
Chapter 121

After a few moments of him visibly calming himself, she added, "When I order all staff to attend a meeting, I expect all staff to attend unless otherwise instructed by me. You are, for now, a member of this staff.

"However, if you address me like you just did ever again, I will fire you on the spot. I am not just the Headmistress of this school, I am also your direct boss and employer. Show me respect, or I'll show you the door."

When she saw he got it and understood, she said, "Now, sit down."

As both he and Hagrid sat, with Hagrid sitting in the oversized chair that was at the table specifically for him, she turned her attention to him. "What I just told Mister Filch also applies to you, Mister Hagrid. Understood?"

"Yes, 'Eadmistress," he mumbled. Luckily for Hagrid, one of his mumbles could easily carry the length of the table.

Once everyone was settled she pulled another sheet of parchment in front of her, glanced down at it for a moment and said, "Now that all of us who could be here are here, I'll open this meeting with an introduction of myself for those who do not know me very well.

"I am Lady Griselda Marchbanks. As well as being the Head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority - a position from which I've taken a leave of absence - I am the new Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

She then went on to explain her background, with a focus on academia and her past as a Professor of Charms and Deputy Headmistress at this very school. It was Flitwick who replaced her as Professor of Charms.

"Next," she said, "We are currently short a number of staff positions. Most of these need to be filled before we can return to providing our students proper tuition.

"We are currently in need of Professors for the core subjects of Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic. And a professor for the elective of Care of Magical Creatures. I may be adding a Professor in the elective subject of Divination to that list by the end of the day. I intend to reintroduce, as soon as possible, the class Introduction to the Wizarding World for our muggle-raised students. So, we need a Professor for that subject, too.

"If you have any suggestions of candidates that I or the School Board could approach, I would welcome them. The floor is yours."

Hesitantly at first, but gaining traction, names and reasons were given to her. Horace Slughorn was one ('He may be convinced to come out of retirement. He also made an excellent Head of House for Slytherin while he was here.') and on it went.

For the next half hour they submitted, discussed and argued candidates.

When the names started to slow down, Marchbanks said, "Thank you. I expect each of you to spend some thought on who else might be suitable to be approached over the coming days. If you can think of someone, please do not hesitate to let me know.

"Next issue is the positions of Deputy Headmaster or -mistress and the Heads of the Four Houses. Currently, we only have one of those positions filled - Pomona Sprout for Hufflepuff. I know many of you may or may not have coveted the role of one of those positions; so, if you wish to submit your name for consideration, now is the chance.

"I'll also inform you that length of service as a Professor will play no part in whether or not I would consider you worthy of the post. The post will also be in an 'Acting' capacity until I consider you have proven yourself in that role. Anyone not willing to publicly submit their name now, I will consider unworthy."

It did not surprise her when Bathsheba Babbling spoke up, first.

"I would like to be considered for the role of Head of Gryffindor," she firmly stated.

"Noted," said Marchbanks. "Next?"

Septima Vector gave a nod and said, "I would be honoured to be considered for the post of Head of House Slytherin."

"Noted," said Marchbanks, adding Vector's name to her new list, with Slytherin in brackets after it."

"Though it will mean four female Heads of House," said Aurora Sinistra, "I'd like to submit my name for Head of Ravenclaw House."

"Noted," said Marchbanks. "Anyone else? Just because I've received three names of one each for the three Houses does not presuppose I'll not consider anyone else for those positions or others."

"What about if Dumbledore wishes to be considered for one of those posts?" asked Babbling.

"Albus Dumbledore has already been considered unsuitable for any role. He currently holds the role as Professor of Transfigurations because he is the last staff member to have tenure and I've got nowhere else to put him."

"In that case, I'd like to also be considered for the post of Deputy Headmistress," said Babbling.

"Noted," smirked Marchbanks. "Anyone else?"

When no one else seemed willing to put their name forward she said, "Thank you to those who applied for Acting positions as Heads of House and Deputy. You will have my decision by the middle of next week.






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