
Heavenly Demonic Divinity

This tells the tale of a young boy with boundless potential who was abandoned by his parents, he works hard in his cultivation and travels the world in search of them.

Kidexx · อื่นๆ
6 Chs

Chapter 1 Qin Clan Crisis

"Wentian if you really want to get revenge for us you should take the map, follow it. its something your father left for you."Inside an under ground passage, a middle aged man was looking at the child before him with heavy reluctance, he didn't want the child his brother left in his care to die, he couldn't let that happen.

"Uncle you have to come along with me, please."

"Wentian, go well." His uncle cast a deep glance at him before he blasted him out the other end of the passage and destroyed it. He couldn't get back in anymore.

"UNCLE..." Qin Wentian howled in pain, this man had taken care of him since he was young He had even come to think of him as his father but now he was about to die. He had to get stronger so that no one can bully him or his loved ones any longer, this was his conviction.

Qin Wentian then bowed low towards the once majestic Qin clan before turning around and sprinting towards a forest leading out of the city. "Very good Jiang clan, I'll take my revenge, wait for me." He took one last glance at his home before turning around and heading into the forest.


Blazing Sun City

A young boy with very handsome facial futures was walking around the streets, his black eyes where looking about in fascination, he had long, silky black hair. He was currently wearing a torn and dirty white robe. This person was none other than Qin Wentian who escaped from Cloud city a few days ago.

He walked around for some time before coming across an exchange pavilion, he walked in and came to a set of white robes he then purchased it and walked around for a while, hoping to purchase some information on this place but he was low on spirit stones, so he let go of the idea.

At this moment an old man suddenly stopped before him and stretched his hand out, when the old man opened his hands, a token could be seen within his grasp. "Three days from now the Blazing Sun Sect will be accepting disciples, I will wait for you to show up." After speaking the old man directly turned around and left.

"But... I don't even know where." Qin Wentian didn't even have the chance to speak, the old man already left.

He helplessly turned around and walked towards the information provider. "I would like to purchase all information on the Blazing Sun Sect."

The woman in charge of the information desk was a little startled before she smiled sweetly and spoke. "Sir that would cost 5 low-grade spirit stones."

"Okay." Qin Wentian directly took out 5 spirit stones and paid for the information, after confirming his payment, he was handed a jade slip.

"Send your spiritual senses into it." The information desk keeper instructed, Qin Wentian nooded and then sent a strand of his spirit senses into the jade slip, a dizzy sensation suddenly hit him as information which even contained paintings was imprinted in his mind. He handed the jade slip back to the desk keeper before walking away with a satisfied smile, not knowing that he had been ripped off.


For cultivators, three days wasn't too long, it passed in the blink of an eye. Currently an extremely handsome young man with remarkably deep eyes was standing outside a majestic building, many people where bustling in and out of this building, it was extremely lively. Taking a deep breath, Qin Wentian walked into this majestic building.

Inside this large building, there were nine large battle platforms in the middle of the room. , an old man was standing on this platform, his gaze roamed around the crowd and landed on Qin Wentian, upon seeing Qin Wentian a smile lit his face up. Actually Qin Wentian knew this man, this was the man that gave him that special token and invited him here, as their gaze meet, the old man's smile widened as he spoke, "Since everyone that is serious about joining our esteemed Sect is present let the trials begin!" The old man then addressed the crowd, "If you are not a participant please step away from the platform, there are seats arranged for you in the audiences section." After addressing the crowd he then gazed at the participants as he instructed. "If you have a special token you do not need to participate in the first exam."

"The first exam is the Potential test. Those without tokens come forward." It was a boring and long process, finally only 100 people remained. "The final test will begin shortly, all participants are to collect a set of battle robes in that section." The old man pointed to a direction before turning around and walking away.

Walking towards the direction pointed to by the old man, Qin Wentian joined the line and awaited his turn, in front of him was an incomparably beautiful young woman, he knew she was beautiful just by staring at her back view, she was about his age,15, Qin Wentian was currently in a daze this was probably the most beautiful person he had seen and he hadn't even seen her face yet.

The girl then laughed in disdain, as if sensing his gaze, she turned around, she was shocked by what she saw, at first she taught that it was just some frog lusting after a swan, but she was horribly mistaken, this person was so damn handsome and was dressed in plain white robes but that couldn't do anything to mask his radiance. She quickly got over her daze, "Why where you staring at me?"

"I just think that your very beautiful that's all." Qin Wentian answered in low voice as if pondering over something. He had a pure gaze which easily showed that he had no malicious intentions.

"Oh" Qin Wentian's answer shocked her, he looked like he wasn't affected by her beauty and was just admiring her because she was right in front of him if not he wouldn't have spared her a glance.

Qin Wentian was actually affected but he quickly recovered because of his strong state of heart. Looking at her beautiful countenance he had the sudden urge to protect her. None of them moved, staring at each other, their gaze trained on the others features as if trying to stamp each other features into their memories.

"Next... Next." The person I'm charge of distributing the robes called out twice before either of them made a move, turning her gaze away from Qin Wentian, the beautiful young girl walked towards the counter.

Hope you enjoyed it, please add to library and comment, I take criticism whole heatedly.

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