
Harry Potter: Woke up as a cat

Luke was an ordinary 25 years old guy with nothing special about him. Well he may not have been special but... Stuff happens. He may have been ordinary human but is he ordinary cat? (Disclaimer. Furries will be dissapointed. Think about that before you decide to read please.) If you want you can support me on patreon.com/marcelll3214. I am not making anybody to do it. It is just if you want. There will not be content for patreons but i will take your opinions of what you want to happen into consideration. I would not mind some money for a cup of coffee after hours i spend on each chapter :D

marcelll3214 · ภาพยนตร์
20 Chs

Popsicle in your mouth

I promise mc is not gay...


MG could not help but snort a little. Both children looked at her in suprise. *Cough, cough* She quickly tried to hide this indiscretion as an cough. They looked suspiciously at her but let it go. "Sorry about that old man but you can´t just pop up at people like that." Apologized Luke. "He he, I can see that. Huumm, but it is just so much fun. It is worth the risk. There is not much i can enjoy at my age. This is one of the few things left for me." Saild Olivander with a smile. "I just have to be more carefull in the future... yes i could... and then... hihi."

*Shiver*(It seems i just made him a bigger menace... Well at least i already have my wand so until it breaks it is not my problem.) Luke patted himself on the back.

"Olivander i am tired can we hurry this up?" Said MG trying to get them back on track. "Of course of course. So mr... ehh what was your name again?" Asked Oli. "Borec, Luke Borec" Introduced Luke himself bond style. "Nice to meet you mr. Borec. So which is your wand hand?"

;5 minutes later;

After trying some wands and breaking a few things Luke found the one that choose him, or something like that. "Hooo it seems we found the one." Said Oli after seeing the sparks. "This wand is made from oak wood with a dragon heartstring, she is a sturdy gall. I have never heard of somebody accidentaly breaking it. Hope it serves you well."

(What? Do i not get a fortune telling session? Not any, we can expect great things from you? What is this discount experience? Does he only tell it to rich kids?) Luke thought half happy and half disappointed.

"That will be 7 galleons." Said Oli asking for his money. He may enjoy his work but business is business.

Luke looked at both adults "Can i just ask?... Where do i carry this big wooden stick? It does not exactly fit in my pocket."

MG answered. "Mr.Borec most of the wizards keep their wand in their robes. There is a special pocket made for that purpose. So once you change into them you will have plenty of space for it."

Luke looked her dead in the eye.

"Do you want me to wear robes in muggle areas? School for example? I will be laughing stock." Said Luke vehemently trying to make her see reason.

"Heh and why would you need to do that mr. Borec? Your wand will be delivered to you 1 week before the school starts." MG said with a grin.

Luke was suprised. After a few moments he asked. "Do all kids only get their wand 1 week before school?" Mg looked at him with serious face feeling a little guilty. "No mr. Borec because they have their guardians with them and they are responsible for their actions. But nannies have so many kids to look after. They don´t have time to keep you in check. You know there are accidents where kids use their wands when adults are not looking. So this is for safety of all."

Luke was extremely disappointed and it showed in his expresion. "Don´t sulk... you can still take your books home and learn something from them. I am sure it will help you in school." Said MG. "I understand..." Luke was an adult so he understood the situation. But he was still pissed a little. (This stupid baby face.)

"Well is there any other way to carry my wand when i get it? You see i have a pretty loose pockets. I lose things all the time. And i am worried that it may break." (I will at least push for the wand holster. No way i am leaving with nothing from here. I will train my quick draw with some sticks until school at least.)

Olivander made and eye contact with Mg. When she noded he presented him with "This is wand holster. You bind it to your forearm and keep your wand right here," He started showing and explaining to Luke how the thing worked. "I take three." Said Luke like a tourist geting gladly scammed by turkish vendors.

"Now, now mr. Borec, one will be plenty. You don´t even really need that one so don´t be greedy." After MG paid for his wand and holster they left the shop. "Well mr. Borec it was nice spending time with you but i will have to go. A lot of work is waiting on me at school." Said MG. Luke thought he heard a little disappointment in her voice. (Don´t say it like we are on a date woman. I don´t mind older woman but there are limits even for me.)

