
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · Others
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24 Chs

Deeper into the dungeon

Me and Shiva went deeper into the dungeon, encountering goblins and slimes along the way. Eventually, we found some stairs that go down.

Shiva looked at me and asked." Do you know what's down here?"

"No. I was only on this floor. Though if I had to take a guess, it'll be something similar to goblins." I said.

"Alright. We'll take a break here, then go down and explore." She said.

I nodded my head and sat down on the cold ground.


We rested for about half an hour before we got up.

"Alright lets go down." She said.

Going down the stairs, we met something unexpected.

Standing in front of us was a mountain troll.

(image here)

It stared at us before it roared and charged at us.

"Holy shit!" Shiva yelled. She ran out of the way before the troll could reach us.

Waiting until the troll got close enough, I just stood there.

When it finally got close enough, I jumped up, slamming my fist, into its chin. The beast lifted off the ground.

When it fell, there was a loud thud.

Getting back up, the troll focused on me. Letting Shiva, slash behind its knees, making the troll fall again.

Coating my fist in fire, I punched it in the face. (LIKE A BOSS)

(hope y'all got that reference.)

The troll rolled away from the punch.

Taking advantage, Shiva jumped on top of it, and stabbed the beast in the head, killing it.

"Jeez, it's kinda early to run into something like that," Shiva said.

"That's not normal?" I ask.

"No, it's not. Usually, the monsters get steadily stronger. Usually not a jump like that." She said.

"We should keep going. The smell of blood might attract more monsters." She said.


We kept exploring the dungeon floor until we found the stairs down.

We encountered some trolls along the way, but they were easy to deal with.

We took a short break, before going down.

When we went down, we encountered nothing.

The room was empty. Except the glowing orb in the middle of the room.

It was glowing a menacing purple with black accents.

The device we were given, suddenly started beeping loud.

"That confirms it. A demon is using this dungeon." Shiva said.

Before I could reply, a wispy, black hand swatted Shiva away.

"SHiVA!" I yelled out.

I was also knocked out of the way by the shadowy figure.

Rolling to my feet, I looked at it.

(image here)

I looked over to Shiva. She just laid there. She was unconscious.

"̸̟͂ ̶̧̛̲̚G̶͔̊͋õ̵̯ö̴͉͍́̌ď̵̛͉̖,̴̤̻͝ ̵̳̉̃ẙ̸̖͜o̸͉͙͗̐ú̶̢̢ ̷̣͆̒ć̴̥̼a̸̫͍̓m̸̝̄e̸͕̲̽̈.̵͈͔̆͝ ̷̖͉̈̓N̵͉̾ơ̵͇̫w̵̛͔͎͌ ̶̜̯̚͝Ì̷͈͍͠ ̵͙̞̈́͒ć̷͙̠ą̷̄̈́ͅn̷̬̒ ̵̣̾̄ͅt̴̳̋́a̸̗͂̉k̶͈̳̈̏e̶͚͊͝ͅ ̸̡͙̄̿o̵͚͒v̶͔̤͊e̷̠͆͠r̶̘̚ ̷̛͓̺̇y̴͖̖͘ȍ̴̜̔u̷̱͐r̴̙̃̈́ ̴̪̒̇ḇ̶̟́ő̶̬̃d̵̘͒̕y̶̤͐̆.̵̩͂̇"̵̩̠̅ The demon said.

I was barely able to understand it.

Getting ready to fight, I coated both my fist in flames.

We charged at each other, he stretched out his claws, and me my fire-clad fist.

This is gonna be the hardest fight since I came here.


I'm back! And I carry bad news

The game I've been playing is bugged. It's not corrupted but I can't even load into the game

Hope yall enjoyed the cliffhanger

Until next time

Tah tah