
A Sirius talk


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 64: Sirius talk

December 21, Potter Manor

Harry has come to visit Sirus, as He promised. It was not easy to leave Hogwarts because Dumbledore was insistent that it was not safe.

Xeno Lovegood had to be called and He along with two Aurors had to personally escort Harry up to the edge of the wards of the Lovegood household.

After that, Harry invited Xeno and Luna to visit his house during the holidays and then He apparated away.

Harry appeared before the front door of the manor. The way the wards were set up, it is completely impossible for anyone to appreciate inside the house, not even himself, for security reasons.

Immediately, the front door of the house opened and Harry could see Lorry, bowing to him.

"Welcome home, Master"

"Thank you Lorry" Harry went inside the house and looked around.

"How is our guest doing?" He asked.

"Mister Black is currently taking a bath. Lunch will be ready in one hour. Is there something else I can do for you, Master?" Lorry asked.

"No, just tell our guest to come to see me when He is done. I will be at my studio." Harry said before starting to walk upstairs.


Twenty minutes later, Harry heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"

The door opened and Sirius walked inside.

"Harry!" He greeted enthusiastically. "This place is amazing!. It looks soo much better than the old one. "

"Hello, Sirius. I'm glad you like it." Harry pointed to the chair in front of his desk. "Sit, please."

"You look a lot better now, and I see that you no longer have difficulty speaking," Harry said.

Sirius smiled bitterly. "Yeah well…Azkaban can do that to you. But I am much better now. Your elf also got me some nutrient potions and new clothes."

He moved around to show his new acromantula robes.

"Lorry is a very dedicated elf." Harry smiled softly. "Is there something you want to ask me?" He noticed Sirius's inquisitive look.

"There are a lot of things I want to ask, but lest start with, Who raised you? because I don't think you grew up here alone," Sirius asked

"No, this house has just been recently repaired. I grew up with the Dursleys." Harry said.

"What? those muggles?. I can't believe it….Lily hated her sister. Did they treat you ok? and where are they?"

"We never got along, but they treated me just fine. As for where they are…well, they are dead. There was a fire in the house and they didn't make it." Harry's face showed no change in expression.

"I see…then, Who is your guardian now?."

"I don't have a muggle guardian. As for magical, I believe that by law, that role goes to the Headmaster in the absence of a magical guardian." Harry recalled reading something along those lines.

"Dumbledore…" Sirius mentioned the name with a mixture of emotions. "Maybe I can talk to Him…maybe I can become your legal guardian. Would you like that Harry?" Sirius smiled.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "You are aware of your current situation right?"

Sirius seem to then realize. "Ah, right... wanted convict…I guess I kinda forgot after living here for a while."

"As for talking to Dumbledore…You may want to consider contacting Him at all." Harry rested his arms on the desk.

Sirius was a bit taken aback. "What do you mean, Harry?. Do you not like the Headmaster?"

"This has nothing to do with my personal feelings. Think about it Sirius. You spent thirteen years in Azkaban whith no trial. How easy do think it would have been for Albus Dumbledore, Supreme Mugwump, Chief Warlock, etc, to grant you a trial? " Harry said.

Sirius lowered his head. "He probably believed that I was guilty."

"Dumbledore knew how close You were with my parents right?, how loyal of a friend you were."

Sirius nodded. "Yes…He knew very well."

"I have only known the man for a few years. But He strikes me as the kind of person who always wants to get to the bottom of things, to know everything, and to be in control. Is that correct?"

Sirius looked at Harry. "Yes, what are you getting at Harry?."

"Did He ever visit you in Azkaban, or sent a message o contacted you in any way?" Harry asked.

"Well…no, He did not," Sirius answered.

"So, knowing the type of person He is. I can only think of two possibilities for that. One, He was one hundred percent sure that You were guilty, which seems hard to believe considering that He knew how close You were with my father. How could He be so sure?."

Harry paused for a moment and then looked at Sirius directly.

"The other possibility is that He was one hundred percent sure…that you were innocent, in which case, there was no point in talking with you."

Sirius's eyes opened wide like plates. "That's…He wouldn't….Why would He do that?."

"I do not know. Maybe He wanted something that required for You to be out of the way."

Harry didn't know if what He was telling Sirius was true, but it was certainly strange that the old man never tried to get Sirius a trial, or even talked with Him.

Sirius seems to be in deep thought for a bit, then, his expression seems to change.

"I may know of a reason…but I need to think about this, Harry."

"Of course, take your time Sirius. But for the meantime, I advise against contacting anyone."

Sirius nodded and left the studio.

Harry smiled.

'At the very least I put the seed of doubt there.'


December 25

"The guests have arrived, Master" The elf informed.

"Guide them to the dining room, Lorry" Harry instructed.

"Oh, your girlfriend is here, Harry?" Sirius came into the room.

Harry made an exasperated expression.

"We talked about Sirius, she is not-"

Sirius raised his hands.

"Yes yes!, i know!. I was only teasing you. You will get a girlfriend eventually, don't worry."

Harry sighed and went to the dining room.