

Chapter 10: Waking up to Tonks (Honks)

A/N: I know it's extremely cliche to start a Honks story the summer after fifth year but what can I say, it's really the best place to start it :)

Harry lay on his bed at Number 4, Privet Drive, staring up at the ceiling thinking of all that went wrong. First, he falls into Voldemort's trap and gets his godfather, one "mass murderer" Sirius Black. Then, Dumbledore drops the prophecy on him, telling him that he is going to die if he doesn't become a murderer.

He's been staring at the ceiling for so long he can start to see Sirius' face in the ceiling cracks, looking at him disappointedly, almost to say,"Quit sulking and go live your life.". Not sure if he's going crazy or not, he does know that he needs to leave the suffocating environment of Privet Drive for a little while.

With his wand in his waistband, he sets out to the park he knows Dudley doesn't frequent as much. Walking through a field, he hears a twig snap behind him and quickly turns around, wand out to confront the person, only to smash into something invisible and have said thing land on him.

"Oof, can't you be any less boney Harry? Jeez." said a muffled, but recognizable voice.

"Tonks?" Harry asked incredulously.

"The one and only," Tonks said as she lowered the hood on her invisibility cloak,"Wotcher Harry."

"Uhh, you're kind of, um, on me Tonks," Harry said uncertainly.

"Oh," she replied feeling his growing discomfort,"Ohh, sorry about that". She got up off of him and helped him up. He vainly tried to cover up his growing problem, "Fuck it she already saw it if not felt it," he thought to himself.

"So Harry, you must be popular with the female population at Hogwarts, huh?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, girls throwing their knickers at you and what not."

"Uhh, no not really".

"Well, you've had a girlfriend at least?"

"No, the closest I've gotten was a few sloppy kisses from a girl more focused on crying."

"What?! I'd have thought that the Boy-Who-Lived would have bed at least half of Hogwarts population by now," she said incredulously.

"Yeah well, they are too busy ousting me as some sort of Dark Lord half of the time."

"Well they're really stupid, anyone with an IQ point would see that you just want to be you, I can relate to that."

"Thanks, and what do you mean by that?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, I didn't start making my hair pink and changing my appearance until second year. In my first year, people wanted me to change my appearance for them, and I stupidly did it thinking it would get me some friends." she sighed, "All it did was make me feel like a circus monkey, changing whenever someone asked, so I closed myself off to never feel like that ever again."

"Well, I definitely see how that relates, and I'm sorry you had to go through that," Harry replied morosely.

"It's fine, I'm mostly over it now."

An awkward silence ensued for a minute, until Harry said,"Wait a minute, you weren't that cute Hufflepuff from my first year that sat in the back of the library, were you?"

"Cute Hufflepuff? Interesting." she thought,"Yeah, I usually studied there for my NEWTs after dinner."

"Heh, I kind of had a small crush on you back then," Harry said with a blush.

"Going after older women now, Harry?" she said smirking, his blush getting worse, "Well you aren't too bad yourself, handsome."

"Well, considering all of the shite I've had to go through in my life, I would like to think that I am a little more mature for my age." he responded, "and thanks."

"I just can't take living here with my relatives anymore." he spat out,"Why can't Dumbledore just understand that they hate me and don't want me."

"You know what Harry, I have an idea. Take my arm," he did so, and she apparated them back to his room at Privet Drive.

"Why did you bring me back here?" he asked, now in a bad mood.

"Well, I read a spell that can make a magical dummy, in one of the not-so-light magic books in the Black library. Before Sirius died he told me to take care of you if he were never around, so that is exactly what I am doing," she said as she transfigured a close replica of Harry's body from some bed sheets.

"Now I will need a piece of your hair to transfer your magical signature and base memories to the dummy," she said taking the hair,"thank you."

She waved her wand in a complex manner, muttering under her breath until he heard,"Done!"

"There, now he will respond when spoken to, but mostly just lay there silently," she explained,"now let's get you out of here."

She grabbed his hand and apparated to her apartment, "Home sweet home," she said,"I hope you don't mind, it's mostly muggle."

He waved her off, "I've lived like a muggle most of my life anyway."

"No matter, make yourself at home, we can go shopping tomorrow and get you some nice new threads," she said.

"You really don't have t-"

"I'm not doing it because I have to, I'm doing it because I want to, Harry."

"Fine," he grumbled,"where is your shower, I didn't get to take them very often at the Dursleys"

"First door on the right, towels are under the counter."

"Thanks, Tonks. Like really, you don't know how much this means to me."

"I know Harry."

After Harry got out of the shower, he asked,"Hey Tonks, where am I sleeping tonight?"

