
Hegemony of Genes : Legend of All-star

Humans have a record of exploiting scientific discoveries Einstein’s equation E=mc², lead to atom bombs. The pursuit of unified string theory connected our universe to an unknown higher dimension. Earth changed billions, died chaos occurred. It took humanity 200 years to reign supreme. The consequent 1900 years saw humankind’s progression into a level 2 interstellar civilization. Vash Dempsey had it all class A gene sequence, doting family, but a chemical accident shoved him into the pit of despair. Mutating his genes to class C, paralyzing his legs. After winter comes the summer. After night comes the dawn. And after every storm, there comes clear, open skies. Vash regained his gene sequence, gained a mysterious System. This rebirth gave Vash a life of endless possibilities but little did he know of a conspiracy one that guides his destiny. Join Vash’s pursuit of truth in the Legend of all-star. Hi crod here, this is my first novel viewers are requested to point out any mistake in writing. Thank you JOIN THE UNOFFICIAL DISCORD SERVER https://discord.gg/5CXRHP

crod_crytaler · ไซไฟ
12 Chs

The New Era

They call this era "New beginnings". If you ask me, it is an unoriginal name, but it shook the foundations of our rational universe.

May 30, 2029, was the day this era began. This day also represented the greatest scientific discovery of the 21st century. People all over the world tuned in to witness this revolutionary experiment, one that would alter the fate of our world.

Unified string theory was a promise to explain the universe in one equation. The scientists all over earth worked for over 70 years over this task, which many deemed impossible to accomplish.

But a young upcoming superstar in the scientific community by the name Yash Lamba took this challenge.

With over 5 PHDs, billions of dollars in grants and an IQ of over 260. He published groundbreaking papers on unified string theory.

Within 11 years, Yash changed the landscape of string theory. Breaking precedents one after other, he became the Father of Modern Theoretical Physics.

To realize the string theory, Yash proposed an experiment. To gain access to an unknown higher dimension, so we can quantify it, to get the missing pieces of the equation.

Being a managing authority on theoretical physics. His experiment got sponsored by all the top universities, various private equities, and hedge funds. This experiment staffed thousands of scientists on top of their field. The estimated cost of the experiment was 1.7 trillion dollars.

The experiment used 7 hadrons collider to generate a unique frequency, creating resonance with the higher dimension. The theory was simple, to breach the dimension, make atom collide in it and later analyse those atoms and their energy matrix to formulate the laws of that dimension.

As the saying goes "man proposes god disposes of" despite being a success, in the last stages of the experiment we could not close the breach. Which grew larger by the moment, ultimately joining our universe to that dimension.

Following this incident, Earth experienced major changes. First, the microorganisms mutated. Then it was the turn of insects. These mutations soon advanced till every living organism including humans were mutated.

Many Scientific experiments failed. Upon further investigations, we discovered new properties of the known elements. We dubbed this phenomenon 'The Evo effect'.

Mutated fungus, bacteria and viruses lead to various unknown diseases. These diseases were resilient to known vaccines.

Our modern medicine failed as diseases were mutating faster than we created their treatments.

Immense lethality and top infection rates of these diseases caused billions to die and chaos occurred.

The evolution that should have taken 1000 years was transpiring in weeks. Evo effect changed life on Earth as if the higher dimension was trying to develop us into higher life forms worthy of inhabiting this newly created 4-dimensional universe.

Humans got stronger and smarter, but so did others. It was human vs. the rest. we lost this war hence ending humankind's hegemony over earth.

It took us 200 years to reign supreme. The consequent 1900 years saw our civilisation's transition into a level 2 civilization.

We created artificial wormholes; space travel was in our grasp, in short, we went interstellar.

A universe filled with abundant resources was a welcomed us for colonisation. Humanity spread like wildfire, occupying most of the galaxy. All this resulted from the now strengthened human race.

The new abundance of resources and enhanced intellect helped humans in excavating the secrets of the universe. But the number of questions we were able t to answer paled in comparison of the ones that kept appearing.

This extra dimension had changed the working of our old 3-dimensional universe. Elements were showing new properties, we were discovering new physical phenomena.

We solved some puzzles of the scientific world because of all these recent pieces now available to us, but exponentially more puzzles confronted us, ones which we have to solve.

The most baffling puzzle was the mysterious O particles. Scientists couldn't understand them or measure them, but they had made themselves known. They evolved the entire biological universe.

How they achieved it?

We were not able to find out the working principles they were a mystery to us. What we could do was to tabulate the result of their interaction with our universe and try to make sense of it.

Humans evolved collectively as well as individually. The Evolution in individuals started from evolution Level 1 (representing human's infant before the new era) to evolution Level 100 (representing life forms proposed to understand the working of the O particle) with each level human gene sequence was further evolved.

Humans grew stronger and smarter as they progressed from evolution level 1 to evolution lv 100.

Human gene sequence underwent qualitative improvement with each evolution.

These upgraded gene sequences granted us powers but within human reach. Plants did not grow brains and humans couldn't fly.

Human gene sequence started mutating. Some individuals on the same level had better human attributes compared to others.

Some mutated gene sequence conformed to greater heat resistant genes, some gene sequence granted better eyesight, and some gave higher IQ. All this depended on the mutation of genes in the gene sequence.

Yet, these quantitative improvements in human attributes were not constant. A particular gene corresponding to an attribute could have different potency. This created a Tier system from tier F to tier S

The mutated gene sequence acquired an unknown gene called the O gene. This gene was responsible for the absorption of O particle.

Not all O genes were same, there were many classes of O genes represented by class S to class F.

S class O genes had better O particle absorption rate than class A and so on.

O particle increased the evolution level of living beings. This made the O gene the most important gene in the gene sequence.

We divided people into classes based on their O gene, giving rise to discrimination and disparity.

Humans in the higher classes grew stronger and stronger than those in lower classes.

And hence began the Hegemony of Genes.

hi, crod here I hope u would like the first chapter. I encourage viewers tp point our grammatical mistakes .

For the first chapter , I went full narration mode for the world-building.

thank you

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