
Secretly placed pain-relieving medicine in your drawer

The exciting basketball game finally came to an end, and Class 6 of Grade 1 won the championship with overwhelming superiority. The whole class was immersed in the joy of victory, and they lifted Qiao Yi up to celebrate. Lin Yingshi was pulled by Wang Rui in circles, but she seemed not to have fully recovered from the tense atmosphere of the game and just followed Wang Rui passively. Suddenly, Lin Yu grabbed Wang Rui's hand, and the two high-fived happily before letting go of Lin Yingshi's hand. At this moment, only Lin Yingshi was still a little dazed, looking at Qiao Yi being lifted high by the crowd, feeling a bit complicated. Qiao Yi also noticed her, and their eyes met in the air. At this moment, Lin Yingshi didn't know how to respond and shyly lowered her head. It was just a momentary thing, caught by Wang Rui next to them. The sixth sense of a girl told her that these two people were a little different, but she couldn't be sure, thinking of finding an opportunity to test Lin Yingshi.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, Qiao Yi sat next to the basketball court, sorting out his equipment. He suddenly found that his arm was a little swollen and painful, so he lifted it to check. At this time, Lin Yingshi, who had returned halfway to look for lost props, saw this scene and thought that Qiao Yi must have been injured while saving her. So she hurriedly ran to the school clinic, bought a bottle of pain relief medicine, and when she returned to the basketball court, Qiao Yi had already left. She could only quietly put the medicine in Qiao Yi's drawer in the classroom. Just as she left Qiao Yi's seat, she saw Qiao Yi at the classroom door, but she was unsure if Qiao Yi had noticed her actions. In fact, since Lin Yingshi stepped into the basketball court, Qiao Yi had already noticed her every move, seeing her rushing to buy medicine and putting the medicine in the drawer, but Qiao Yi did not expose her. He seemed to have a different feeling towards the girl in front of him too.

Lin Yingshi and Wang Rui were walking home from school together. "Qiao Yi was so amazing today. He truly deserves to be my crush. I wish the ball had hit me instead. I wonder if my crush will come to the rescue again," Wang Rui said, looking dreamy as she spoke.

"I was so scared when the ball came flying at me, but I'm really grateful to Qiao Yi for blocking it. I wonder how his injury is," Lin Yingshi said, but before she could finish, a voice interrupted them.

"Don't worry, he's fine. It was just a minor injury," Qiao Yi and Lin Yu rode up on their bikes at that moment.

"Thank you so much for today. Did you happen to see..." Lin Yingshi was about to ask Qiao Yi if he had seen the painkillers in her drawer, but she stopped herself mid-sentence.

"I saw them. You don't need to thank me. Lin Yu would have done the same thing if he had seen them," Qiao Yi said. Lin Yu and Wang Rui looked puzzled when they heard this exchange.

"What did you see?" Lin Yu and Wang Rui asked in unison.

"Oh, nothing. It's just our little secret," Qiao Yi said with a smile. Lin Yu and Wang Rui were even more confused and felt like there was some kind of story behind their conversation.

In the following days, their lives returned to their usual routine. Lin Yingshi and Wang Rui often walked home together and studied together after school. Lin Yu and Qiao Yi would also occasionally join them. However, Lin Yingshi seemed to intentionally avoid being alone with the two guys, and she wasn't sure if it was because she was afraid her feelings would be exposed or because she was afraid her crush would deepen. Qiao Yi also felt confused and wanted to get to know the girl in front of him, but he was afraid of rejection.