
Harry Potter and the Legend of a Phoenix

A Phoenix has risen! A new prophecy is written, clashes among both sides, Anthony enters the fray. Will he save his new friends and so-called Phoenix? A young man who didn't achieve anything in his life was granted another chance. No one had really loved him in his past life and he didn't really have the chance to grow up. But after his death he was sent to a place he could start over again. The MC decides that he's had enough of having no impact in anybody's life and his willpower is reborn! Now he's in a new world with no clue to do except to become powerful. Follow his journey and watch how this young man leave his regrets behind and start anew! *Updates some of the earlier chapters so that the MC is more relatable and his logic is also a bit more logical. Overall I have bettered the MC, it’s clearer in the later chapters though, I still don’t want my MC to be an all-knowing God. I need some character development to keep it fresh. So this means the MC will not be OP from the start. *None of these characters are mine except the ones that are OC. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers.

TFDM · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
37 Chs

A new home

Lycan turned to me with a devilish grin on his face. ''Enter… if you dare'' he had an ominous tone and I could feel shivers on my spine. I walked towards the door and noticed that the surrounding area was beautiful.

We seemed to be somewhere in a forest but the garden was closely kept after. It looked like a garden you see at a Royal house, truly stunning. There were also some bushes that were in the form of vampires biting humans and then the human becomes a vampire and then the cycle continued. I was in the middle of the circle and looked in awe at the manor and all the different kinds of flowers and other marble statues that were placed around the grounds.

Alaric gave me a wide grin and pointed to a marble statue of a naked woman ''Hehe you like that one don't you? I actually thought of it myself, I modelled it after the most beautiful woman I ever killed. Such a shame I should've kept her around longer but I couldn't keep my impulses at bay''

I chuckled, I thought I was perverted but clearly Alaric was on another level. But I guess that kind of makes sense. He hasn't really been able to properly grow up since he transformed into a vampire when he was so young.

Alaric gave me an even wider grin ''Stay close to me lil bro and I'll show you lots and lots of good things'' Suddenly my mum was behind Alaric and she gave him a bitch slap. Alaric flew for about 3 meters before finally hitting the ground.

Alaric rubbed his cheek and blew my mum a raspberry. My mum ignored him and gave me a small push in my back. ''Let's head inside dear, before you catch a cold'' When I heard those words I rolled my eyes. I've never caught a cold and I'm pretty sure I'll never catch a cold because I'm a vampire.

I'm pretty sure my mum just didn't want me to hang around Alaric which was understandable, but I really wanted to be around Alaric. He was good fun and his eyes were full of wisdom when he talked about women. Truly a man I aspire to be. I chuckled inwardly at my last thought.

I simply nodded to my mum and we went inside holding hands. My step-dad seemed to be very frightened and hid behind me and my mum's back. He clearly wasn't comfortable yet but Lycan had made an unbreakable vow and if you broke such a vow you die or lose all of your magic. Both didn't seem like great options for Lycan.

Before I entered I thought that the interior would be red and black with coffins everywhere and that it would be really cold. But when I got inside the A/C seemed to be at a comfortable 20 degrees celsius and the interior was actually bright with vibrant colors. Apparently my thoughts were pretty clear because Celeste turned to me and gave me a cranky look.

''Just because we're vampires doesn't mean we dislike being comfortable. And we also know to style ourselves we've lived for so long after all.''

And she was right. It looked very classy, nearly posh. But it wasn't like they were showing anything off everything fit the style the room was in. The floor was made out of some type of dark wood and seemed expensive. The table was a little bit brighter which contrasted beautifully. Everywhere you could see ancient artifacts on the walls.

I entered the dining room a little further and walked straight to the kitchen. The kitchen was full of all sorts of vegetables and even garlic. Which seemed strange to me because I was pretty sure garlic was fatal to vampires.

I turned to Lycan who was right behind me, clearly keeping an eye on me and I inquired. ''Why is there garlic here? I thought that it was fatal to vampires?'' Lycan chuckled and nodded.

