
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

True terror named voldy

After the vow, we were sent to our dormitories. Like in the last life I shared mine with Cassius Lestrange and

Thane rosier.

As we entered our section I saw the bed that I took in my previous life just as I was reaching it rosier took his trunk and hastily plopped on it smirking.

He had fu*king audacity to take my bed in front of me and smirk.

"If you value your life then f*ck off," I say placing my trunk on it and glare at him.

He visibly recoils, but as he doesn't know my wrath he does the mistake of fighting as he takes out his wand fires a levicorpus.

Lestrange watches as the spell reaches Tom and then deflects from his body and is now coming towards himself.

While in panic Lestrange dives right and the spell knocks on the table lamp which starts floating.

They both stood there baffled because in their mind Tom floats above, sobs a little, and then begs them to let him down which they graciously do, and then he is their lackey for life.

But the reality is often disappointing as the person they took the feud with had been a dark lord for several decades.

"Now, what should I do with you" Tom ponders aloud with a mad glint in his eyes.

W-what are you thinking mudblood? Rosier says but he didn't have a good feeling about what was about to happen.

Just as lestrange was about to take out his wand he felt darkness envelope his vision.


And then Tom slept peacefully for the night.

The next day when other Slytherins saw rosier and Lestrange they had dark circles under their eyes and they looked no better than living zombies. Nobody knew what happened to them, but whenever someone asked They would always answer that they had met 'Real Demon' in their dreams.

The next day was the starting of Hogwarts classes, They had been provided the schedule by the prefects and there was also one on the board for those who lost theirs or they were on the way to the classes and forgot to check.

The schedule was as such-


8:00 - Great hall breakfast

9:30 - 10:30 = Transfiguration with Bennard shaw

11:00 - 12:00 = Herbology with Romilda kelly.

12:30 - 1:30 = Potions with Horace Slughorn.

All the first year Slytherins made their way towards the great hall with the prefect. As the children were new to the castle they needed the directions and it was the prefect's duty to ensure that every child had safely reached their classes only for the first day.

Tom didn't understand how they will manage to reach in time on the second day just because they had guidance on the first. That's why when Tom was a prefect he had guided the first year's and the second year's two consecutive days and told them a way to remember the path to the great hall, from where someone might be able to help them until they memorize the way to every class on their own.

The great hall was scarcely filled, there were Owl and Newt students having breakfast while chatting of their course material.

As Tom passed a 5th year Hufflepuff triad he heard their conversation-

Mob 1- Hey did you hear, They are saying Grindlewald is close to conquering the Indus valley.

Mob 2- Yes, I've heard, my grandfather says that it is now inevitable. He will succeed and it will be horrifying.

Mob 3- They are saying that on 25th there was a skirmish between American Aurors and Grindlewald's forces.

Mob 3 lowers his voice a little as he sees Tom pass.

Tom doesn't give any reaction that he's heard but when they thought that he was out of range Tom heard them say "Pity, muggle-borns will be treated like dirt, I don't think that first year will live to see another year at Hogwarts".

Tom snorts internally 'What he is doing is right, muggles should be treated like dirt, But it is I that will do this noble work of Salazar Slytherin, not some White-haired clown.


Make it reach 50 power stones and I will make a battle chapter between Grindelwald and American Aurors

[Hey guys, sorry the story is progressing slowly, but I want to make the premise that this world will be based on, and mentality of everyone.]