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After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · Eastern
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chapter 19

After the hours of body training in the gravity area. Frank moved on to the Thunderstorm area to train and refine his lightning Qi. Walking in the area Frank was greeted by the grassy windy plains with winds blowing in his face. Frank moved in the room fighting against the wind currents.

When he got deep in it he started using electric dance to move against the winds. His speed had decreased significantly however causing Frank to exert more Qi to use it. Ohh so that's why people come practice movement techniques here. So he started trying run around with electric dance.

He kept on practice until he was close to running out of Qi. Looks like I've reached the limit of the 2nd level of electric dance. I'll need some enlightenment or something to progress at this point ,Frank muttered to himself.

Then he moved into the valley with more lightning strikes .

Frank walked into the area and was looking for the better conditions for him to train. Minutes after wondering he found a area with a few trees and rocks there was 2 peak stage outer disciples training there too .He found a spot a little away from them and sat on the rock there to cultivate.

He started by recovering his Qi when it was fully recovered he started absorbing the lightning Qi in the area. Running the blacklightning manual full force. Frank started to absorb energy at a pace a little greater then the peak stage disciples close by. Minutes went by with Frank cultivating calmly.

As more and more lightning Qi started to gather around him so did the clouds. With the pull of 3 people in less than an hour a lightning strike went down .First time It hit an empty spot but the second landed above Frank's head. He used lightning claws to block the attack while raising a Qi barrier on himself.

With the strike had power somewhat above peak Qi absorbing stage .

Frank took the full attack and was blasted down the rock. The strike ended and Frank could be seen twitching on the ground with electric currents moving all over his body. Gaining his mind back Frank used his qi to guide the foreign lightning into his dantian.

The black lightning moved in and swallowed the new lightning before moving back to its position in his dantian. Frank got up and ate a healing pill healing the injuries he obtained. Dammit the lightning is stronger than expected ,he complained getting back to the rock and cultivating again.

An odd 30 minutes later another few strikes came down with one getting taken by the one of the two beside him. Frank stayed in the storm area for around 17 hours taking on a total of 9 lightning strikes .

Which can be said to be rare most don't even get 3 strikes in that time .

Guess I can thank the blacklightning manual.

Another thing Frank realized is that the black lightning will always move to swallow the foreign lightning in his dantian. So he thought of a plan since I barely absorb 20% of the lightning in my body normally.

why not add black lightning on my body and Qi barrier to try maximize the gains at once .

He went on with his plan absorbing the Qi at a wild rate and before an hour ended lightning started to form. Frank moved the Black lightning out of his dantian to cover his body. Unknowingly to Frank the moment the Black lightning went out the lightning in the sky increased in power.

Seconds later lightning came down to strike full power. Frank used lightning claws to block the attack but it was too strong. It hit him hard and crashed him on the rock causing it to crack and break .The white flash of lightning faded and Frank was lying on the crushed rock miserably.

His clothes were burned and cut now looking like rags his hair burnt and spiky overall a beggar looked better than him.

Urghh he groaned on the ground getting to sit shaking his head.

Hey dude are you good, asked one of the disciples close to him .

The looked over to looking at the impact area and Frank .

He showed a bit of suprise as he saw Frank's state thou he looked bad he only had mild injuries.

Yeah I'm alright just that strike was way too strong. Frank said as he started inspecting himself .Few burns and flash wounds and cracked bones on his arms.

It will take 2 weeks for the bones to heal fully with 2stat healing pills.

Man that hurts like hell ,he complained taking out a peak 3 star healing pill eating at once. Freak said the one guy who talked at first before he left the area.

Some might call it a waste but Frank had to heal the internal injuries and damage caused by the blacklightning on his body was not easy.

He sat down and circulated the medicine in his body it was hard on his body .His meridians lost their swelling and bones healed back to shape. Took the time to look at the gains and Frank was satisfied with it. he got five times the benefits of the normal procedure with no residual lightning on his body like other times .

So though risky this method works best with this I can save time I spend here. Frank had managed to reach 21% black lightning in his dantian. If I do this till core formation realm until peak Qi nourishing stage I'll be able to completely Turn my lightning Qi to black it will be best the core formation stage with it completed.

Well I should be done here if I keep doing this it won't be beneficial to me anymore. So try out the new difference in my body and Qi fully this time. So Frank started moving around the area sometimes dodging and blocking lightning strikes .After a few minutes of wondering around Frank heard the sound of battle close by.

He decided to go check it out and what he saw there left him surprised. James was in the fight trying to defend against 3 other guys. All three are peak stage outer disciples attacking him with lightning a viscous blows. Man was bloody and bruised holding his broad sword to defend himself.

Who do you think you are messing with young master William .You're lucky you're within the sect or your dog life would be over right now. Said one of the guys who was attacking James . Looking at the situation I knew if I don't act soon my boy will be banged up good.

Need to take out these guys quick.

Only in mid stage I can't fight 3 or even two of those guys alone .I'll need to take one out fast before trying to battle the others. And escape with James . Thinking fast I decided to on a plan to sneak attack and knock one of them out before taking on the other and escaping with James when the chance arrives .