
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

The secret of the ice cream shop(2)

The only thing that was inside was a raised platform and on it was a glass vial. A transparent glass vial with one drop of *******.

Tom walked up to the platform each step heavy with anticipation. Tom looked as if he was afraid which was preposterous, He was the dark lord who nearly annexed Britain, he couldn't be a coward and chicken out at this point.

From the moment he entered the door he knew that there was a high chance that he will not return back alive and it might be his end. But Tom was not the same as when he attempted to do this in his last life.

This time he has his full soul. Yes, in the previous timeline till he got the information about this vial he had already made 3 Horcruxes and it was impossible to attain what he wanted.

"This will give me an extra edge. This will be my trump card". With that he touched the bottle.

Tom didn't know that in anxiety and fear he closed his eyes. But when he felt no pain he slowly opened them and to his astonishment, he was in a blank space.

Blank space was a concept that was passed on from time immemorial. It was said that the person who is bound to rule and is wise enough will get the blessing of death. It was never made clear what it meant but the prospects were limitless.

"Hmmm," a voice sounding like the growling of a dragon came. It was from every direction or it could be said that there was no concept of direction in the black space.

"It seems that you have experienced the true meaning of death," the voice said.

Confused tom asked what he meant and the voice answered "You have experienced death, but your desire to live is commendable, to be able to translocate your interasecular energy and then transfer it into another is a feat that not many could achieve".

Tom was confused by the terminology but he got the gist of it and asked " So what now".

The voice replied, "It depends on your answer. Answer my question correctly and you will get the thing which you came for".

Tom was in a dilemma, now his success depended on two things whether the voice even wanted to give him the ******* or not. But the chances of him getting deceived were low as in the tales of blank space it was said that those who entered the space either came with the bottle or they vanished forever. The people who vanished either gave the wrong answer or an unsatisfactory one.

"Ask" Tom stated.

The voice didn't say anything for a few moments but then asked in an imposing voice "What is your greatest fear".

"Death" tom gave his answer without any hesitancy he was sure that the only thing he feared was death.

"Wrong" Came back the answer "look beneath your fear and you will find the real one".

Tom felt like his body was heavy and his mind was going haywire he didn't even doubt himself he was that sure. But now this voice says that there is something else. There's something that Tom fears more than death.

"Let me show you," said the voice.

The next 7 minutes were most horrifying for Tom. He watched as his previous life passed through in front of his eyes.

And then he came to a realization. His innermost fear was not death but loneliness. All he ever wanted in life was to have a family.

Tom grinned and it was the most terrifying grin ever even more than the Voldemort form. The reason was simple he had found the goal of his life.

To rule the world with his handpicked family. Even if he has to kill everyone wizard in Britain he will kill all the muggles and rule the world.

"It appears that you have accepted your inner flaws. Now you are worthy of the title 'Ruler of the death'.

To know of one's innermost fear and the goal of his life and embrace it. This is the test that was given by all who entered but failed by many."

"Only those select few who embraced their inner demons and control them to their advantage are considered the True Rulers of this world".

The reward is standard. Drink the Phoenix essence and you will gain the power to not become corrupt in the vile magic that is the Horcrux.

But remember you will only be able to make one. Any more than that will not be formed".

"I Wish you best of luck in your journey 'Ruler of Death'.

[Sigh. Forgive me I was in the wrong. I was corrupted by the fame and wanted more. But After prooding myself I realised that ultimately I was doing it for fun not for recognition.]

[Thank you for whatever support you have given me.]

[From now on you will see a more determined Tom who still believes that muggles should die but he will also make his own trust worthy family. Not followers.]