"Well there is only one bed, but if you stay on your side we shouldn't have any problems." she said jokingly,"And it's further down the hall on the left. I am going to stay up a bit reading, you go ahead."

"Ok, and really, thanks again."

"No problem."

Harry woke up from one of the most restful nights of sleep for him in a long time snuggled into something warm and squishy, and on closer inspection, something pushed against his butt and legs. "U-uh Tonks?"

"Yeah?" she asked blearily.

"What is that pushing on my butt?"

"Oh, that's just my penis Harry."

"Oh, ok," Harry said closing his eyes to go back to sleep.

Harry's eyes shot open and he rolled over as he processed the new information, "Wait, what?!"

Now fully awake, Tonks replied,"I'm sorry Harry, I didn't mean to freak you out. You must think me a freak now." as Harry saw tears well up in her eyes.

"Tonks, you know I would never think of you like that, especially after all you've done for me so far."

"Don't bother Harry, I know you are just trying to make me feel better."

"I'm not and I can prove it."


"I hope I didn't misjudge the situation," was all Harry could think as he leaned in and kissed her,"because you know I will always like you, for you."

If their first kiss was just for testing the waters then their second one was for reassurance. Everything after that was pure passion.

"That means a lot to me, Harry," she said as she smiled.

Harry's eyes widened as he felt her shorts pulse, and felt himself rise up few centimeters,"It gets bigger?!" he exclaimed with astonishment,"How big does it get?"

Tonks paused, and hesitantly said,"Would-would you like to see it?"

"S-sure," Harry stuttered as he slid off of her lap.

Tonks repositioned herself so her hips were up in the air,"A little help?" she asked.

"Of course!" he exclaimed as he moved to grab her shorts. Harry slipped his fingers inside of her waistband and started to slowly pull down her shorts,"No panties?" he questioned as he immediately saw a tuft of neatly trimmed pink hair. "A little tough to conceal, don't you think?" she responded. As he kept pulling, he could now see the top of her thick veiny girl-cock, positioned in between her legs. It wasn't until he got close to her knees that he could see the red monster that was the tip of her cock. Another inch down and her woman-hood sprung to attention at full salute.

"Oh, my…" he breathed as he took in her full beauty. She stood tall at 14 ½ inches and was at least 4 inches in diameter. She breathed in quickly as his hand brushed over the tip of her cock. "It's...it's..." he started as she finished with,"ugly I know". "No, it's beautiful," he said slightly forcefully.

"May I touch it?" he asked softly. Surprised, she said,"I...I guess, yeah."

Harry slid his hand from the very tip all the way down to the bottom, where he tried to wrap his hand around the base. "Mmm," Tonks softly moaned. "This feels good?" Harry said as he moved his hand back up to the tip. "Yes!" she gasped.

More confident in his actions, Harry joined his second hand with his first, to wrap all the way around her cock. She moaned as he glided both hands up and down her shaft. After a few long moments, he noticed a small drop of liquid pooling at the top of her slit. "Hey Tonks, what's that?" he said as he nodded towards the mystery liquid. "Pre-cum Harry, it means I'm really enjoying what you are doing." she gasped,"Put your mouth on top of me, Harry, please!" she begged for his ministrations

"Okay Tonks, I trust you," he said as he placed his mouth on the tip of her cock. "Oh!" she moaned as he swirled his tongue around her cock. Pre-cum flooded his mouth as she moaned. He didn't want to be rude and spit it out on her or her bed, so he did the only thing he could, he swallowed it.

"More!" Tonks said as she started to push his head down further,"I need more," she whimpered.

She kept on pushing until his jaw popped and her cock slid further into his mouth, flirting with the entrance to his throat. As he looked up at her eyes, he saw them dark with lust, sending a shiver down his spine. He didn't recognize this Tonks, this one was completely primal. He knew nothing would stop her from getting her release, so he knew he had to go along with whatever she did. She continued to pump into his mouth, making him swallow her pre-cum as to not choke. She pushed his head down as far as it would go and firmly said,"Swallow". He tried to, but couldn't do it with that thick log back there.

"I can't," he tried to say through her cock, sending sweet vibrations down her cock. "Mmm, well let me help you then," she said lustily as she started to push down more forcibly on his head. Progress was small, but after thirty seconds of pushing, she broke through his barrier and managed to sink five more inches down into his throat. "Mmf," Harry gurgled as he slapped her thigh. She let him come back up for air then plunged him back down, breaking through his barrier a lot easier the second time. She kept pushing until his nose was pushed up against her pink tuft,"Oh my..." she moaned with pleasure," that feels, divine,". She let him come back up for air again as he started to turn purple, then really started the process of breaking his throat.

