
Harry Potter: Monarch of Magic

William Reginal was once an insignificant figure following the flow of a mundane society without leaving any noticeable mark of existence. During a sleep no different from any other, William came in contact with the unspeakable, and unimaginable for a mortal, demon or even a god. Something greater. Far greater. When he awoke from his slumber a changed being, it marked the beginning of a legendary time in which he would be at the core of events that would be etched into the annals of time. ---------------------- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc, are the property of their respective owners, William Reginal, Vincent Helin, and others. The original characters and extended plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Cosmic_Writer · ภาพยนตร์
11 Chs

Unexpected Encounter!

Walking out of his room, William was met with a slightly dishevelled and worried Vincent, who looked as if he hadn't slept in a while. William smiled at this slightly and ordered him to go rest after ensuring Vincent he was alright.

Although they were all ex-thugs and shady figures, William's spell didn't influence them directly, rather it created reasoning for them to become better, and slowly but surely they did, perhaps they were more loyal and kind to each other than they believed they could be after being hammered around by life.

If the London police who are happily patting themselves on the back for the lower crime rates realised a small five-year-old child was taking in all these dangerous figures, it'd be hilarious to see their reactions.

Getting into a vintage-looking black ford, William was driven by one of his dedicated drivers back to the forest, with an entourage of black ford behind and in front of him. After experiencing such an exhausting event, William wanted to go back to where it all started and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere there.

After driving for a while, William's small convoy of vehicles split off to the surroundings and only two guards followed him into the forest on foot for 'protection' after they insisted on coming along to protect William. Walking for a few hundred more meters, he was nearly arriving at the old mansion when a sudden magical fluctuation caught his attention. However, his thoughts were cut short when following a hoarse voice chanting from a nearby bush a terrifying orange light rushed toward William.

It took William's superior mental facilities a split second to react before he flicked his hand towards the bush and chanted out loud, "Avada Kedavra!". Following this, terrifying dark green rays of magic power rushed from the tips of William's fingers and converged towards the bush, whilst the orange stream heading towards William was deflected by his quick casting of a shield charm.

After a moment of silence in the forest, a black-robed pale man fell out of the bush and landed on the bark lifeless. Such was the frightening power of an amplified Avada Kedavra spell from William. Directing his guards to drag the body to him, William inspected it. From the dark arts books, parchments written in blood and the ability to cast 'Crucio' it was safe to assume William killed a rogue dark wizard. You would assume William was petrified after taking a life, but he had long since come to terms with the fact that conflict could not be avoided at some point, adding to his mature soul and strong will, any discomfort was erased from William when it appeared. However, it seemed he would hold off on revealing his magic, till he was confident in facing the magic world.

William was about to cast a simple Incendio on the dark wizard to remove traces when his keen magical perception discovered a small object that acted as a portkey. William speculated that it was most likely leading to a dark wizard hideout of some sort. Which prompted an idea of his which was left to collect dust in the back of his mind. A personal force. A magical force. Whether it be the future rebirth of Voldemort, Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, the second war, or conflict with other races, William couldn't handle it himself and he couldn't link his muggle forces to the wizard's world and cause havoc.

William's initial idea was to try to bet for his system to provide him with the means to 'summon' or 'create' a force, however, a recent sign-in reward gave William a better idea, something in line with his current abilities. It was a magical ability, 'Absolute Contract'. Placing a powerful spell on a being's very soul that created absolute loyalty, however, this could only be used on those whose will was weakened enough or simply can't resist.

William had already learnt Apparition, so he could easily escape if he needed to, so after making his guards stand by and passing on a message to Vincent, William grabbed the portkey and was spun rapidly until his surroundings blurred for a good while and then reappeared in an extremely gloomy basement with decayed wooden floors.

Quickly grasping awareness of his surroundings, William ran magic throughout his body and tried to move silently as possible. What he wouldn't give for a phantom charm right now! "Damn it, being a dark wizard is fine and all, but can't you shower, the hells with this smell!". William cursed under his breath, slightly regretting coming here. Just as William was approaching the stairs going up from the basement, crisp footsteps caused creaking on the wooden stairs as a robed large middle age man descended. A second after he spotted William, he reached for his wand, however, William's swift actions cut him short. Starting with a quick 'Expelliarmus', the man's wand was flung away from him, immediately after a 'Petrificus Totalus' stunned him in place before a powerful 'Accio' charm flung him towards William, the spell was cut short and gently dropped him to the ground with a 'Wingardium Leviosa'. The fluid flow and combination of William, a five-year-old child spell casting was to be marvelled at but, what stunned him more, was that he chantless-cast! Yes! He did it! But it wasn't just simple chantless casting, no it was fluid casting, one after another!

Whether it was the adrenaline from his situation or his mind working faster than normal because of his instincts, something allowed him to chantless-cast easily and without fail. Once William grasped onto that feeling, he would easily train himself to perfect it, thanks to his superior talent and sheer determination to perfect his craft.

William stared at the man for a solid few moments, he was nearly seven feet tall, extremely built and had a scar travelling across his face from his left eye to his right ear. Saying he was intimidating was an understatement, however, this was all useless as now this person would be one of his own William thought happily. Stretching his right hand over the man's forehead a faint blue light formed between the space of his hand and the man's head and embedded itself into the man's head. The process took barely a second as he was incapacitated and there was no resistance.

As the man awoke a pale blue light flashed in his eyes before quickly receding and his eyes returned to the usual brown. He looked around and when his gaze met Williams, he instinctively kneeled in front of William, they could both feel a connection between each other, for William he could feel neverending loyalty and the ability to shatter the man's soul at any moment and for the man he felt awe for the small child in front of him from the depth of his being.

After nodding in satisfaction for a bit, William expectantly moved towards the next floor, ready to repeat the process he just finished, multiple times over, the tall man faithfully following Willaim from behind. The contrast between a giant led by a child is a scene to truly remember.

Feedback welcome! Hope you enjoyed it! I know I am. Also, next chapter will be a time skip, I can't stand having a five-year-old leading dark wizard anymore lol.

Cosmic_Writercreators' thoughts