
Time passes in a flash part 2

He also covered the financial side of things. It was not that hard to 'compel' someone to fork out some cash and while it was tiresome to do some work in the orphanage it was very rewarding both financially and for solidifying his image. Peaple seem to forget that it was compulsory to work at the orphanage.

He had amassed about 20,000 pounds in total it was harder to 'collect' even this much as with his pristine image came attention while it was flattering at first it quickly became annoying.

Another thing he noticed that as he aged he could partially change certain features of himself to look like another it had given him quite few headaches, setting his center of gravity right but as he practiced more and more he got the hang of it.

He did not know that he had unknowingly unlocked a great skill that will be of so much use in the future nor did he know how fast his progress meant to master metamorphmagus abilities so easily

As he did what took many, years of practice just to stay in one appearance

It also helped that he took juijutsu and gymnastics classes to better his control in stabilizing his metamorphmagus abilities.

Nothing too advanced as he did not have time to do all this simultaneously.

"Not bad" he thought, quite amused

However,he just couldn't make this wierd feeling go away. it was as if he was missing something important.

A knock disturbed his chain of thought.

"Come in"

He replied politely, inwardly annoyed that someone disturbed him even if he was doing nothing of importance.

An old man appeared before him surprising him because of his stange purple attire it was quite distracting indeed.


<Albus dumbledore pov>

It has been a long time since I last visited this place that still haunted his dreams to this day. A place where he made one of his greatest mistakes.

He would not have wanted to come anywhere near this place to not reopen any old wounds.

It had been a tiresome day today. Minerva sure as hell is enjoying tormenting me. However, she did deserve some rest.

The sight that greeted me after opening the door was perfect a little too perfect. Eerily similar to a scene he had witnessed before.

A boy no older than 12 was sitting in an elegent posture oozing charm, raven coloured hair high cheekbones, red lips and a pale face but what attracted him more than anything else were the

kaleidoscopic eyes that seem to change colour if looked at certain angels.

'The boy sure know's how to present himself' he thought to himself

To any of you concerned of him being too op . He is not while he does have a lot of cool abilities he would not be able to fight a seasoned fighter

He will turn op but not now

Skywalker404creators' thoughts