
Having fun in multiverse with my system

It's My first writing so enjoy!!!

Alpha_09 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 : Meeting The Main Cast

"Alright for the first world will be Darling In The Franxx, i want to meet zero two!" Said our MC.

(A/N : I'm not choosing his name yet)

[Which timeline do you want to go to?] Ask the system.

"When canon start" said our MC with excited tone.

[Processing... 3%..20%..75%..100%. Process Complete.]

[Transporting Host In 3..2..1]

Suddenly he is feeling like losing consciousness for a few second. And when he open his eyes he's already in a vast dessert with something that looked like a dome can be seen.

[Host i advice you wear some clother first] said the system.

He confused and then looked down and seeing his little brother hanging there."Oh.. i forgot about it"

[*face palm*]

"I just forgot it's not like someone saw it" he then think about a white sweater with some gold color decoration a black jeans and a white sneaker. "There!"

When he finish making his clothes a ship pass below him and there is a pink hair girl with horn inside it and a few other people.

"Beautiful as always.." then he fly to the dome like thing. "It's more like a bird cage than a dome" said the MC.

When he is on top of the dome he saw a boy burying a dead bird."Poor bird" he said

Then the boy heard something and go and check it out, when he arrive at the source of the sound he saw a clothes that seems to be a female clothes. And then he heard something in the water so he walk closer then a girl with pink hair and a horn and a fish in her mouth suddenly emerge from the water.

The girl then look at the boy who Hold her panties and walk closer to him, the boy slightly panic so he walk backwards when he suddenly trip and fall on the water.

The girl then get out of the water and the boy quickly get up and tried his best not to look at the girl naked body. Then suddenly a voice

"Hmm" a man with silver hair and blue eyes is sitting on the trees looking at the two of them with a smile. "You trying so hard not to look at her dude hahahaha"

The two of them look at the man and the boy ask "who are you!?"

The man then look shock when hearing the boy question. 'oh yeah i forgot to decide a name for my new self' he thought for a momen and then decided.

"My name is Vince" said Vince. "and what's yours? And you too girl" ask Vince

The boy look at him and after some time "Hiro" then the girl "well my code is '002' but everyone calls me Zero Two" said the girl while still naked.

"Ok.. but Zero Two, can put a clothes and Hiro you should give her panties back" said Vince and giggles slightly.

Hiro is shock and embarrassed and immediately give Zero Two her panties back.

After that she put on her clothes and talking with bot of them after a few minutes she suddenly ask a question to Vince "oh yeah who are you? Your not a parasite so how can you be here"

"Hmm.. that's a secret" said Vince with a smile. "More importantly there seems to be people coming, it seems that is all the time i had see you two later!" Said Vince while disappearing from the tree.

Then couple of men arrive there to escort Zero Two back to her place and leaving Hiro alone.

"Well that was a fun talk" said Vince while watching them from above."I think I'm just gonna wait again for the scene when hiro ride the strelizia with zero two.

"While waiting i wanna sorted out my status and skill, system show me my status."


Name : Origin/Vince

Race :Origin

Title : The One Above All, The Creator Of All Things

HP : ♾


STR : ♾

AGI : ♾

DEX : ♾

INT : ♾

CHA : ♾

LUCK : ♾

WISH : ♾

"Hmm i don't have a skill yet" said vince "i think it's time to make one"

After a while he already make the necessary skill like [Instant Recovery], [Omni Weapon Control], [Omni Vehicle Control] just that because when he wants more then he just need to make more.