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After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · Eastern
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chapter 11, first visit to special training rooms

After checking the arrays out I took out some furniture and decorated the house ,a bed on the corner of one room with a reading table and a bookcase.Then some blue and green light crystals ,filled the first and biggest room with some chairs and table then hung a hammock on the corner putting a few light crystals there and there ,the last room I turned into the bathroom.

With all done I went to the room took out a bucket and put the blood ore in it, cut my wrist and let it bleed filling the bucket a little, threw in a high grade spirit stone for pure Qi for it. seems I only got 183 of them left. after loosing a liter of blood took a healing pill and closed the wound and sealed the bucket and put it under the bed .

Then I took the memory jade from the blacksmith and started studying it ,time went on and after four days I had imprinted everything from the jade into my memories. Waking up from meditation, left the room to visit the library and get the some information on the workings of the sect fully .

Library is on the main center of island close but somewhat far from the Main hall. Going in I looked around the first floor of the library and the place is pretty big I can admit , looking around I found the book topics I was looking for and took several books from them. Sitting down I started reading the stack of books I got for myself.

So aside from the information I got at Jeppes Reef town this one was more detailed and the cultivators information I finally found .

Then I started reading the Demon beast encyclopedia looking for interesting beasts to tame with potential and read on some local herbs and treasures.

Finished with my books I looked for a outer core disciple on my level , finding my target in the library i went to him, took out a a few low stage spirit stones and gave them to him. So I'm new here care to explain how things work around here and the value of the contribution points .

The points are high value a low level mission will give out around 80 points with the worse ones like errands giving 20 points .

The training room cost around 5 points per hour , martial techniques will will start at 500 points cost the better the costlier. after explaining them ,he went on with the strongest disciples and the trouble some ones .

After getting the information I decided to check look for techniques to buy later on when I have accumulated enough points . Moving to the third floor of the library it had earth grade techniques. walking around I passed by most of the low level ones reached the peak earth rank techniques

I need a concealment, long range ,and area control maybe a few more offensive attacks. looking through the books I found a concealment that allows you to hide your Qi or make it a few levels lower ,can't be seen through by anymore even a major level above you . Then there was lightning discharge for wide area and looking for a while I couldn't find a technique for long range .

Soon reached the end of the library but in one corner was an old rugged book, opening it up looked inside it's a weapon manifestation techniques that lets you create and bow and shoot your elemental bolts from it depending on you element .but after looking through it I saw its actually grade less but why was it stuck here not higher.

After looking at it for a while I realized the technique was incomplete so no one had managed to bring out it's full Potential. It costs 3000 points , electric discharge costs 2200 points and the concealment costs 1900 points looks like ,I'll need at least 7000 points before coming back here .

After that I left the library to go try out the special the special training areas. First up was the gravity room ,the chill zone ,the storm room ,along with few others . Decided to try out the gravity room paid 20 points for 4hours in the room entering the room the gravity started weighting down on me .First few meters was 3times the gravity but the deeper in the area the more the gravity increases started slowing down at 7x gravity and stopped at 12x .

The gravity room had a good number of cultivators scattered around keeping distance some training the room and some where even training movement techniques under the pressure, maybe I should do that another day might what I need to break through to stage 3 of electric dance.

I laid down on my back and let the pressure push my whole body and tried to cultivate but it felt hard the Qi was moving sluggishly and dispersed into my body. Kept on trying and 2 hours later I finally starting making my Qi complete a cycle but it took 2 minutes and half of my Qi went into my body ,I looking at my body though small it had gotten a little refined.

Seems the chamber is good for body cultivation, realizing that I took out some Qi accumulation pills and started eating them like candy and cultivating. After 2 hours cultivation I left the room deciding to come back again with better resources and more time. Moved into the storm room which was a beautiful grassland with wind and lightning all over .

Moved deeper in and soon the winds and lightning got stronger .

looking around I saw several disciples training most training movement techniques moving against the winds and few lightning cultivators even letting lightning strike them to absorb it's energy it's said to puring your lightning energy never tried it before.

Moved to area more saturated with lightning energy and strikes.

Sat cross-legged and started circulating my lightning energy soon I was able to absorbing small amounts of lightning energy feeling progress I increased the absorption rate and boom.. i got struck by lightning, taking me by surprise .

Dust cleared and Frank's miserable figure could be seen with torn clothes and ash and dust all over him .Caugh.. Caugh dam I wasn't expecting that to happen so fast he mumbled and some close by cultivators looked at him and laughed ,Guess it's your first time huh newbie careful to take it slow ,hahaha said one them walking off.

Lucky they said this uniform has repair and clean inscriptions on them. Frank cleaned himself with Qi and started cultivating again feeling the residual energy from the strike run inside him Frank tried moving it to his will and after some tries he moved a few strands some into his dantian it started moving around it and after a while getting swallowed by the gray lightning.