
Harry Potter :Magic injuries

Before the start of fifth year Dumbledore changes the plans. Unfortunately he didn't bother to inform Harry. At his trial, Harry realises that it is down to him to save his own skin. To do so his Slytherin side must come out to play, and once it's out it sticks around turning life at Hogwarts on its head. . . . Subscribe to my patreon for advanced content... patreon.com/Fernandodavid . . . The novel is available in PDF format so those who wish to continue it can visit my store

FDRowling777 · ภาพยนตร์
63 Chs

Chapter 32

Harry was brought out of his reminiscing by the nasally female voice announcing "Level One. Minister for Magic and Support Staff."

Harry and Madam Bones both stepped out of the lift and made their way along the corridor to the Minister's office. Once inside, Harry was finally officially introduced to his soon to be co-worker.

"Harry Potter," said the Minister after thoroughly shaking his hand in greeting "this is Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, and future Professor of History of Magic and High Inquisitor at Hogwarts School." he gestured towards the flabby faced woman for Harry's benefit, not that he needed her pointed out to him as that hideous cardigan made her impossible to miss.

Fudge turned to the woman and said "Dolores, this is Harry Potter, who has been gracious enough to offer to assist us in our efforts at Hogwarts."

"A pleasure, Mr Potter." said Madam Umbridge, through a smile that failed to reach her cold, dark eyes. She held out a hand, the stubby fingers of which were covered in old and rather gaudy rings.

Swallowing forcefully against the bile that was trying to rise in his throat, Harry reached out and shook her hand before replying "The pleasure is mine."

He was going to have to ask Sarah for a bowl of disinfectant potion to bathe his hand in later, followed by a full scan for possible contamination.

The Minister and Madam Bones quickly exchanged a few pleasantries, which was followed by a very terse exchange of greeting between the two women in the room. Clearly Amelia Bones had no love for Dolores Umbridge, and it was just as clear that the feeling was mutual.

"Right then," said Fudge "down to business."

Harry wondered if perhaps the Minister sensed the tension in the air between the two women and was wisely changing the topic from that of greeting to why they were there. Or perhaps he was giving the man too much credit.

Either way, Harry snatched at the offered change with both hands and said "While I will agree with you Minister in saying that I will gladly assist the Ministry in any way I can as they make necessary reforms at Hogwarts, I do not see what I, specifically, could do."

There was no sense beating around the bush. Harry knew what the Minister wanted to ask of him, and he knew what his answer was going to be, so they might as well get straight to it.

"Well," began Fudge "I imagine that you recall our last meeting, in which you suggested that we appoint a student to assist Madam Umbridge in her work as well as act like a problem solver for other students."

Harry pretended to think for a short moment before giving a nod of his head and confirming "Yes, I do remember suggesting something like that, now that you mention it."

"Well we were hoping," the Minister continued "that you would be the one to accept this post."

He gave a pointed look to Umbridge as he said the word "we."

Harry feigned a look of surprise and asked "Me, Minister? Why me?"

"To put it simply, you are the best candidate that we could think of," replied the Minister "Every time I have spoken with you, you have shown yourself to be a very respectable individual who takes matters seriously."

Harry suspected that his status as "The-Boy-Who-Lived" played much more of a part in this decision that anything else, but wisely chose to not point that out.

Instead he feigned flattery and said "Why, I am honoured, Minister, that one of a station such as yours should think so highly of me."

The Minister and his Undersecretary both missed it, but that comment earned Harry a look from Madam Bones, one that said something that Harry privately agreed with. He was laying it on just a bit too thick.

But it was working, because Fudge commented "It is the truth, Mr Potter. And any other would be foolish to not see it."

"Thank you," said Harry "I must admit to being tempted by your offer, but I suppose it would be wise to enquire as to what my duties will entail, exactly."

"I'm glad you asked, Mr Potter." said the Minster "It would be prudent, however, to inform you first of the role which Madam Umbridge will be taking."

He opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a role of parchment, which he promptly unfurled and began going through it.

"Now, Madam Umbridge's primary reason for being stationed at Hogwarts School is to fill the post of Professor of History of Magic. In this capacity she will assess what needs to be done to bring the course up to speed as it has fallen dramatically behind international standards. She will advise the Ministry, particularly the wizarding examinations authority as well as myself, as to what needs to be done to put the course back on track."

"During this time the student assigned to assist her will settle into their capacity as the listener to students' problems,"

He addressed Harry directly at this point and said "I rather thought that "Student Advisor" would be an appropriate title for the role."