;32 minutes later;

"...please don´t get into any trouble, those books..." Luke was listening to the sermon the whole way back. (What is life? Is it worth living.) After listening to all the bad suff that could happen from MG Luke started questioning the human existence.

They finally arrived in front of the orphanage. "Goodbye mr. Borec i will see you in school." "Huh? oh yes see you later." After that Luke stumbled into his room in trance.

"What a funny kid." Mumbled MG and apparated who knows where.

After Luke got into his room he layed down on his bed face down. *Exhale* (Finally some piece and quiet... Well i have my schoolbooks now, should i open them up?...) After that thought he fell asleep.

;2 weeks later;

The last two weeks were almost the same for Luke as before, but there was two new things he did. (So to make potions you really need a wand. Shame.) He spend his evenings listing through his magic books and whiping random sticks from his holster into his hand. He felt he is already profesional at geting sticks from his holster and holding them in his hand. He was aready training his left hand to be able to do the same. It was not hard for him thanks to his almost perfect control over his body.

The book he was most interested in was charms. Who would not be? Maybe some cooks... Luke did not know.

(I can not wait to try some of this bad boys. *Humm. It seems there really was a reason as to why i did not get my wand yet... Well it is not like a 2 months of selfstudy would make me a master. Most i could probably do was to flex on some first years...)

Everything was going good and dandy for Luke. Well except one thing... (There may be reasons but i still want my wand!! Come on! It is like giving kid a popsicle and before it even had a chance to licke it, it was taken from it.) Luke sudenly got an idea. (I may not get my wand but there is still some wood i can get.)

;2 days later;

Luke carried out his big brain plan to get to Diagon alley. Keep in mind that matron and nannies in the orphanage are extremely strict and don ´t allow kids to just wander around. Kids have limited time to spend outside. Every 3 hours they have to come to report in. To meet with Harry was tough. That was another reason he did not do it that often.

So he told matron that he is going to cut lawn for mr. Balles. He told Balles that he wants to go hang out with his friends but matron would not allow him to go as far away as they want to go. After reassuring the old man about what they are gonna do, he said that he will cover up for Luke. He knew that Luke was mature and good kid. There was no reason to worry about him.

After that he repeated his animagus stunts until he got into the alley. (Being kid sucks. Even to do the simplests of things i have to hurt my beautiful brain for complicated plans like this.) (Well it will be worth it once i steal myself some broom.) Luke calmed down thinking about what he came here for.

Plan was simple change into cat, walk in the back, change into human, hug the broom, change into cat and leave.

Well, not all plans survive the first encounter with the enemy. (Motherfuc*er, why?) Even though Luke was expecting an easy haul he still came prepared. He kept one of those ball things from the hospital. (What kind of curse did those cunts put on it? Everything was going so well.)

Yep wizards are not completely stupid confirmed. (I bet every other shop has the same thing done for their goods until it sales. Thank god i did not try to steal those ingredients for my potion before.) Pissed he went through every broom in the storage. (Cursed, cursed, cursed... After going through all the ones in sight, he noticed a back door hiden behind some hanging brooms.

Disposal room was written above it. (What could go wrong?) Thought Luke and went inside. (I am glad that only one person works here. Poor him. Having to mind all of this has to be exhausting.) Inside the room he saw 5 brooms on a pile titled pending for reapair. Guess what. (Not cursed.) Luke started grinnig.

He slowly touched each broom with the tip of his nail. After nothing happened he hugged all five brooms, changed into cat a ran away from the shop. (I will test these guys when i get a chance. They are not broken which means that their owners did not crash with them. So there are only some minor things wrong with them.) Luke decided stay positive. It was better than leaving empty handed.

Few minutes later as he was heading home jumping on the roofs of diagon alley he spoted a rare animal. (Malfoys? What are they doing here?) Yep he saw the whole family, even the little Draco. (Well i can´t just leave now. Lets see what is up.) Luke wanted to go home as fast as he can but his curiosity overode his brain.

