
Off to Laetus forest

Finishing off the last bite of food he had on his plate from the spicy pork and spinach dumplings with soy dipping sauce he made earlier, Xinya glanced at the clock.

After seeing that one hour has already passed, he went into the living room, to see if Wei was still glued to her cell, only to find it empty. 

There was only a plate devoid of food, left on the glass table in front of the couch. Knowing that she must have already gone back to the game, Xinya just rolled his eyes and gathered up the dish to the kitchen to be clean with the others. 

Once in the kitchen, Xinya grabbed the dish bucket off the counter and started stacking the dishes he used into it, before carrying it over to the dishwasher to be cleaned. After they were loaded, he proceeded to wipe the table, stove and counter down of any mess left on them.