
has been cancelled

After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · ตะวันออก
24 Chs

chapter 10, Moving to the Argries sect

The battles went on with several interesting fights on the battle royals by evening the final battle royal happen and winning it was a member of the Langa family .Emilia dominated the battles using her flaming twin sabres and high Qi absorbing realm cultivation. Most participants have mid Qi absorbing and few at high but no match for her on the end .

Elder Zhan came and announced that fights will continue tomorrow morning giving time for fighters to heal . Went back to sleep on that tree in the park while meditating and digesting the experience from today's battles. I figured I lack diversity in my techniques and don't have any for mid range ,long range or crowd control.

Morning I went over to watch the fights and understand battle better and learn from others styles. The one on one battles took 3 days to complete and the extra 50 candidates where selected , then Elder Zhan said that will be leaving by ship tomorrow after all should be on the sects ship you'll see it with the green and white emblem of shield with vines and cross swords .

After getting the information I went to get dinner at a restaurant and ordered some Pap and meat with beer to drink. Then went to that inn getting a room for the night after taking a bath, decided to cultivate taking out 3 mid stage spirit stones I started absorbing the Qi from them and the air , looking into my dantian looks like I'll break through in 6 months if keeps it this rate maybe shorter with some pills .

Morning came and I decided to finish buying basic necessities in the city before going to the sect ,went by the alchemy guild to buy some resources.

Then moved to the inscription and forging hall to buy forging materials to practice forging for my weapons in the future then I went to see one of the peak earth grade blacksmiths to get forging notes and most knowledge he was willing to sell.

After buying the information and materials for 160mid grade spirit stones. I remembered I have to feed the blood ore some of my blood ,decided to do it after reaching the sect .after buying everything I'd need in a long while by midday I ran on rooftop to the western city gate that leads to red coral harbour.

Entering the ship I looked for a spot to relax finding a nice secluded corner I sat there and decided to check out the memory jade I had the blacksmith make me, going through the information and integrating It in my memory. Late afternoon the ship started moving after short while I was back to comprehending the hard or forging .

Morning came and the ship finally arrived at the island the sect calls home. Though it's called an island the main part is as big as Madagascar with several smaller islands connected to them by bridges .When the ship docked the elders led out into the sect heading to the main hall .

when we got there Elder Zhan had a short conversation with the elder incharge then he moved left and returned after 2 minutes. We were then given the light green robes with the sect crest and white vine prints on it. Said inner sect disciples have a white robes with green vines ,while core don't need to wear any .

The elders will have their rank on the backs of their robes .

Then they gave us sect badges ,they are your prof identity and also hold in record of your contribution points within the sect I'll explain that later after explaining the rules of the sect to you newbies Said the New elder who was giving out the uniforms and badges.

Sect rules are simple No fighting in the sect outside of training grounds, no killing should a fight happen in the sect outside it they don't care. If you have a tamed beast it should be with you or left in your residence, any damages done by the beast will be compensated by the owner so are the crimes .

No outsiders in the sect without special permission, and every outer disciple must complete a mission from the sect every 6months you can stack on them for 2 years by completing 4 missions at once but no more time will be given .You can also post missions at the mission hall but you have to pay a reward and small fee to the sect ,you also get the rewards there of the mission there.

Any island without a bridge leading to it is a restricted area and no one is allowed, being found there will have you heavily punished even get killed .Outer sect disciples of are not allowed into the inner and core sect without special permission ,or the company of an elder or inner sect disciple .There were several more rules said but those were the most common.

The sect uses a point based system, with contribution points you complete tasks and mission posted by the sect or anyone to get the points ,you can also sell resources like weapons and treasures for them . Contribution points are used to buy resources from the sect and you can even ask an elder for lessons and some assistance with enough of them .

The points can are used to buy from the sect vault ,you can buy information in the library along with cultivation manuals and battle arts along with other techniques .Most of the special training areas of the sect use contribution points to use .Then they showed us a map of the sect on the wall I quickly memorized the key areas of it .

Soon after the outer sect elder led us to the residential area in the outer sect . Looking around I found James ,drew and Seth .The elders left us in empty area filled with small houses ,they said find a house and link it to your sect badge to claim it the house has several arrays in it and any damages to your house will be held responsible to you for repairs .

moving around we found ourselves some houses close to eachother.

moved in to claim mine it had 3 empty rooms in it .I checked out the arrays it has. There are sound arrays to block out sound either from inside or outside. protecting array and a Qi gathering array though the sect already has a huge one ,there are few more but these 3 where the most important.