
Harry Potter: One shots

Disclaimer: All the original characters are the property of J.K Rowling and those who have original rights, I have no rights to the characters. Small one shots of Harry Potter

DaoistZ22vYw · ภาพยนตร์
2 Chs

The Unexpected Gift

Harry Potter was wandering through the corridors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, lost in thought. It was his final year, and he had a lot on his mind. He had been so focused on the upcoming battle with Voldemort that he had forgotten it was his birthday today. He sighed as he trudged towards Gryffindor Tower. It would be just another day of fighting for survival. As he reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, he gave the password and entered the common room.

To his surprise, he found his friends crowded around a table, waiting for him. They cheered as he walked in, and Hermione handed him a present. "Happy Birthday, Harry!" she said, beaming.

Harry opened the gift and found a small, wooden box inside. He opened it, and his eyes widened in surprise. Inside the box was a tiny, golden snitch, with a note attached that read, "Catch me if you can."

Harry grinned, feeling his spirits lift. It was a perfect gift, thoughtful and fitting. But as he watched the snitch fluttering about the room, he realized that it was behaving strangely. It seemed to be trying to tell him something. Suddenly, the snitch darted towards the door and disappeared.

Harry followed it, his friends close behind. They ran through the corridors, the snitch leading the way. It led them to an old, abandoned classroom that Harry had never seen before. The door creaked open, and they cautiously stepped inside.

To their amazement, the room was filled with a dazzling array of magical artifacts. Harry felt a thrill of excitement as he gazed at the treasures before him. He had never seen anything like it before.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence. "Welcome, Harry Potter. I have been waiting for you."

The group whirled around to see a hooded figure standing in the shadows. The figure stepped forward, and the hood fell back, revealing the face of Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Harry gasped.

Dumbledore smiled. "Yes, Harry. It's me. I have one final gift for you. It's a tool that will help you defeat Voldemort once and for all. But first, you must solve a riddle."

Dumbledore handed Harry a piece of parchment with a riddle on it. Harry furrowed his brow, reading it over and over again. It was a tricky one, but he eventually figured it out.

As he solved the riddle, the walls of the room began to shift and change. They became a giant puzzle, with each piece falling into place as Harry solved each clue. It was like nothing he had ever seen before.

Finally, the puzzle was complete, and the room shimmered with golden light. In the center of the room stood a magnificent sword, glinting in the light. Harry approached it, feeling a sense of awe.

"This sword will help you defeat Voldemort," Dumbledore said. "But remember, it's not the sword that's important. It's the one who wields it. Use it wisely, Harry."

With that, Dumbledore vanished, leaving Harry and his friends alone in the room. Harry picked up the sword, feeling its weight in his hand. He knew what he had to do. He had to defeat Voldemort and bring peace to the wizarding world once and for all.

As they left the room, Harry felt a sense of hope that he hadn't felt in a long time. He had a powerful new weapon and a renewed sense of purpose. He was determined to use the sword to its fullest potential and defeat Voldemort once and for all.

With the sword in his possession, Harry began to train and prepare for the upcoming battle. He studied every aspect of the sword and trained tirelessly to master its use. His friends and fellow members of the Order of the Phoenix also helped him prepare, teaching him spells and tactics to use against Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

Finally, the day of the battle arrived. Harry and his allies marched bravely toward the site of the final confrontation. The battle was intense, with powerful spells and curses flying back and forth between the two sides.

In the midst of the chaos, Harry saw Voldemort approaching him. With a determined look on his face, he raised the sword and charged forward. The sword glowed with a bright, golden light, and as it made contact with Voldemort's wand, there was a powerful explosion.

When the smoke cleared, Voldemort lay defeated on the ground, and Harry stood victorious. The wizarding world was safe once again, and Harry knew that he had played a critical role in the final battle.

In the years that followed, Harry continued to use the sword to protect the wizarding world, and it became a symbol of hope and strength for generations to come. And every time he wielded the sword, he remembered the unexpected gift that had led him to this pivotal moment in history.