Pov Draco

(When my parents told me we were going together to Diagon Alley i did not expect that they took me just because they both had to be here, and that they did not want to leave me at home alone.) Draco was really disappointed. He was really looking forward to hanging out with both of his parents outside. His father didn´t have a lot of time to spend with them, always on some meetings.

Of course he was proud of his father and knew that he had important job to do. But this made it almost impossible to see him. When his parents met with people they wanted to meet it felt like they almost forgot about him. They went into some restaurant with private rooms. This was not the first time. So the expected did come.

"Draco we have to discus some important things with our friends here. Could you wait here for a while?" His mother said the same thing again. How she love him. To be a good boy and wait. And that they will buy him whatever he wants when they are done. "Of course mother." He said with a fake smile. "I will buy some ice-cream and wait at the table."

(This is so boring.) Thought Draco eating his ice cream. He was siting at the outside table, enjoying the sun a little. When out of nowhere "Yo..." *Kyaaah* Draco lifted of his seat screaming like a girl.

"Why does everybody react like that? I was just saying hi." Said the laughing boy that sneacked up on him.

Draco quickly restored his appearance and with anger question the boy. *Cough* "What do you think you are doing? Who are you? Do you know who my dad is? And just for your information i did not get scared. I just wanted to stretch my legs." Luke laughed again. "Oh thats right. That is also why you screamed like a girl right?" Draco said. "Yes that is why i scream...YOUU..ghr!"

He could not continue shouting. The boy brought popsicle out of nowhere and stuffed it in his mouth.

After laughing for a while the boy sincerely appologized. "Sorry bro. I really just wanted to say hi. You seemed like you were bored..." After some heaving Draco calmed down. "Hm it seems you regret what you did. I will forgive you just this once." *lick, slurp* Draco focused on the boys face. "Who are you anyway i have never seen you before." Boy looked at him thinking for a while and said. "I have not seen you with these eyes before too." Said the boy pointing at his eyes.

Draco thought that the sentence was strangely worded but decided to ignore it. "My name is Sean what is yours?" Introduced himself the boy. Never heard of anybody his age with that name." My name Draco Malfoy. I am sure you have heard about us." He smiled smugly. "No." It did not last.

"Why would i have heard about your family? Are you famous for something?" Draco incensed decided to teach this ingorant fool about the greatnes of his family. "My family is one of the richest pureblooded fam..." Boy cut him off. "Oh so you are just a rich guy. Anyways wanna do something? I am bored too."

Pissed at the dismisal but intrigued by the boy (He completely ignored my family name. This has never happened before. Who is he?) Draco was never treated like this. He was used to his fiends licking hus but. He agreed. "Hm i will teach you how to respect your betters later. So what are you proposing?" (What could be worse than sitting here bored? If it is not to my taste i can just continue waiting here.)

Pov mc

(Hehe kids are so easy. Lets see if i can get something out of this.)

After that Luke took Draco to explore. He took him into shady alleys. They could see some sexy time through the windows which made Draco blush uncontrolably. He took him on the roof jumping adventure. Even though Draco was scared, Luke always goaded him into doing things. They even found one broken broom which they proceeded to fly test. The scream from Draco trying to control thumping and bumping broom annouced end to their adventrue. It has been a few hours since he started hanging out with Luke. His parents told Doby to bring him to them since they were finished with their bussines. He never laughed as much as he did today.

(((((Yes Doby was looking out for Draco the whole time. I am not gonna explain specific orders.))))))

Luke told him that if Draco sends an owl he will write him back since he did not have his own for now. ((((Owls work with intent not with words. So even though he said false name as long as the senders knows who he is sending it to, mail should arrive.))))

Draco suspected that Sean/Luke was not pureblood. But he decided to not think about it.

After that Luke took his brooms and went home. (Well that was kinda fun. Who knew Draco was tsundere? Anyway where should i test these?


Next chapter is Hogwarts for sure. I just wanted to introduce a so called bad character as an human. I did this so that i could get rid of all that black and white mentality of some of my readers.

Also nobody translated the mcs name. Big sad.