
Harry Potter: Monarch of Magic

William Reginal was once an insignificant figure following the flow of a mundane society without leaving any noticeable mark of existence. During a sleep no different from any other, William came in contact with the unspeakable, and unimaginable for a mortal, demon or even a god. Something greater. Far greater. When he awoke from his slumber a changed being, it marked the beginning of a legendary time in which he would be at the core of events that would be etched into the annals of time. ---------------------- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc, are the property of their respective owners, William Reginal, Vincent Helin, and others. The original characters and extended plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Cosmic_Writer · ภาพยนตร์
11 Chs

Unexpected Visitor!

Morning is always a busy time in the Sentinel Base, Acolytes fill the training yards, continuously casting spells or taking part in hand-to-hand combat to strengthen their physiques. Praetors are seen roaming the vicinity, harshly reprimanding even the slightest error they detect, their varying voices all amplified through magic spreading across the area.

Vincent has already left for London, taking charge of his important duties in managing the forces collected and businesses run on the 'muggle' side of the world. The three irresponsible Consuls, Askeel, Hurley and Cronin are seldom seen, spending most of their time privately training, or rather wasting time playing wizards chess. Leaving overworked Emanuel to be the face of the Sentinels, handling many areas from logistics to missions.

In the meantime, William has been rigorously training his Dragon Tongue ability. Just over a year ago, when in the wilderness with a small team of Praetors in search of a dark wizard's base, they faced the abrupt attack of a group of wild dragons. Largely resembling the Hungarian Horntail, it nearly caused heavy casualties to William's ranks, but instinctively his dragon tongue appeared and subdued them.

This allowed William to realise two important things. First, the magical creatures of the wizarding world are massively underestimated. Second, dragon tongue has immense potential in furthering Sentinels operations. This prompted his swift actions in amassing a legion of initial dragons and training them to serve as first, partners for Praetors and once William can establish a breeding location safely, for the rest of Sentinel.

This plan worked perfectly in his head, however, Electra's unexpected need to assert his dominance over the dragons caused delays, as nearly 40 dragons were severely injured by Electra before the entire group submitted to him. William was powerless to stop this, like a helpless father he had to watch by and sigh as his usually cute pet bullied tens of dragons for hours.

Today was supposed to be like no other for William, training peacefully with Electra by his side, however, Emanuel's hurried and abrupt visit caused his concern. "Emanuel, what's the matter? It's unlike you to lose your composure". In return, Emanuel could only speak with an unusual gravity in his voice, as if worried unnecessary words would delay something. "Young Lord, it seems, Auror James Potter was detained by one of our outposts. He is followed by a team of Auror, at least ten".

Emanuel's statement stunned William for a moment. He most definitely wasn't planning any interaction with the famed Potters or the Ministry so soon. However such shock quickly dissipated as William regained his composure as a leader. Calming relaying his orders. "Have all Acolytes lock down the manor, take 40 Praetors and come with me to 'entertain' the Ministries personnel, the rest are left under the old fogies' care, they are reliable when it matters, quickly!". Following this William put on his stunning ancient robe, cast a simple yet powerful illusion charm on himself and with Electra shrunk back onto his shoulder calmly walked towards the manor's portkey area, his face void of any emotion, rather indifferent carrying a powerful momentum not matching a child.

On the outside of a Sentinel outpost, the famed James Potter had a stunned expression on his face, as did the Auror around him. They had recently begun large-scale searches for unknown forces in the country as over the last few years, hundreds of known and wanted criminals and organisations have disappeared without a trace. By chance, they discovered a mysterious wizard in a white robe and mask apparating in front of the nearby woods. When questioning him, the man attempted to flee, out of reflex a nearby Auror had tried immobilising him, however, the man's body had a powerful protection charm that dissolved the spell. This further increased James's vigilance and chased after the robed man.

However, their chase was cut short when after passing through an unexpected illusion tied to the environment, they were surrounded by nearly a hundred similar white masked wizards, most with white blue linings on their robes, others with purple. After being restrained harshly, they sat here waiting for what seemed like a person of higher authority.

Unlike the other stunned Auror, James carefully analysed this powerful and dangerous mysterious force. He described them as such because he had never encountered a group with such strict discipline and training, perhaps even beyond Aurors. This frightened James as he might've gone from a simple hostage of a band of rogue wizards to the prisoner of an unknown elite organisation. With each passing moment of observation, James's fear of the latter being the possibility grew.

Sure enough, his prediction was correct, when all the surrounding robed men spread apart as a domineering group of wizards in white masks with purple marks approached them. However, the next moment they were all stunned, when a child, that looked no older than 11 or 12 came to the forefront of this group of wizards and took the position of leader. Seeing that James was too stunned to speak, William took the initiative. "Mr James Potter, it's quite rude to randomly attack someone is it not? Whilst I apologise for my subordinates...harsh methods, I really can't blame them considering you chased them into their own home". William spoke eloquently, a seemingly harmless smile on his face constantly as if his thick skin was strong enough to ignore that he had arrested soldiers of the Ministry of Magic.

James's quick thinking came to an abrupt stop and almost vomited blood after hearing the seemingly innocent words from the child's mouth. "Is Harry behind in terms of knowledge? Have I slacked off on teaching him? Are all kids this terrifying these day?". Thoughts like this that, if spoken aloud would make William burst into laughter swirled in James's head before finally regaining his composure.

"*Uhm*, while I can ignore what happened over here, I still require you all to come with me to the Ministry to go through some regular procedures. Dangerous events have occurred recently in our country, so we have to make sure any suspicious individuals or groups are processed to clear misunderstandings, I hope you'll comply with the ORDERS of the Ministry". James's tone which started humbly like a proper fathers demeanour deteriorated to an arrogant and threatening one by the end, matching his true self, an egotistical little wizard who found joy in abusing and bullying weaker wizards, a prime example being one of Harry Potter's greatest tragedies Severus Snape.

Matching James's tone, William who was initially appreciating one of the core pre-canon characters of the works in his previous life with a smile quickly shifted his expression to one matching disdain and annoyance. However William was not impulsive to randomly slaughter Auror, whilst his standing was strong, it was not strong enough to stand against the Ministry openly...for now. After contemplating his possible actions, he decided to simply abandon the temporary outpost and withdraw his forces. He was planning to attend Hogwarts soon if nothing went wrong, unwanted attention would be problematic for him. However, before leaving he still left a few words enough to cause a storm to express his dissatisfaction.

"I can't help but assume that was a threat, Mr Potter, unfortunately, I will not be accompanying you to the Ministry. I suggest you do not push me, making another enemy during times when that man who took your parent's lives still roams around freely would be...unwise. Good day, Mr Potter". Leaving behind James and the other Auror with similar horrified expressions, William and his Sentinels quickly did a thorough evacuation of the outpost, leaving behind only a few abandoned wooden structures.

Feedback is welcome as always! Some personal matters might tie me down in the coming fortnight, so perhaps chapters may be delayed or simply postponed. If the latter at least 20 or so chapters will be released to make up for it. Have a good day. :)

Cosmic_Writercreators' thoughts