
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

Tristie's temptation

In the darkness of the night near the edge of a remote town one could see a black figure roaming around. Animals could feel the aura of death on him. Dogs whimpered cats fainted and rats ran into the holes. None was willing to come in this creature's sight. They knew that he was Danger.

"Mi-mi lord?" a timid voice called from behind the bushes.

"Come forth Pettigrew" a raspy and cold voice was heard from beneath the hood of the dark figure.

Whimpering noises came from the bushes and then emerged a short man with a balding scalp. His features were the definition of a human rat. He was clattering his nails in between his yellowish teeth.

"I suppose that you have brought me the good news." The black figure asked.

"Yes m-master potters a-are alone and I am their secret keeper"

(Voldemort laughs and the rat whines)

"Tell me," The black figure asked with something akin to excitement in his eyes.

"Potter's cottage Godric's hollow" was the rat's reply.


I move through the crowd and reach my destination which was an ice cream shop in the back of diagon alley. Not many would put attention to this backward shop when there's Florian ice cream parlour which is famous and has nearly all types of flavors.

Tom entered it and walked like he owned the place.

The owner who was a French man raised an eyebrow at this.

Tom walks up to the owner and whispers something. The owner's reaction was that of terror and fright. But he just nodded fearfully and picked up a jar of candy which was half-filled, took out a yellow bean-shaped jelly, and then walked towards the entrance of the shop.

There was a system/machine/contraption which was used to discard bad candies or unwanted flavor. It was not in use as the shop was rarely ever visited and the people who came here were middle-aged so there was no use of this device.

The owner took the jelly and put it in the hole/slot on the device and pulled the lever.

There was a rumbling sound and then-


The black figure entered the front lawn of the potter cottage. His steps were neither hurried nor lazy. With a wand in his hand and a curse on his tongue, he strode towards the front door.

The figure stopped and it looked as if he hesitated. But then he unleashed his wand and started breaking into the wards.

Sometime later he exhaled a deep breath as his task ended. He blasted the door open and entered the house.

Inside was a man whose hair was brown and messy and he had round glasses upon his nose, his expression grave but in his eyes was the resolve to protect. He was like a cornered beast weak but dangerous.

The black figure had no intention to play around and he directly killed a man with a green light. The man hit the floor with a thud, his eyes wide open in shock and reluctance.

"Pathetic," The black figure said. It passed by the body to reach the stairs. And then slowly climbed it. Step by step his magic flaring.

It reached the top and saw the door of the room which held his nemesis closed. So he did the most logical thing, he blasted it open.

Inside he could see a red-haired woman and a toddler in the crib crying looking fearful.

"Step aside, foolish girl," The black-cloaked figure said, his eyes which were now visible red as blood. But the woman pleaded to kill her and spare the child. But she didn't move an inch.

The black figure lost its patience and directly killed the woman with the same spell which bought a heart-wrenching scream from her throat. But the figure didn't even bat an eyelash at the sight.

He directly aimed his wand at the toddler and said "Goodbye harry potter" with a cold-blooded smile which was sure to be the nightmare of countless people.

He fired the spell, but something happened which rebounded the curse back to The black figure. With a horrible screech, the body evaporated into the air and black smog lingered which too soon fled the sight.

The only thing that remained was a toddler with a lightning-shaped scar.

[How was it? I decided to change my writing style a little, hope you like it.]

[I am sad that the goal couldn't be completed but because I am a good author I will give you this chapter for now but next time please vote power stones first.]

Next chapter at 100 power stones.