
The secret hidden in bookmarks.

Lin Yingshi arrived at the school library as usual, where she likes to study because of the fresh air, quietness, and comfortable atmosphere that helps her focus. However, today her eyes unintentionally caught a book cover that read "I Have a Dream". The title piqued her interest, so she picked up the book and started reading.

The author of the book was an expert in the tech industry, and it detailed his dream of using technology to change the world since he was young. At the end of the book, there was a section for comments, and Lin Yingshi saw one comment that caught her attention. The comment read, "My dream is to become an AI expert and use technology to change the world." And the person who left the comment was none other than Qiao Yi.

Lin Yingshi was deeply impressed by this comment, so she left a reply in the comments section, "I believe your dream will definitely come true. - Lin Yingshi."

She began to pay more attention to Qiao Yi and would instinctively read books on artificial intelligence in the library, hoping to learn more about the subject and get to know Qiao Yi better.

At a technology innovation exhibition at school, Qiao Yi's work caught Lin Yingshi's attention. It was an artificial intelligence system that could predict the survival rate of pancreatic cancer patients. Lin Yingshi was amazed by Qiao Yi's technical expertise and innovative thinking.

"Qiao Yi, can this system really predict the survival rate of pancreatic cancer patients?" Lin Yingshi asked eagerly.

"Yes, I spent a lot of time and effort developing this system. Through deep learning and data analysis, it can predict the survival rate of patients based on factors such as age, gender, medical history, tumor size, and number of cancer cells," Qiao Yi said, with excitement and pride evident in his eyes.

Lin Yingshi was entranced by his explanation. This system not only provides better medical services for pancreatic cancer patients but also offers more accurate diagnosis and treatment plans for doctors. It was truly a meaningful innovation. "Qiao Yi is really amazing. Before, I just thought he was smart and curious. Now I see that he is also kind and has an inner charm," Lin Yingshi murmured to herself.

Qiao Yi interrupted her daydreaming and asked, "What are you thinking about so deeply?"

"Qiao Yi, you're really great. You make me proud. I mean, you make our whole class proud, and you'll make all of us proud in the future," Lin Yingshi suddenly realized she misspoke, correcting herself quickly.

Since seeing the exhibition of Qiao Yi's work, Lin Yingshi has been constantly reminding herself to strive to become an outstanding person, in order to have the opportunity to stand beside Qiao Yi. Qiao Yi is her role model.

Lin Yingshi returned to the library and quietly found the bookmark where Qiao Yi left a message, which read: "We'll meet at the mountaintop." This time, Lin Yingshi did not sign her name.

To others, this may seem like an anonymous crush, how could a genius and an ordinary girl have any intersection in the future? How could an ordinary girl be worthy of such a genius?