
Heaven Devouring Blood God

When he was born, an anomalous heavenly pheonomena occured all over the world. His destiny was exceptional and transcendent. He was fated to become the strongest of the world. Countless powerhouses were alarmed and came out of their secluded cultivation. Knowing that this child will be a threat to their status and glory, all the powerhouses of the world plotted to kill him when he was still child. Seeing through their schemes, his parents sacrificed themselves and sent him to another world. In that world, he dominates everything with his talent and courage. Anyone who adheres him shall live and ascend but all those who defy him will be killed and a river of blood will be formed in his rage. Accompany Ashmus Ruler as he defies the way of the heavens and annihilate everything in the oath of his revenge.

Blooddevourer2394 · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Chapter-18: Darkmoon Organization

Then the man seems to have thought of something and said with a weird look on his face,". But, there is one thing i don't understand. Our leader is a strong person, so why did he choose weak people like us for this important mission."

"Wouldn't he have already completed the mission, if he had brought stronger subordinates than us" He asked.

"Ahh! You are suspecting our respected and kind hearted leader." The feminine person shouted and looked at the other man. "He must have wanted to help his weaker subordinates. Then why would he even let them escape and have them die by our hands. He wanted us to contribute something in this mission, so that he will give us a lot of rewards."

"With those rewards, we, his weaker subordinates, can rise our cultivation level, so when we get stronger, we will be able to help him in the future." He/she said with admiration on his/her face.

"Ohh..... That might be it. Why didn't i think of that? Loos like I'm getting old." The other man nodded after thinking for a bit.

"Hehe... People get wiser as they get older. You are just a muscle head. You don't have anything else in your head other than those lascivious thoughts." The feminine person looked at him and said.

" You are not any better than me. Don't tell me, you don't have any perverted thoughts in that head of yours."

" Cough.... Cough..... Enough nonsense. Let's finish these guys quickly and get back to our respected leader." He coughed slightly to hide his embarrassment and said with a serious face.

They stopped 20 meters away from Ashmus and others with other 50 people standing neatly behind them.

Now that they are closer, Ashmus could see their faces.

But he didn't have time to observe their faces. Because he could now tell, how powerful these people are.

The two people at the front were at the early stage of qi assimilation realm. And all the 50 people behind them are in the qi absorption realm, ranging from 1st stage to all the way to the peak of the realm.

Ashmus and the blue haired girl's face paled when they saw how powerful the lineup in front of them are.

They are even stronger than the group of assassins from before.

If these people had also attacked them with the group of assassins from before, they wouldn't even have the chance to flee from the village. They would all have died there.

A suffocating pressure appeared on Ashmus's body. He felt like the ground under him was about to break by the presence of these people.

If even he was feeling breathless from this pressure, then the mortal villagers were in even worse state. They were all kneeling on the ground with sweat covering their faces.

The only other one who was standing was the blue haired girl. She looked like she doesn't even feel any pressure and was looking the group in front of her with furrowed brows.

The two people were also observing them with surprised looks on their faces. They knew the blue haired girl because she was their target from the start.

Their leader had initially ordered them to kill some worthless village mortals.

But what they are seeing here was completely different than what they had imagined about a person from a village.

Ashmus was just too handsome to be labelled as someone from a backwater village.

Forget about the village, they have never seen someone as pretty as him in their entire life of roaming everywhere in this world.

The one who was most shocked was the Feminine person. His/her entire body was shaking in excitement. He/she felt that, his/her body is getting hot like never before.

Looking at Ash, He said, " what a handsome young man. I've never seen a face like that before."

"Yeah.... He is indeed the most handsome man I've ever seen." The man also nodded his head. "Huh! Looks like I'm getting influenced from hanging out with you too much." He then added, feeling goosebumps in his body.

"Hehehe... I'll never give him to you. If you want to have him, you have to fight with me."

"Like hell i would be interested in a man. I'd rather have my pick from these hordes of women." Then he said while pointing to someone" That one is pretty good. I'll have my fun whith her."

The person he pointed out was Eira, who was panting heavily from their pressure.

Ash was enraged when he heard those words. He looked at the lecherous man with a vicious gaze. if anyone thinks wrong about his sister then he will give him a painful death.

He handed over his mother to the blue haired girl and said," Take the villagers out from here. I will fight them here."

"How are you going to fight all of them here? And even if we want to escape from here, we won't be able to. They have surrounded the entire area." She said after looking around for a bit.

Ashmus looked around them and saw that there are some figures moving behind the woods. His hands were trembling in hopelessness.

"Either way, I can't just stand here and watch them kill us, right. A fight is inevitable." He stepped forward to confront the group.

He looked at the two men in the front and asked, " Who are you people? If you have already decided to kill us then why did the ones from before, let us escape."

The one who stepped forward was the one whose gender couldn't be distinguished,"Hey, handsome. What's your name? Why don't you come with me if you don't want to die." He said in a flirtatious smile.

Ash narrowed his eyebrows in disgust and asked again," where do you want me to go?"

"If you come with me. I will take veeeeerrrrry good care of you." He said in a blushing face.

"Where do you want to take me? Where do you guys come from?" He asked again in a annoyed tone.

"We come from the Darkmoon organization. It's a very good place. If you come to this place, then you can become a strong cultivator." He finally answered.

Ashmus's body Shivered by just looking at the person before him. But he finally managed to get the answer he wanted to know from them.

"Hey.... You just told him our secret. How could you break our most important rule. If the higher ups knows, they will give you a painful death." The other man who heard his words was shocked and said rebuked.

The feminine person also realised that, what he just said could be reason of his death. He came to his senses and said to the other man," Even if i tell them, what can they even do. They are all going to die here anyway. So, no one will know it. If no one is going to know, the higher ups won't kill me and just punish me slightly."

He was totally frightened by hearing the word 'punishment'.