
Harry Potter: Monarch of Magic

William Reginal was once an insignificant figure following the flow of a mundane society without leaving any noticeable mark of existence. During a sleep no different from any other, William came in contact with the unspeakable, and unimaginable for a mortal, demon or even a god. Something greater. Far greater. When he awoke from his slumber a changed being, it marked the beginning of a legendary time in which he would be at the core of events that would be etched into the annals of time. ---------------------- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc, are the property of their respective owners, William Reginal, Vincent Helin, and others. The original characters and extended plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Cosmic_Writer · ภาพยนตร์
11 Chs

Wandless Magic!

As morning came, sunlight enveloped the grey mansion, allowing a soft warmth to prevail over the surroundings. However, William was already away, hard at work. Around two hundred metres beyond the grey mansions gate, on a large stone platform at the edge of a clear blue lake, William stood, both his hands extended outwards, every few seconds he would shout a peculiar phrase and ripples and splashes would occur on the lake, between each shout once in a while a similar anomaly would occur, just without William speaking.

It's been a short week since William arrived in this world, after the initial excitement passed, reality set in. Although the world was magical, it was also dangerous, if William planned to attend Hogwarts he would undoubtedly face threats in the future, hence he needed strength, true strength. So began his training routine based on the Magic Training Guide he received, every day before the sun rose William would be at the lake, chanting simple magic not carrying a spell or element, just pure magic power.

Through this method William was slowly training his ability to control his magic power, causing more ripples and splashes in the water utilising less and less magic power, what's more, he was developing the ability to use multiple spells at once, from both hands and without openly chanting them. Although chant-less magic was extremely difficult, either because of his abnormal soul strength, his Ambrosius bloodline or both it was slowly becoming possible, at this stage, only one chant-less spell would work in every 100 attempts yet it was progress nonetheless.

Such a routine is undoubtedly strenuous on a small child, however, the constant ability to know his efforts will be benefitting him was driving him forward. Every spell he released, the melodious sound of the system would ring in his mind gently.

"Ding! Basic Spell Released: +3 Points!"

"+3 Points!"

"+4 Points!"

"+3 Points!"

Every point was a step towards upgrading his spell power, his Dragon Tongue ability, Elemental power and more.

"Ding! Magic Core Exhausted: +50 Points!"

"Phew". After taking a deep breath, William dropped gently onto the cool stone platform and let the soothing wind carry droplets of water from the lake onto him, adding to the relaxing experience. Staring at the open sky, the uniquely shaped clouds occasionally passing by, William smiled in satisfaction. "This is the kind of life I wanted, I needed. Knowing my efforts aren't in vain, that every action I take has meaning, having something to truly be passionate about!".

"Sign in!" William rarely shouted in his actual voice, because of his joyous mood.

"Ding! Daily Sign-in triggered...Received: [Apparition (Fine Tuned) Spell Knowledge]"

William nodded in satisfaction, over the week, he received a few hundred more Galleon and the basic Lumos spell, although happy with every gain, a top-class spell like Apparition that allowed basically teleportation is extremely welcome. What's more, it was a spell edited of most flaws by the System, a very welcome thing, as usually Apparition is followed by feelings of nausea and dizziness.

After resting for a few minutes William could feel his magical core quickly filling with power, so he got up and started his walk back to the mansion. A few meters away from the mansion William was 'attacked' by a cute black creature with wings. The true dragon, William lovingly named 'Electra', was already nearly 2 meters long and half a meter tall, its pitch black body was covered in diamond-like scales, between each scale a bright blue light would appear when Electra breathed a ferocious blue fire carrying traces of lightning. Electra couldn't communicate properly yet but was able to understand William with dragon tongue to an extent. After a few moments of playing around, Electra shrank to a size small enough to walk next to William at the same height and walked with him back home.


The seasons passed, and as time went on, William progressed in both magical prowess and physical strength. Early on William realised that one of the wizard's weaknesses was his lack of physical prowess, so with the assistance of the systems training method, William not only trained his magic core but also trained his body. Williams is already five years old at this time, and major changes have taken place.

For one, William no longer hides in the forest, after knowing the system masks his magic core from prying, William knew the Ministry of Magic or Hogwarts wouldn't have known of his awakening or actions unless he wanted them to know. So he used Obliviate to alter the memories of a group of gangsters and put them on the 'right track', having them help in the surrounding communities and move towards business. William had some prior knowledge from his past life that still helped in the 'muggle world' as well so he utilised this to create a stable standing. William had no goal of dominating the muggle world with magic, he only wanted to create a stable foundation for himself on the muggle side of the world as well.

On another 'regular' day for William, he decided to make the choice in relocating. Although the forest and mansion were significant for him personally as it was his starting point in this world he couldn't stand the constant hassle of travelling from the forest to the urban areas to deal with his new businesses matters and what's more, he needed a stable source of information about both muggle and wizards affairs, and that wouldn't be possible for him if he continued to live here. So reluctantly William packed everything valuable to the system's storage, everything he needed into his robe that was enchanted with a 'Capacious extremis' spell, let Electra also hide in its space and placed a 'muggle-repelling' charm around the mansion before finally setting out, with a trace of reluctance but more so a heart filled with excitement.

Three days later, William was completely settled into his new surroundings, after purchasing an inconspicuous villa near Stratford under one of his subordinates 'Vincent Helin's name, William was quite comfortably going on with life. After investing in some ventures he knew would make it big in the long run and having some previously popular works republished in this world under his name, he wholeheartedly focused on training his magical abilities.

Despite chant-less magic being one of his long-time goals, it still hadn't reached a point he could confidently use it. After three years of tireless training, he had reduced the error rate of chant-less magic to working once every 15 to 20 attempts. Compared to most wizards around the world who weren't even able to comprehend the concept of magic conjuring without chanting, William was far ahead, but with his character, he couldn't settle for 'good enough', no he wanted to be the best.

However today William's training was cut short when he noticed something abnormal. "Haha, yes! Finally, everything is ready! I've collected enough points and my core is strong enough to withstand a grand reformation! It's time! It's time!". William shouted excitedly as he was ready to finally break through from the Dark Green Colour rank core to the Blue Colour rank core!

Another chapter is done, I'm trying to hit around 1200 words per chapter as it seems to be the sweet spot for me, I don't have to stretch my story and my ideas easily fill the page. Let me know if this length is acceptable to you all! Also, feedback is always welcome. Have a good day.

Cosmic_Writercreators' thoughts