
Heaven Devouring Blood God

When he was born, an anomalous heavenly pheonomena occured all over the world. His destiny was exceptional and transcendent. He was fated to become the strongest of the world. Countless powerhouses were alarmed and came out of their secluded cultivation. Knowing that this child will be a threat to their status and glory, all the powerhouses of the world plotted to kill him when he was still child. Seeing through their schemes, his parents sacrificed themselves and sent him to another world. In that world, he dominates everything with his talent and courage. Anyone who adheres him shall live and ascend but all those who defy him will be killed and a river of blood will be formed in his rage. Accompany Ashmus Ruler as he defies the way of the heavens and annihilate everything in the oath of his revenge.

Blooddevourer2394 · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter-17: No escape

Ash was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

He didn't even see her figure, when she saved them. Her speed was even faster than the arrows.

He always thought that the blue haired girl was a mortal from a rich family, because he couldn't even feel any aura from her body.

Normally, if someone is stronger than you, you won't be able to sense his cultivation base if he wants to hide it. But if you are experienced enough, you can still feel a little uneasy when you are near that person.

But that blue haired girl didn't have anything like that. Even Elder yoel, who was quite experienced in his life also didn't feel anything from her.

She always gave a feeling that she was a harmless mortal girl. But now that she had shown a little bit of her strength, Ashmus realised that she must be a formidable cultivator.

And how she gives up a feeling that she is mortal, he didn't know anything about that.

But then he thought, if she was a strong cultivator, then why didn't she fight with the assassins. If she had fought, then there would not be so many casualties.

But he couldn't think for much longer. Because the blue haired girl, after releasing Eira and Luna, staggered backwards. Her face paled a little and she coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Ashmus quickly caught her from falling to the ground. She hurriedly took out a rainbow coloured pill and swallowed it whole.

After a while, her face coloured a bit and her heavy breathing calmed down. She then realised that Ashmus was holding her waist to keep her from falling.

She blushed a little. when she wanted to move away from him, she saw that she couldn't move her body. She didn't try any longer and continued to lay in his arms.

Ashmus, who saw this, realised that the injuries of this girl was much more than could imagine.

She looked fine on the outside but was heavily injured to the degree that she couldn't even use her cultivation. If she forcefully used her strength, then her inner injuries will become worse.

The rainbow coloured pill she took was a much higher level than the green coloured pills she had given him. But even after taking the pill, Ash could feel that she hasn't recovered much than before.

Right now, Eira and Luna looked at the place where they had been previously. They saw that there were countless arrows that have pierced into the ground.

If they hadn't been saved, then they would have already died a tragic death. Their face paled a bit and Luna, who was scared badly, started crying.

Eira quickly consoled her and turned towards the blue haired girl and said with a grateful expression," Thank you bis sister, for saving our lives. "

Ashmus also snapped out of his daze and said," Thank you for saving both of their lives. If something had happened to them, then i would not have courage to live anymore."

That girl looked at his handsome face and said," It was you people, who had saved my life. If i can't even repay my saviours, then how can i even be called a human with a conscience."

"It was because of me that so many of your village died. I cannot bring them back to life, but i have decided to give my life to you." She said while looking directly into his blue eyes.

Ashmus was stunned by her words. He looked directly in her eyes and thought, looks like this girl is not aware of what she just said can be mistaken in another way.

But before he could reply to her words, there came a jarring sound from the mist.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Looks like your plan failed. Hehehe.... I told you, we should just kill them. Why were you so bent on laying this useless arrow trap to kill some worthless mortals. Your trap could not even kill a single one of them. What a joke.... Hahahahaha."

They heard a mocking laughter from behind the woods.

After a while, the laughter stopped and two figures could be seen, walking side by side. Behind these figures, Ashmus could make out atleast 50 more people, marching towards the Villagers.

These people were also wearing the same clothes as the assassins from before, clearly they were all from the same organization.

The two people in the front hadn't covered their faces, so it could be seen clearly.

The one on the left had a lecherous expression on his face. He looked like a 35 year old man. He was mocking the person next to him.

The person on the right had its entire face covered with dense makeup and its hair was tied like a married woman.

You won't be able to tell if its a male or female even if you look at his/her face closely.

The two slowly walked towards the villagers with their subordinates following behind them.

The person whose gender couldn't be distinguished laughed in a feminine manner and said to the man in his/her right side," Hehehe... I just wanted to try these poison coated arrows to see if they are effective in insta-killing someone. Too bad, my plan seems to have failed."

The other man looked at the villagers in the distance and said," Looks like what leader said was true, they managed to get away from this seize. But i didn't think that there would be that many people."

"Why would leader even let them escape and tell us to Ambush them here. What a waste of our time. I don't understand what is going on in that head of his."

"Hehe.... I think leader just wanted us to contribute something in this mission. Otherwise, how do you think they could have escaped if he didn't want to let them go. You know..... Our leader is so strong. Ahh..... My body is getting hot by just thinking about him." He/she said while hugging his/her own body. His/her face has turned bright red, blushing.

"Ugh.... You make me want to puke." The man moved further away from him/her and said in disgust.