Speeding up, she continued to shove his mouth all the way down and bringing him back up almost immediately, giving him small bursts of air at the top. Faster and faster she continued to abuse his throat as her little cock sleeve, as her breathing rate increased as well.

"I'm... I'm gonna..." she groaned,"CUM!" she squealed as she shoved his mouth all the way down her shaft. Harry could feel every pulse through his throat, as something wet and sticky made its way into his stomach. "Oh Merlin," Tonks breathed coming down from her high as she brought Harry's mouth back up to the tip and released the last few ropes of cum into his mouth. Harry swallowed and then rolled off onto his back to catch his breath.

"Wow...that was...the best orgasm of my life Harry," she said,"and I'm glad that I am not the only one that enjoys themselves," she said as she groped his crotch and felt his hardness. She looked over to see Harry's face go red with embarrassment. "I-I...uh," he stuttered. "It's alright Harry, nothing to be embarrassed about, everybody likes what they like. Now, back that cute arse up over here so I can return the favor,". Still red with embarrassment, he did what she said.

Staring at the back of his green basketball shorts, she grabbed both of his waistbands and pulled all the way down, exposing his small(in comparison) boy cock. She grabbed ahold of his cock and set about milking it like a cow udder, yanking down to the pleasure of the boy above her. With his cock gripped in her left hand, she grabs his right ass cheek with her other hand and spreads it to get a good look at this tight hole. Still milking his cock, she went down on his hole with her tongue as he moaned,"Ohh!".

Tonks let go of his cock to grab his other cheek to obtain better access for her tongue. "Ready for your turn now, Harry?" as her cock pushed up against his chest. "Uhh..." he said, not sure what Tonks was planning. "Don't worry Harry, you'll start to love it in no time," she said reassuringly. "Alright then Tonks," he said resigned to his fate.

"Yay! Now turn around and sit on my lap," she said as he started to do what she said. "Scoot up now, until our cocks can touch...good. Now get on your knees and scoot up further," she said as she leaned over and grabbed a glass bottle off of her nightstand. "Let me just get ready really quick," she said as she poured a liberal amount of a clear substance into her hand and began to rub it into her cock. "It will feel uncomfortable at first, but soon enough you won't want it any other way, I promise," she said. "Okay Tonks, I trust you," he said as he looked into her eyes.

She grabbed his hips and positioned herself at his entrance and pushed down, hard. "Nng!" Harry as he felt himself widening to ungodly proportions for Tonks. The muggle lubricant Tonks put on her cock beforehand did its job and she popped into his tight hole. They both groaned at the same time as she continued to push him further down onto her cock.

She continuously pummeled her way into his stomach, until finally, he was sitting directly on her lap, fully enveloping her massive cock. He looked down to see a massive cock shaped bulge in his stomach. "Oh my…", he gasped,"Exactly my thoughts, Harry," Tonks said as she started to lift Harry off of her thighs. Once almost all the way out, Harry noticed he felt so empty without Tonks deep inside of him anymore. As he sunk himself all the way back down onto Tonks, he felt a jolt of pleasure from deep inside of him, making his cock spring back to attention. He lifted himself back up and dropped himself back down to see if he could make that feeling return. He felt it again and knew he loved every twinge and jolt from burying Tonks deep inside of him. He continued to plunge himself on her, rocking back and forth sometimes as well, building that feeling deep in his gut.

He didn't know what would happen once he got to the top of the metaphorical hill he discovered, but he really wanted to find out. He could tell Tonks was really enjoying it as well, as she was breathing heavily with her head back."Feel me, Harry," she said as she lifted her shirt for him. Harry groped and felt, sending pleasure all throughout her body. "Mmm I'm so close Harry, keep going," she said as she gripped his hips again and began to speed him up. She kept speeding up until she was pounding into him with reckless abandon,"I'm cumming!" she yelled as she hilted herself into him and came inside. Just as she hilted herself, he felt himself explode as he moaned and spurted his cum all over her stomach and breasts.

As he made to get up, he felt her getting, thicker? "Uh Tonks?" he questioned,"Mmm, Harry you know us metamorphs can go all day long right? We can also make change the proportions of our body parts as well. I'm just making sure nothing leaks out."

"Now, who is ready for round two?"

A/N: WOW! The longest story yet. I started this story last year in July, but got writer's block and didn't know how to go about starting the BJ and sex scene. I remembered this story today and told myself I would finish, and I did. Sorry, it took so long, but this will probably cap off the series of one-shots