''Yes garlic is most certainly fatal to vampires but if you consume some garlic every now and then you'll be able to actually eat it and tolerate it. Of course if we eat a lot it's still poisonous but it won't kill us. That's why we eat garlic every now and then.''

I nodded, that actually was pretty smart. But that means that their aversion to garlic is some kind of allergy. I always thought it was weird that garlic was fatal to vampires. Like what did the vampires ever do to piss off garlic that much?

''Am I able to eat garlic?'' I still wasn't sure by being a half-vampire I cancelled out all the negative effects of being a vampire so I inquired with Lycan. Lycan stroked his beard and answered. ''I'm not sure you're only half-vampire after all. But the only way that we can know for certain is to try it for dinner tomorrow… Now where is that blasted house elf''

Lycan turned around and suddenly there was a loud pop and an elf was in front of me. The elf reached knee height and was actually dressed quite nicely. It also seemed like he looked after himself. The elf seemed to be excited to see me but more so to see my mum.

''Mistress has returned! And also the Mistress' child!'' The elf headed over to me and gave me a loving look. ''I always knew you'd be a strong child! Definitely with that bloodline of your father!'' Suddenly the elf grabbed her mouth and closed it. ''I shouldn't have said that!''

The elf grovelled at Lycan's feet. ''I'm sorry master I'll take any punishment with delight!''

Lycan looked at the elf but there was no hostility in his eyes. ''No need to grovel Nilsey, he will know his heritage in due time but it's not our destiny to tell him. It lies elsewhere.''

The elf nodded and thanked Lycan. The house elf also greeted me and gave me some cookies but my mum refused. It was long past my bedtime and I needed sleep. And I definitely agreed that I needed sleep but no one says no to homemade cookies. So I whispered to the house elf to take some to my bedroom and the house elf nodded with a grin and ended off with a bow. The elf then produced a loud pop and disappeared with the smell of homemade cookies still vividly could be smelt in the air.

My mum ushered me to go upstairs and Alaric went with me to show me my bedroom. I was on the first step of the stairs when Lycan called me back. ''Wait my child, we haven't laid out your schedule for the coming months yet. Do I understand properly that you turn 11 in 8 months?''

I nodded and Lycan stroked his beard again. ''Alright, I've something in mind. You'll train three days a week with me. On monday, wednesday and friday. And on tuesday and thursday you train with Alaric. But Alaric will alternate Thursdays with Celeste to teach you proper manners.''

That seemed fair to me, after all I had the weekend to rest and explore the manor if I wished. The grounds around the manor also seemed interesting. He had seen a pond outside and some fish-like creature winked at him but he couldn't see it properly.

I nodded and yawned. ''I think it's bedtime for this young one. Alaric, show him where he'll be staying.'' Alaric nodded and dragged me along. ''Tomorrow is going to be so much fun. I'll show you all around the manor and let you meet all the ghosts that roam around the manor. Especially Oni is a lot of fun. Bit of a demon though but nothing to worry about.''

Those words didn't calm me at all. Was there a demon roaming around the manor? Or was it just a figure of speech? Well I'll guess I'll find out tomorrow. I was so tired that when I saw my bed I immediately fell asleep and didn't bother looking around my new room. It had been a long day after all.

When I woke up I saw some cookies and milk at my bedside table. The cookies were a bit stale but still delicious. I sat up and finally examined my room. Light poured in from behind the curtains and nearly blinded me. I always hated the sunlight after I had just woken up.

There was a huge mirror in the right corner of my room. It had this medieval look to it with a lot of decoration on the ends. I looked at myself and my white hair was ruffled. I looked like a mess, I was desperate for a shower. When I turned around from the mirror the mirror suddenly spoke.

''You're just going to walk away with that hair?! Look at the state of it! It's like something died on it!'' Ah great, my mirror could talk. And it was a sassy mirror at that. I wondered if I could ask Lycan for a replacement mirror that was a bit more supportive.

When I turned around and looked in the mirror again my hair was suddenly fixed. It was combed back neatly and seemed to be perfectly in place. I thanked the mirror gratefully ''Wow thanks a lot!''

The mirror blushed- Wait, pause. The mirror blushed? But it really seemed like it. The mirror blushed and spoke. ''I-It's not that I like you or anything, It's just so easy to fix I had to do it!''

