

Hai guys it is my first time writing a novel so there will be so many grammatical mistakes so please do point it out for me and if there are any suggestions pls do mention them Two different people got a wish from R.O.B and they both are reincarcerated as cousins(boy/girl) in a muggle born with a soul connection and they both can use each other wishes. the whole story will be where MC will be mostly OP try reading it once and give me advise on how to develop the characters and how to be the dialogue writing. THANK YOU PLS ENJOY

Deathgamer_ · ภาพยนตร์
20 Chs


Aditya [ hmm that's why I want to create a business empire in the muggle side of the world, so big so that it can control the governments, media, and people opinion with just a statement, people believe what the majority believe that's how so many governments control the people, most of them believe what's shown to them and what is written in books and you know If you are so powerful then books are written by us ]

Aditya [ In the magical side of the world even though there are politics there are the ones who get stronger fist rules, like Tom but in the muggle side of the world you need a higher political stand and rich backing ]

Aditya [ with that we can mold the opinions of the muggle as we want slowly ]

Aditi [ hmm let's see so are you trying to summon now ]

Aditya [ yes, two people first one with mind arts and another one Alchemist ]

Aditi [ ok do it ]

I have entered my mindscape


Can summon 4 puppets with most knowledgeable on the earth in respective fields ( you cannot buy puppets with the most knowledge on earth with money & their skills cannot be copied )



When buying normal puppets the more knowledgeable the host is the more knowledgeable the puppets are

normal summoned puppets have white or green talents randomly in most fields and rarely blue,

to increase the talent of puppets to blue or purple you can spend money

The gender and age of the puppets are random spend money to buy particular gender and age puppet

After seeing the rules, I have decided to summon 2 people

The first one is the one specialized in mind arts and the second one is one specialized in alchemy

Immediately two people are materialized in front of me from my shadows

one lady and one old man

The lady in front of me is exactly like Yang Xin from Tale of demons and Gods and she is having a smoke pipe in her hand, her eyes are shining with a glint

It is a breathtaking beauty

And the other one is an old man around 40-50 years, English man he is white and the way he dressed is like he is a scholar whom we have to bow down and give away if we see them on road

" Master " " Master " they both called me at a time

Aditya [ can you guys hear me mentally ]

[ yes master ]

Aditya [ can you guys keep silence spell around the whole room first ]

immediately the old man snapped his fingers

[Done it, master ]

" ok call me Young master from now and you can call her young miss," I said pointing towards Aditi

"Do you both have names? " I asked them with full curiosity

" no young master " they replied rather mechanically

" ok from now on your name will be Yang Xin {TDG reference} and you will be Edward Elric {FULL METAL ALCHEMIST REFERENCE }" I said pointing at both of them

they both accepted it happily and showed human-like emotions

ok " Yang Xin I have work for you "

" Please give order master," she said with a resolute look

" Tomorrow Find leaky cloudron bar near 48 Charing Cross Road, the go-to St Mungo's Hospital, go and meet Longbottom family and try to cure, present lord and his wife both, in return, ask the Longbottom family should help us in our business and any problems from ministry, "

" yes, young master "

I am very satisfied with her

"can you rob Gringotts "

I asked her to know if she can, I don't even have a gallon to start a business

getting money on the muggle side is easy but on the magical side it is a bit difficult

"yes, young master, I can"

"good, then rob them some money a little bit don't go overboard and try to hypnotize a shop owner there and get it under your control "

"Edward after getting the shop in control I want you to do revamp the shop and get ready to open for business and the first thing I want you to create is a broom just make sure it is better than the one in the market no need to go overboard"

"Edward also make a ring with space in it with different sizes and bring me one with different book regarding alchemy you find "

"yes, I can do that " Edward replied calmly

"Yang Xin after dealing with Longbottom's ask them to get a land and house in the magical community complete all this work and come and meet me "

after giving them the instructions they both went into shadows to rest it is a bit creepy so I told them to get a house so I can also go there to learn magic

Aditi was seeing all these from sides didn't say anything until they left

Aditi [ why help Longbottom's ]

Aditya [ they can help us if we want anything in ministry, even though we can rob money to use, we still need ministry help in some matters, so it is good to have good relationship's ]

Aditi [ what do you think of Yang Xin ]

Aditya accidentally thinks drooling [ it is so big ]

Aditi kicks him on the butt from behind on bed with an angry face [ pervert ]

she didn't allow climb and bed to sleep

Aditya stared at Aditi for a sec before he called Edward " Edward transfigure that table into a bed for me "

he showed a triumphant smile to Aditi and went into sleep