
has been cancelled

After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · ตะวันออก
24 Chs

chapter 20

So I moved in the grasses cover and approached them as silently as possible. Wore my gauntlets and once I was close enough I used black lightning with some of it covering my gauntlets with it.

James tried to fight back and swung the broad at his attackers

.They moved back to dodge the attack .

I seized the small moment and used blacklightning to enhance my speed and power. I attacked one of them close by attacking the back of his head .

Sensing the danger the man tried to look back but it was too late .When he tried to turn a punch hit his skull the momentum sent him down the ground hard .

I used lightning claws and pummeled him with a fury on body blows quickly taking him out of the equation. By the time the other two realized something was wrong I was already done.

James it's Frank you fight one I'll take the other I said jumping to attack the other guy.

A lightning encased spear came my way, I side stepped it and went for a left hook. He ducked under and withdrew his spear .

I went for a heel kick following after but he blocked with the spear shaft. I kept on the attack not letting him make space to use his spear properly .


James POV

Today I decided to go training in the Thunderstorm area in the sect .

Few hours into train I suddenly got attacked .

Taking the hit I was sent flying a few meters when I landed I turned to look at my attackers.

Looking at them I noticed one of them it's a lackey of some young master Williams who I met a week ago .

Drew my sword from my space ring and got ready to fight the loosing battle before me. what the hell do you want I asked looking for an opening .

You know what we want you think you can mess with the young master, taking his mission and rewards but not get punished keep dreaming.

Soon as the lackey said that they started attacking and me .I tried to block and dodge but with 3guys a level above me it was too hard.

I was soon bruised and bleeding on the ground.

You think you can mess with young master Williams and get away with it boy.

As I was taking the beating I saw a silhouette moving in the grass behind them .Then a man jumped from the grass attacking one of the lackeys who was distance away from the two.

Before I could even think of something the lackey got punched to the ground and given a quick beating. It only took 5 seconds and the lackey was completely immobilised. The man rose up and turned to look at me and said he was Frank .

You take one I'll one, I'll take the other he said before attacking another lackey .

I rose from the ground and attacked the last guy ferociously. Thunder blade art, first art impact I swung the broad sword at my enemy who was a little distracted.

He used his sword and tried to block at the last moment. The momentum sent him flying I went after him. With all the anger in my heart I started fighting him with everything I had .

Attacking in all directions with my broadsword never gave him the chance to regain footing.

The fight went on and after a few attacks he dodged and started to attack back .And the fight was now in a stalemate with me in a slight disadvantage because of the injuries .Just as I was getting pushed back I saw a black ball coming fast .

I overcharged my Qi and swung at my opponent he blocked it with his own but my attack sent it to collide with the ball .The moment his back hit the ball it exploded blasting him away raising dust.


Frank went on his fight with the spearman throwing punch and more.

The man managed to put some distance between them and attacked with his spear .Frank jumped back dodging the attack and condensed two black lightning balls .

Looking at the situation James was getting pushed to a disadvantage and he can't end the fight soon without risking.

He saw James was looking in his direction and threw one of the orbs in his direction.

Turning back Frank blocked his opponents spear and threw a punch .

The punch was blocked but Frank followed up with the lightning orb at point blank range the orb and BOOOM .

The explosion sent both man flying away but Frank was relatively uninjured from it unlike his opponent.

He quickly condensed another two and threw it at him just for insurance .Then turned to find James had his opponent down too .

He ran to him stepping on the fallen man before dragging James along escaping the area .

Frank and James soon moved away with Frank taking him to his residence and putting on the privacy arrays. So what the hell is going on here explain what I got into by saving your add right now dude said Frank.

James took a breath before starting to explain the situation.

So a week ago I was in the mission hall and some guy showed up saying he wanted the mission I chose to do .

Obviously I refused and he threatened me with his family and power but I didn't know anything about them. So I just ignored him and took the mission but when I was out I got to know he belongs to a leading family in one of the cities here .

he doesn't know where I stay yet so I guess he had his lackeys looking for me to teach me a lesson after I came back that's all I can guess from the situation here . Thanks for saving me man ,

Sorry got involved in this whole thing .

Fuck ..Frank cursed his luck at this moment, now that just sucks but long as they don't bother me I don't care .Good luck staying alive bro .

You can come to me for help long as it's within my power I won't mind helping you out .

Thanks a lot man but I never thought you'd look like this under the wooden mask. Why did you decide to take it off I was so confused on who would help me at first James said.

I touched my face not feeling the regular wood I cursed again. I didn't want to do it I guess it got destroyed when I was struck by lightning in the training room. Now I'll have to make a new one really liked that masked thou .

Thanks for the help man I'm might take a team mission soon I'll call for your help. Well I'm leaving man James said leaving the room and walking to his residence.

Also congratulations on your breakthrough you monster his voice sounded .