I laughed out loud. Did I have a tsundere mirror?

I wonder if she'll call me a 'Baka' in the future but I certainly would hope she didn't because then I would immediately die from cringe. When I headed for the other corner of my room suddenly something sprung out of a box.

It was a white cat with red eyes like me. He seemed so fluffy and I had this insane urge to pet him. But knowing the HP Universe it's wise not to pet anything unless you wanted to lose your arms. But then the cat meowed and looked at me with his great big red eyes. It's like he had two big headlights to see where he was going.

I couldn't resist this kind of temptation. Cats are holy creatures after all and need to be petted. The Egyptians were on the right track when they made their mythology. I petted the cat and the cat purred loudly. But when I meant loudly it was like my whole room was shaking. I picked up the cat and rubbed it's soft belly ''Who's my perfect little overpowered cat? Who is it? Yeah you are!'' I coo'd the cat and it seemed to like the attention I was giving it.

''But now to give you a name… You're certainly powerful and you have these great big red eyes hmmm… What about Tigger?'' The cat hissed at me, he or she apparently didn't like that name so I racked my brain again.

''Hmm.. What fits with red eyes… Maybe Lucifer? Do you like Lucifer.'' The cat purred happily and jumped on my shoulder. It seemed I had acquired a new friend. ''A pleasure to meet you Lucifer, I'm Anthony. I hope we can be friends.''

Lucifer seemed to purr in acceptance and rubbed his head on my cheek. I laughed and pet him. ''You sure like attention don't you?'' The cat purred even louder; he certainly wasn't afraid of admitting it.

I decided to head downstairs. I had mucked about enough and I was hungry. On commando my stomach rumbled. It's like it wanted to say ''Give me food now! You lazy bitch!'' Lucifer looked at me with his big eyes and I could tell he was also hungry.

When I got downstairs everyone was already sitting around the dining table. Of course Celeste and my mum sat on opposite ends to make sure they were as far away from each other as they possibly could.

Lycan noticed the white fluffy hairball on my shoulder ''What is that demon doing on your shoulder?'' He seemed shocked. Apparently Lycan didn't really like the cute cat. And the feeling was mutual. Lucifer hissed at Lycan and bared his fangs. I noticed when he bared his fangs that they were way sharper than they should be.

''Uhm… This is Lucifer, Lucifer meet the Alucard family.'' Lucifer calmed down and gave a polite ''Meow'' and licked his paw. Lucifer was way too cute. I was going to protect him until the end of my days. I noticed Lucifer was a he by the way when he lifted his pawn and I could see something dangling.

Lycan sniffed ''Hm! Lucifer is definitely an adequate name for that little demon'' Alaric stood up and headed towards me. When he got closer he examined the little cutie called Lucifer. ''I've seen him around sometimes but this is the first time he has entered the house. But before that I couldn't get a good look on him but now that I look more closely… Your cat isn't just any ordinary cat lil Bro. It's a wampus cat! And a rare one at that. White wampus cats are very rare and those extraordinary red eyes… He's definitely something special.''

Lucifer seemed to be enjoying the praise and puffed out his chest and let out a proud ''Nya!'' I examined him more closely and quickly enough I saw the resemblance of a wampus cat. But when I first saw him I was too captivated by his cuteness and only focussed on that.

Me and Lucifer sat down for a quick bite to eat and when Lucifer was done he proudly trotted on the dinner table collecting his daily pets from everyone that was present. But he ignored Lycan and gave him the stink eye.

When I was done Alaric dragged me upstairs. Lucifer was clutched himself tightly around my shoulder. Alaric was way too fast for his own good. It was like he was trying to break the space time continuum or something like that.

We finally got to a deserted section of the manor where there weren't even any paintings but only scratches on the wall. There was also some blood on the floor and Alaric had an evil grin on his face.

''Now to enter the den of the beast…''

First chapter of the day! I had a blast writing this one I don't know but I had a lot of ideas when I went to sleep last night and I can't wait to implement them into the story!

TFDMcreators' thoughts