Harry gave a nod and replied "Sounds good to my ears, Minister."

"The Student Advisor will be charged with listening to the problems and complaints of his or her fellow students, and acting as they see fit, resolving what they can whilst reporting anything that they cannot deal with themselves. This includes dealing with any complaints against both staff and prefects. The Student Advisor will have the authority to question the decisions of the prefects, as well as reprimand them. The Student Advisor will also attend staff meetings in order to act as the voice of the students."

The Minister continued "After reviewing her own course, Madam Umbridge will be officially appointed to the role of Hogwarts High Inquisitor. In this role she will be charged with reviewing all courses provided by the school, as well as carrying out Ministry approved assessments of all staff, both academic and support, in order to determine their suitability to deliver what is required. During this she will also have the power to oversee disciplinary action against students, and adjust any given punishment as she sees fit. Also, in the event of the Headmaster being removed from the school by the Ministry, all staff not reviewed and approved by the High Inquisitor will be suspended without pay pending the results of further investigation. Also in that event the High Inquisitor will replace the Headmaster of the School."

"One the High Inquisitor is in place, the Student Advisor will be appointed as Junior Inquisitor. Alongside his or her previous duties, the Junior Inquisitor will now also be required to conduct reviews of the prefects of all houses as well as the head boy and girl in order to determine that they are suitable for the role they were given, and will be able to remove them from those posts should they are deemed to be inefficient. The Junior Inquisitor will be charged with reviewing all those involved with the school's inter-house Quidditch tournament, and will have the power to remove from the teams any player who either shows themselves to be undeserving of their position, or if the student in question is failing to keep up with their studies between training sessions and matches. The Junior Inquisitor will be able to assist members of staff in overseeing disciplinary action against students (observing detentions). The Junior Inquisitor, acting as the voice of the students, will also be granted a say in any and all future educational decrees considered by the Ministry of Magic. Also in the event of the High Inquisitor being unable to perform all of her duties the Junior Inquisitor shall deputise for her and carry out those duties to the best of their abilities."

Harry gaped slightly before commenting "Wow. That certainly is a lot to ask of one student."

"Afraid you're not up to the task, Mr Potter?" asked Madam Umbridge, her unpleasant smile genuine this time.

"Oh, I do not doubt that I could do this job," replied Harry "But there is a slight problem with how it might affect my own personal studies. There is also the question of how I am supposed to fit all of that work around my usual lesson plan."

Fudge looked down at the list on the parchment on the desk before him and frowned slightly "I suppose you are right."

"Perhaps," Harry offered "there might be a way around this issue. Once the Student Advisor is appointed to the role of Junior Inquisitor it would be prudent to appoint assistants."

"And how might we do such a thing?" asked Madam Umbridge.

Harry thought for a few moments before commenting "Prefects are selected by the staff and then pretty much forced upon their fellow students whether they like it or not. Perhaps it would pay to take the idea of a prefect but appoint them differently."

"How so?" asked the Minister.

"An election," replied Harry "You know, like how a new Minister is appointed. Various students could put themselves forward for consideration, and their fellow students vote. The winner gets the job of Assistant Student Advisor. I'm thinking we maybe do one per year group, although that might intimidate the first year and second year candidate, and there is the house rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin to consider…"

"There is an easy way around that," replied Madam Bones "One student, per house, per year. That way everyone gets a voice."

"That seems like a perfect idea, Madam Bones." said Fudge.

"There is just one problem though," said Harry, thoughtfully "What incentive do we give them to take on such a responsibility?"

"I would imagine," said Fudge "that like the position of prefect, Assistant Student Advisor would look good on one's résumé."

"Perhaps they should receive a Ministry recognised certificate of merit," said Harry "You know, something to prove that they held a position of responsibility that was approved by the Ministry of Magic itself."

Fudge clasped his hands together eagerly "A wonderful idea, Harry. Yes, a Ministry approved merit. Excellent thinking. I trust that that you will be taking the position then?"

"I believe I will," replied Harry "After all, if Assistant Student Advisor will look good on the résumé, I can only image how good Junior Inquisitor will look."

"Excellent," said the Minister "You will of course be rewarded for your efforts, the details of which we will discuss shortly."

"Of course," Harry continued "I will need to make a few arrangements. I will need to resign from the Gryffindor Quidditch team. In fact it would probably be best if I dropped Gryffindor house altogether. As I said the house rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin is going as strong as ever. My being associated with one particular house over another will make some students far less likely to approach me. I believe that I will have to appear neutral in all aspects."




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