
Heavenly Demonic Divinity

This tells the tale of a young boy with boundless potential who was abandoned by his parents, he works hard in his cultivation and travels the world in search of them.

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Chapter 2 Song Jia

It was soon Qin Wentian's turn he stepped forward to collect his set of battle robes, his robe had the character 'Qin' and the number '51' on it. Walking towards the seats arranged for contenders, Qin Wentian found a seat next to the beautiful lady from earlier. He nodded his head in greeting before shifting his gaze.

A puzzled look appeared on the young woman 's face, wasn't this person fazed by her beauty? What an interesting specimen. "My name is Song Jia." Song Jia introduced herself.

"Qin Wentian." Qin Wentian spoke without even turning around, it was as if he was as if he was trying to keep everyone at arms length not letting anyone come close.

But the people around them where cursing at him, what dog shit luck was this? A beauty of such caliber actually took the initiative to introduce herself and he was as cold and indifferent as ever, didn't he know how lucky he was?

Song Jia on the other hand giggled like she was amused by something, "So cold, you could freeze a person to death with such a cold attitude you know."

Qin Wentian was a little shocked when he heard that, despite putting up a cold front this girl was actually still speaking so nicely towards him, very intresting. "What do you want from me." Qin Wentian spoke bluntly.

"Let's be friends, what do you say." Song Jia smile sweetly and spoke.

Qin Wentian's heart shuddered, such a beautiful smile, her gorgeous face was well proportioned and she had long eyelashes with the combination of her silky black hair and perfect figure she was simply breathtaking.

Qin Wentian couldn't refuse her, her gaze was pure and honest, "Okay then." He wasn't the kind of person to be overly cautious to people who are nice to him.

However unknown to Qin Wentian, if curses could kill he would have died a hundred times over. Somewhere in the crowd a young man watched all this with cold light flickering in his eyes.

"Jiang Feng your crush is making advances on a guy, haha, I can't wait to see what you do about it." The young man sitting beside him said with an amused smile.

"She is not my crush she is my woman." The young man referred to as Jiang Feng spoke coldly.

Meanwhile, on stage the old man had already appeared."I am regulations elder Zhao, this will be the final test, it tests your combat abilities for your Cultivation base. To those in the audience who do not know this, there are 5 Cultivation realms before ascension, Body Refinement Realm, Qi Circulation Realm, Core Formation Realm, True Spirit Realm and Heavenly Spirit Realm." The Regulations elder refreshed the crowd on the Cultivation bases before instructing the contestants. "As we all know every body here is at the Body Refinement Realm, and there are 9 stages so divide your selves according to your Cultivation stage and each group should occupy a battle platform."

Qin Wentian walked towards the group of 3rd stage Body Refiners, and surprisingly enough, Song Jia was a part of that group. As he walked towards the group, Song Jia welcomed him with a wide smile. "Don't tell me you are just pretending to be at the 3rd stage so you could stay at my side?"

The group suddenly shot cold and envious gazes towards Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian was stunned was she trying to kill him? Wouldn't all her suitors come after his life? This girl... Shaking his head, Qin Wentian walked to the end of the group in order to avoid more resentment, but that was his worst choice ever because Song Jia actually followed him and stood beside him. Before this maybe he would have said that it was just a coincidence but now, he was sure she was trying to make him the object of resentment. with the look the group was giving him if looks could kill he would have already been dead.

"Since every one has grouped up let the battle begin!." As soon as the Regulations elder voice faded lights started illuminating some people's battle robes, "Those who's robes are illuminated are to fight with another group member who's robe is also illuminated once all 9 stages are occupied wait for my signal before you fight."

Beside Qin Wentian a bright light lit up, the person wearing this lit up robe was none other than Song Jia, another female in their group also had a lit up robe with the number 49 on it. They both walked up the stage and awaited the starting signal.

As soon as every body was ready the Regulations elder called for the start of the battle, but not before announcing the rules. "Weapons are allowed, killing is prohibited, those who kill will have their Cultivation bases crippled and both their arms severed." Crippling one's Cultivation base was way worse than killing the person, in the world of cultivation, only the fittest survive. "Fight!"

On the 3rd platform Song Jia and number 49 began their battle. Stepping out, Song Jia directly brought out a fan, she twisted her wrist and shot out a needle from one of the openings at the top of her fan, the needles stored there we're usually coated with poison but today they we're coated with sleeping potion.

Number 49 had very fast reflexes, she brought out a staff which was strapped to her back, with a swing of her staff, she blocked the needle with an attack of her own but to her surprise, the needle went directly through her wooden staffed although the momentum of the needle slowed, it was still enough to pierce her, in response to the incoming needle, number 49 side stepped and swung her staff aiming to disarm Song Jia.

Song Jia was caught of guard by the sudden attack, her opponent was agile, fast and brutal, she couldn't react in time so she was forced to let go of her weapon and flee. As she stepped back rapidly, Song Jia took out ten needles and threw them simultaneously at number 49.

Knowing she couldn't block these needles with her wooden staff, number 49 was forced to retreat and dodge. As she retreated, Song Jia. Was given enough space to retrieve her weapon. As she picked it up, she was unaware that number 49 had already finished dodging. Number 49 jumped into the air and slammed towards Song Jia's head with her staff, Song Jia quickly noticed this and raised the sharp edge of her metal fan into air. With a slashing sound, number 49's staff was cut in half. She had just landed when Song Jia swept her off her feat with a sweeping kick, Song Jia then proceeded to point the sharp edge of her metal fan at number 49. "You have lost." Uttered Song Jia. Fast, that match was quickly ended.