
Harry Potter: The New Dark Lord Shelby

In an unexpected twist, Artel finds himself thrust into the world of Thomas Michael Shelby. But fate takes a sharp turn on Artel's eleventh birthday when an encounter with an owl shatters his reality by revealing the Harry Potter's world to him. No longer solely focused on restoring the Razor Party and the Shelby family's glory, Artel's ambitions darken. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for power, he sets his sights on not just becoming a godfather, but a true Dark Lord. His journey begins with the Ring of Power from the Lord of the Rings saga, a sinister artifact that ultimately leads to the resurrection of Sauron himself. Additional Tag: Necromancer, Dark Lord ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: patreon.com/KittyLovesMilk ======= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · ภาพยนตร์
153 Chs

William Makes An Appearance

The Great Hall was thrown into chaos when Professor Quirrell burst in with a look of horror. He rushed to the front of the professor's chair, addressed Dumbledore, and before he could finish his sentence, he fainted.

His words, "There are trolls in the dungeon," hung in the air as the entire hall fell silent for a moment.

But then, the young wizards and witches began to scream, and the panic spread throughout Hogwarts. Malfoy, holding a chicken leg, looked at Goyle and let out a horrified scream, while Ron choked on a small cake, requiring Harry to quickly give him a glass of juice to help.

Dumbledore used the Amplifying Charm to regain order, and he addressed the prefects, instructing them to take the students back to their respective common room lounges. He apologized for the dinner being cut short and assured them that the house-elves would deliver their food to the dormitories. He emphasized that no one should leave the lounge once they returned.

As Dumbledore organized the students, Professor McGonagall and others got up to investigate the troll situation. Snape, however, was noticeably absent as he had left during the initial chaos.

Artel and Hermione exchanged goodbyes, with the young witch looking disappointed that the Halloween dinner had ended before it began. She cast an aggrieved glance at Artel, who wished her a good night in return.

Artel followed the other Slytherin students as they made their way to their common room. When they reached the basement corridor, Artel took the opportunity to retrieve the Ring of Power.

He proceeded towards the girls' bathroom, where he expected to find the troll. As he walked through the corridor, he looked around and noticed that there were no murals on the walls, likely because they were close to the bathroom where Myrtle had her incident.

Artel, now invisible, cast the Killing Curse without hesitation, ending the troll's life. The troll didn't see him, and it was slow to react. The green flash of the curse appeared, and the troll fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Artel wasted no time and quickly hid the troll's body in his system space. He received a notification from the system that he had started a side story and earned 100 plot points.

Ecstatic, Artel addressed the system, "Bring William Hudgens in front of me!"

Instantly, a foul stench filled the air, even stronger than the troll's odor. The troll smelled like a combination of stinky socks and a public toilet, while the new smell was a putrid combination of rotting flesh and a strong fishy odor.


With a deafening roar, William made his dramatic entrance into the world of Harry Potter. The trolls Artel had previously defeated were around twelve feet in size, standing at just under four meters tall and weighing a ton. However, William, the leader of the rock trolls, towered at almost six meters in height and weighed an astounding five tons. His massive size spoke to the incredible development of his muscles and the immense power he possessed.

As William appeared, he began to assess this unfamiliar world, roaring and attempting to summon his companion. Artel, on the other hand, hurriedly made his way back to the basement, taking the opportunity to tidy up along the way.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the Slytherin common room in the basement, only a few sixth and seventh-year wizards remained. Seizing the moment, Artel slipped into the common room. The Halloween feast continued, with senior wizards chatting and enjoying their food without concern for the troll.

Several first-year wizards were huddled in the corners, warming themselves by the fireplace, listening to senior students boast about how many trolls they had vanquished during the holidays. Among them were the three Malfoys, while Goyle and Crabbe, not entirely satisfied with the Great Hall's offerings, were attempting to prepare their own food, their mouths smeared with cream.

Artel emerged from a dark corner and quietly made his way to his bedroom.

Once back in the dormitory, Artel took out the Peshir crystal and, with a thought, displayed William's appearance on the crystal.

Meanwhile, in the girls' bathroom on the second floor, William had been bellowing for his companions, but received no response, which sent him into a frenzied state. He had been in the troll forest earlier, enjoying a barbecue with his brother and singing, when suddenly a white light flashed, transporting him to this strange place.

"Whirring, whirring..." William's nose twitched a few times, and saliva drooled from his fanged mouth. "I smell humans, lots of humans!"

William grinned menacingly, taking a heavy step forward. After a brief walk, he raised the giant hammer in his hand high above his head and slammed it into the wall beside him. This massive hammer weighed several thousand kilograms, and its material remained unknown, but it easily created a substantial hole in the wall on the second floor.

Peering into the hole, William observed a classroom. It was the History of Magic classroom, the same one where Artel and the others had a class in the afternoon. He sniffed the air and stared into the room, then let out a couple of snorts before proceeding downstairs.

Unbeknownst to Dumbledore and the others, they were unaware of the troll's presence in the basement classroom. However, they soon became aware after hearing the loud noise from upstairs and rushed to investigate.


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