
Having fun in multiverse with my system

It's My first writing so enjoy!!!

Alpha_09 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 3 : Making Partner And Joining Plantation 13

After waiting for a while it's finally gonna start I'm seeing two people well if we include the guard then it's three, that standing on a platform two of them seems to be talking to each other, one is hiro and the other is a girl name naomi.

They were talking when the girl suddenly drop her suitcase and start crying. And a few minute later the capsule arrive and naomi get on it but when hiro wants to follow her she threw her suitcase to hiro to make him stay.

And a few minutes later when hiro want to get on his capsule he change his mind but suddenly there's an earthquake hiro was surprised then he quickly Looking towards naomi's capsule he sees something like a blue pillar then a huge monster appear.

That's a klaxosaur, the klaxosaur speeding to the plantation and on its way it destroy the platform that hiro was in so hiro fell to another platform behind it

Hiro saw the klaxosaur was fighting something so he runs to warned his friends about it.

When he arrives he sees the klaxosaur charging something like a beam and a robot that looked like a lion standing in front of it to defend the plantation.

The lion robot successfully Fend it off but it was blown away to hiro's place so he run to evade it, hiro then see a man that fall in the ground dying so he tried to save him but a woman with pink hair said "he's already dying".

It was zero two that look weak with blood on her forehead, she said she's going to fight it alone but hiro insisted for to not, then after some talk hiro decided to go with her and she agree to it.

I'm watching from above when suddenly a light shine then the klaxosaur like being lifted by something, it was strelizia with hiro and zero two.

It throw the klaxosaour then throw the spear that in the hand of strelizia to the klaxosaur, then speeding up to the klaxosaur to destroy it's core.

After killing the klaxosaur the cockpit of strelizia open and showing two figure, zero two and hiro.

"I guess that's that, aniway now that is done it's time to join the fun." Said vance. "But before that let me make my own partner".

Then vance imagine a girl with black hair, golden eyes, a beautiful face, and a perfect body with the breast not too big and not too small.

When vince finish imagining a light appear in front of him and takes the form base on his imagination.

"Done! From now on your name will be Vera" said vince.

"Thank you master, for creating me and giving me name" vera said

"You're too stiff, just call me vince. Ah and i have too change the memories of all of them for us to be able to join."

"Understood, vince"

"Alright, system change the memories of all the people of plantation 13, make them think that the two of us are the last member that just arrived" said vince to the system.

[Understood.. 20%..75...100% change completed!]

"Nice, let's go"

[Parasite Mansion, Plantation 13]

Everyone except for hiro are gathering in the living room when suddenly nana came inside with two people, on is a handsome boy with silver hair and blue eyes and one is a girl with black hair and golden eyes.

"Nana who are they?" Ask ichigo"

"They are the last member of your team Vince and Vera" answer nana

"Hello I'm Vince and this is my partner Vera, hope we get along" said Vince with a smile and Vera just bow slightly.

"Hello I'm Ichigo the captain of these team" said ichigo

"Okay now show them their room and get along im going back now" said nana

After that nana left and goro take vince to his room and ichigo take vera to her room.