeah, he didn't introduce himself. Alexander, or Alex is the king. Now come on, let's not keep him waiting." She said.

Following Shiva back to the castle, and into the planning room, I see the king again.

"Good you're awake and well I see. I have a mission for you. There is a dungeon, that we believe has a demon living in it. Your job is to go to the bottom of the dungeon and investigate its core. This device here will tell you if there is any interference with the core. Any questions?" Alex said.

"Just two. Where's the dungeon at?" I ask.

"We will give a map with its location marked. What's the other question?" Alex said.

"Is anybody coming with me, or am I going by myself?" I ask.

"You will be going with Shiva. If that is all, please make haste." The king said.

Giving Shiva the map, and the device, we make our way to the dungeon.

Once we got there, I felt like I'd been here before.

Shiva noticing how I'm acting speaks up."Anything wrong, Okami?"

"No, it's nothing. I think I've been here before, that's all."

Shiva nods and asks."If you have been here before, what monsters did you encounter?"

"I encountered only slimes and goblins. I'm not sure if there are more, but that's all I encountered." I said.

Shiva nods again, and we enter the dungeon.

Once we hit the bottom of the stairs I hear the same distorted voice as last time.

Ǧ̶͍͠ô̴͇̻̈́̄̕ͅô̵̳͐̐d̸̡̛̗̋̓ ̶̣͓̪̥͐̿͛͊y̵̲͖̼͂̔͌͆ǫ̸͕͉̀u̸̘̭̝͍̔̀͘'̷̰̠͓͚̌̚v̴̀̅̏ͅě̸̼̈ ̶͓͑̈́̃c̶̝̱͝o̶̢̼͔͜͝͝͝ṃ̴̑͂̊́ȩ̶̄ ̴͙͗͑̕ͅb̷̡̯͔̃͐ͅa̵̬̥̟͍̍̉͐͠c̶͍̐̉̎k̸̡͖̼̹̄́.̶̞̣̾̃͘ ̸̭͍̮͊̀͝N̶̩͈̄̐o̷͎̾̎͂ͅw̵̹̖̅͊̉ ̸̥͕̥̎c̷͍͈͈̓͘ŏ̷̫̼͆̽͒ṁ̷̨̛̳̻̟̈̽e̸͑ͅ ̸̱̝͒̑d̸̨͚̯̜̆̋̃ḙ̸͗̎é̸̢̤͔̆̊̐p̷̱̮̮̄̑̋è̴̡̛́̋r̵͖̥̣̈́͛ ̴̻͍̫̻̽̇̈ạ̶̞̬̄̅̊͘n̷͎̺̙̗̆́d̵̻͈̺̀ ̷̳̃̽͂͝ằ̶̟̠̘̭̇c̷̨̟͕͆c̴͉̩̣̮͗̒e̴̜̘͂̽̋p̵̰̜̣̔̑ț̵̱̄ ̴̟̤̭͐m̶̡̮̱̌̒̑y̵̛̫̙̜̓̈́̽ ̶̩͚̠͙̅̊ṕ̵̞o̸̠̺͓͙̽͛͘ẇ̵̡͕͖̟̈́̒é̴̦̙̃̒͜r̷̘͒̀̽͑.̸̗͉̎̀

"Hey Shiva, did you hear that?" I ask

Shiva puts up her guard and says"No I didn't. What did you hear?"

"It's a voice, telling me to come deeper. I heard it last time I was in here." I say.

"Then this dungeon probably has a demon inside. Be careful. Demons are pretty strong." She said.

"Well, let's go deeper then," I say. Letting a smile spread across my face.


Hey ladies and gentlemen. Sorry, I haven't been updating.

Spring break just started and God Of War Ragnarwrok has new game plus.

I've been playing on the hardest difficulty

Hope y'all enjoyed and have a good day

Till next time