
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

Preparing for Championship

Everyone was present in the great hall and was just finishing breakfast. Just as the plates vanished the headmaster stood up and 'clink'ed his glass. A loud sound reverberated throughout the hall and everyone had their attention directed to him.

"There is an important announcement that I must tell, So provide all your attention to me".

He then looked at all the teachers and then redirected his gaze to the students and said "Myself and all the teachers have decided to conduct a year-wide tournament".

There were some gasps and murmurs but they damped when the headmaster spoke again.

"The tournament will be between Houses, it will be year-wise competition in which first years will fight first years, second will fight to second years and so on".

"The Tournament will start the next Monday with year-wise ascend. So, first years be prepared and revise all your spells. And I will declare that there will be no use of dark magic except for seventh years".

At this moment, dark magic was taught to the seventh year. It was not foul magic, but it was just the spells that were darker in nature for them to be classified as 'safe for children.

If you asked Tom's opinion he would say something along the lines of 'Hmph, this can not even be called as dark magic. This is child's play in front of the dark magic that I have used during my reign'.

As Tom enters the Transfiguration class of the day he looks at the group dyed red. It was a bunch of Gryffindors flocking around another Gryffindor that was Sam.

Tom still wasn't sure what Sam was. He tried to get into Sam's mind but surprisingly he had met with an iron wall which blocked the access to his mind just like Nord VPN

(Sorry that was a lame joke, but I was frustrated when creates at YouTube insert sponsors in between just like that)

Tom also thought of getting the info tortured out of the boy, but he did not as Sam was now in the wing of Dumbledore. Albeit unofficially and Tom didn't want to raise suspicion to himself this early by attacking this important piece of Dumbledore's chess piece.

And as far as the championship goes it was undoubtedly in Tom's pocket.

Dumbledore looked at us and said, "As you all are aware that the championship is going to be held next Monday which is 4 days later. I just wanted to give you a task".

All of the class intently listened. "I will give you a spell and whoever uses it in the duel and wins will get 100 house points and a special gift from me".

As soon as the class heard this, they went into an uproar and cheered. Dumbledore raised his hand and said, " Let me finish first. The spell is a third-year transfiguration and I will not teach you, I will just give you the name and you will have to research it by yourself and possibly learn it".

The majority of the class shrunk at the prospect of finding and learning it by their self and the morale went down as the spell was dubbed the 'third-year' one.

But still, some students were excited by the future of achieving something seemingly impossible.

One such student was Minerva. She had this fire in her eyes that showed her resolve and determination.

Since the start of Hogwarts Minerva felt like she had been suppressed in some manner. It was as if her potential remained untapped. And to Unlock such potential kids did the dumbledore made this challenge, so he can see some rising stars.

For the next few days everyone seemed to be amped up and took their preparation time seriously. Sigh. Tom will miss these days when he too was practicing like frantic, trying to be the best. But now there's no competition for him.

Well, Sam can be a candidate that may possess a challenge. Only the time will tell.

[This is gonna be one dam exiting arc. Power Stones for bonus chapters. goal is 30. I mean it's reachable. I am trying to give every character a certain depth, not just about tom but it's about the wizarding world remember]