
Harry potter: Multiverse story

Let me tell you the story of how i died, met some self proclaimed god, And got a ticket to the multiverse. First world: Harry potter. Second world: Haruhi suzumiya. . . . This is a wish fulfillment story. i am trying to give it regular updates but dont have great expectations on the character. it will have twists and turns like a roller coaster that phineas and ferb would have made. i see many over complicate and give too op golden finger. i want to give a non op bit still op( if you know what i mean) experience

atharva_saraf · ภาพยนตร์
31 Chs

my crush is here

Just then the door opened

and one could see a boy with blonde hair slicked to the back of his scalp, he was wearing pretty good robes and had a haughty yet polite look.

"May i sit here" he said with a devilish charming smile.

For a second my mind went blank

*static noise*

I was simply oogling him.

"I know i am dashing but you know looking like that is rude".

waking up from my trance i say" oh sorry my bad, name's hermione granger".

"My name is 'Draco Lucius Malfoy" he said kissing the back of my hand.

And i blushed like crazy.

As he took the seat afront of me he noticed neville.

He offered neville a handshake arching an eyebrow (asking for name probably).

At first neville was terrified at action but then he realised that he(draco) was asking for an introduction.

"M-my name is neville longbottom". he said terrified but bravely taking his hand.

Draco smiled and shook his hand.

who knew that this simple action will change the wizarding world, how house of malfoy and longbottom will develop a deep relation and will have each others backs for generations to come and become overlords.

just then entered a pug faced girl.

"Oh drakey poo here you are, hurry up or else the compartment will be full".

Draco had a looked that clearly described how infuriated he was.

"I dont want to go with you Parkinson"

"Oh drakey poo don't call me by my last name its your lovely panzy for you".she sqeal-said.

"Please refrain from calling me that name ms Parkinson otherwise.."

"Oh my drakey poo is so domineering don't worry i will even be your sub".

Now draco had a look b/w disgusted and raged.

"Can't you hear, he doesn't want to go with you, let him be you pugface". i chimed in with a no nonsense look.

For a few seconds the compartment had pin drop silence, when she registered what i said she had a red boiling face, draco had a dumbfounded look and Neville was scared.

"who are you to tell me what to do you filthy mudblood, you dont even look like you have seen the dirt of my shoes" she shrieked like a Banshee and cried all that in one breath.

On hearing 'mudblood' there were two gasps one from Neville which was significantly louder than draco's.

I was enraged.How could a whore like her call me mudblood and that too infront of Tom Felton.

Without even my knowing the atmosphere became cold and my hair stood on ends.

Without warning i entered her mind and made her visualise what i could do to her if i were truly pissed.

When the accidental magic lost its effect, everything returned as it was.

panzy had a horrified look on her face.

" Now if you don't want it happening to you i would suggest not calling people by that name, am i understood" i say raising an eyebrow.

she nodded fearfully.

"Now leave". she didn't waste a second and left in hurry.

" brilliant" a voice sounded, it was draco.

"huh what" i ask confused on what was brilliant.

"The way you made her fled, even i cant manage to do that, i am impressed".

On hearing him praise me i had a small blush creep up to my face.

" a.. um.. thanks" was only i could manage to mutter.

On seeing me flustered he smiled a cocky grin.And i groaned, it was gonna be a hell of a year.

What she didn't know that it was the start of the war heroine " Frost Horror".

(AN: hah 300 collections, it feels good
