
Heavenly Dao Child

Once upon time a wise man had said, “All men and women are born equal.” Well he lied, no one is born equal if it were so people would not be envious, would not desire harm on each other, especially HIM. Him, who is the envy of many, the goal of others, the object of hatred, the object of love and lust of countless, since he first took his breath. No matter what everyone wishes of him he stood tall and surpassed and flourished no matter what challenges and tribulations stood in his way he broke through them since he first opened his eyes to gaze at the world. The wise man is a liar, after all how can all men and women are equal when the Heaven’s itself decreed him to be It’s most favorite and beloved child.

SagelyDaoist · ตะวันออก
569 Chs

My Partner

Shamiran teleported where her parents were, she found Veena, Nuwa both working together with Maheswara on some form of array, "Greetings Mothers and Father.", she greeted them.

They gave a nod to her. Nuwa with a smile beckoned to her, "Come child we were working on an array, would like to help us."

Shamiran:"Sorry mother not today, we took Ryuu to watch Sylvana practice with her sword, which caused him to gain sudden enlightenment on the Grand Dao of Swords and has stumbled into annata state. So, I have here come to notify you and take some Ki replenishing pills and food pills for Ryuu."

Maheswara and his wives were stunned, "Troublesome, we have to seal his cultivation if he continues to grow at such a pace, his foundation will be weakened, well enlightenment cannot be stopped we do not know if and when he would gain another one, we will share some of our experience to solidify his understanding of dao, and also prevent his advancement into Xiantian stage because of enlightenment. Let us go and help him, oh and Shamiran be a dear and inform his mother he will not be home for the time being.", with that they all left for their respective destinations.

Celestia: "Hahahaha, that was hilarious.", that was what Shamiran saw as she went to inform Ryuu's condition to Xiao Xiao. She knocked at the door asking for permission to enter.

Xiao Xiao, "Please come in, ah I remember you are Shamiran one of Ryuu's martial sister."

Celestia: "Shamiran, what are doing here, where is Ryuu?"

Shamiran: "Well I took Ryuu to watch Sylvana practice her swordplay, he gained enlightenment and now he has entered anaata state."

Xiao Xiao was stunned, "How did he do something deemed so difficult to achieve that it seems nigh impossible so easily?"

Celestia smiled,"Sister, that is why he is called a 'Dao child', he is loved and adored by Dao hence he will be able to gain enlightenment so easily.", she then frowned before turning towards Shamiran, "although it is good but because of his sudden enlightenment on a Grand Dao at such a low level there is chance he might gain advance very fast causing a shaky foundation to be formed, has my husband and sister wives been informed."

Shamiran nodded, "Yes they have been, father is planning to solidify his understanding of the Grand Dao, while mothers will take care of his health and try to prevent his advancement into Xiantian. They send me to inform aunt Xiao Xiao that Ryuu will not be coming back until he comes out of his anaata state, they will be personally present near Ryuu so they told you not to worry."

Xiao Xiao nodded at that inwardly glad thinking that even if she were to die Ryuu was in capable hands.

Meanwhile Ryuu's teachers arrived in front of Ryuu, where they found their daughters standing in guard keeping an eye on Ryuu, they greeted their parents wordlessly who nodded and took various positions around him. Maheswara sat in front of Ryuu, whereas Veena sat on his left and Nuwa sat behind him.

Suddenly Maheswara gave out a grunt, as an ethereal multicolor flame erupted from him, the flame then rapidly flowed like a torrent towards Ryuu who seemed to absorb it.

Meanwhile, inside his mindscape Ryuu was greeted with hazy visions of what seemed like swords of various shape and sizes, and what looked like people using those swords but everything was seemed blurry to Ryuu, he tried to discern but he was having difficulty in knowing what was going on, but suddenly the images shifted and became more clearer he saw men and women of different race age using different swords moving in different postures rhythm it was overwhelming, the sword moved as if it was an extension of the user, wait a minute extension, why is it an extension why are they holding..... Ah what a fool I am they are not holding a tool a weapon they are holding their most trusted partner, no a brother or sister, as they look out for each other's back truest and best form of a bond, it made Ryuu feel envy can he one day have such friend no a family like those people. Of course he will after all the sword is me and I am my sword. We are one we are same. Suddenly his vision distorted as everything started to go black.

Meanwhile his masters waited patiently for Ryuu to come out of anaata state, even Celestai joined them after sometime, whereas his older sisters left busy with their work visiting him now and then. Then all of a sudden a frightening sword aura irrupted from Ryuu's body then he suddenly slumped and fell backwards, Nuwa quickly held him and laid his head on his lap, all this time she was preventing him from stepping into Xiantian stage, while Veena gave him a through medical checkup, Ryuu started opening his eyes, slowly as all the light and sound of the outside world causing him discomfort, finally when he opened his eyes he saw the smiling face of Nuwa looking at him as well as his other masters peering down on him.

Ryuu:"Where am I? What happened?"

Maheswara:"Welcome back Ryuu, child do you remember the dream you saw", Ryuu nodded at that," that special dream you had is known as anaata state caused due to enlightenment which you received when you were watching your elder sister's swordplay."

Maheswara:"You will learn more about it in near future, for now you should rest you have been in that state for almost a week."

Ryuu then nodded then started panicking he couldn't feel his legs anymore, "Ma-master", he called out to his teacher in a scared voice.

Veena frowned," Is there anything wrong Ryuu ?"

Ryuu with tears in his eyes, "I cannot feel my legs."

Veena smiled at him, "Do not worry Ryuu you have been sitting for a week without moving a single inch, and you being so young caused her legs to fall asleep, let me give you a quick massage and it will be alright", as she went to give him a massage .

Nuwa:"You did wonderful Ryuu getting enlightenment on a Grand Dao at such a young age is remarkable. It seems to us that our husband will have to forge a good weapon for you to use soon."

Ryuu frowned at his master's words not liking it, "Second mistress my sword will be not a weapon or tool, my sword will be my most trusted partner."

Hearing his words Maheswara gave out a hearty laugh, "Hahahaha, kid you passed the test I, Maheswara myself with my own to hands give birth to your partner."

Ryuu looked confused, "Test??"

Nuwa cracked a smile as she replied, "Any decent blacksmith treasure their creation as if they are his own child, our husband is not different, how can a father give their child to someone who just want to use that child for their own personal gain. Since you already know the value of your sword he will now personally forge one for you. But, you do not know how to use one so you will be studying the art of swordsmanship under your third mistress for the time being."

Ryuu nodded his head while fire of determination burned in his eyes as he vowed," Do not worry masters I will give my best to become worthy of my partner."

Everyone nodded at that with a smile.