
Origins II

My mum immediately protested "We're safe here, we've lived here for 10 years. The wards have held up so far. I think we can definitely make it for a little while longer"

Lycan observed her for a bit. He had a sad look in his eyes "You'd be foolish to think the wards actually think that the wards kept the Cullen clan out. They're not to be taken lightly. We've been protecting and observing you for 10 years but word came out that your son was still alive and now they're actively looking for him. We can't afford to leave him in this place anymore."

My mum seemed stunned. She opened and closed her mouth but had no comeback to Lycan's words.

I didn't show it but I was also stunned. The world seemed much greater and way more dangerous than I could've ever imagined. But at least there were some positives. It meant that taking over the vampires might be easier than I thought.

I always thought that vampires were disorganized and had a lot of small squabbles among each other. But if I had to take down only one clan then this might not be as bad as I thought it would.

But that doesn't mean that my opponents were weak. Lycan wielded absurd power along with some magic to boot. If they hadn't won yet that meant that the other side was nearly as powerful maybe even more so.

I inquired about the war. It seemed like I was going to be thrown into it anyways if I wanted to or not. I couldn't just run away from the Alucard family definitely when taking into account how powerful Lycan is. On the other hand if I did manage to run away I was sure that the Cullen clan would find me and kill me. So I might as well inform myself the best as I could.

"What's the situation with the war? Are we winning?" My mum gave me a surprised look she couldn't believe I was actually considering to help the Alucard clan.

"You're not getting involved Anthony! You're only 10! What do you think to achieve against the Cullen clan? The war has been going on for nearly a 1000 years. A 10 year old isn't going to be able to do much. And besides I won't let you endanger yourself like that"

I looked back at my mum with a defiant look "It's not that I want to be involved but we can't just stay here! The Cullen clan will find us and then it will be over for us. I want to be strong enough to protect our family. And for now that going with the Alucard's might be our best option."

Celeste looked at me with a surprised look on her face "Katherin your son is wise beyond his years. Maybe you should listen to him once in a while"

My mum growled at her but didn't bother giving Celeste's remark much attention. She clearly was deep in thought considering the implications of both situations.

But before she could finish thinking Lycan interrupted her. "I'll make a deal with you Katherin. I'll give him four years in Hogwarts where he doesn't need to be involved but after that we need him. Both sides are at their limit and having Anthony join our side could make or break the war."

I smiled at Lycan and he gave me a grandfatherly smile, we were family of some sorts after all. But Lycan wasn't done talking.

"You'll take residence in the Family Head's manor and Anthony will be trained by Alaric to better his vampire powers. I will train him to perfect his magic over the summer when he's away from Hogwarts."

"I'll also make sure that no one will mess with Anthony while he's at Hogwarts. I'm a board member after all and I'll make sure that Dumbledore is aware of Anthony's presence."

My mother sat back in her chair and had a pensive look on her face. She wasn't as hesitant as she was before. I hoped she would take the deal. For the sake of our family.

"I think Richard should have a say as well. It won't be fair to leave him out of this."

Lycan had a disgusted look on his face but agreed and my step-dad came back into the room after being called upon he quickly started speaking.

"No need to inform me, I heard everything. Katherin, I say we take the deal. Our other options aren't great and I tried to think ahead a little bit of how our situation would be and I think we all would end up dead."

My mum nodded and seemed to think it all over again before finally deciding. "Fine, but if Anthony encounters any danger at Hogwarts and I figure out that it's your fault. Then we immediately leave the clan and will go abroad."

Lycan seemed to respect my mum's words and nodded "I'm perfectly fine with those conditions. I will make an Unbreakable Vow with you so you know I'm being truthful."

My mum nodded and they both stood up and held hands. My step-dad stood next to them and put his wand on both of their hands. My mum began her questioning.

"Will you protect Anthony even if it meant that the entire clan was at stake?"

Lycan nodded "I will protect Anthony's live at all cost"

A thin stream of fire emitted from my step-dad's wand. My step-dad nodded and she asked another question.

"Will you protect Richard's life like he was your own?"

There was a tinge of reluctance in Lycan's eyes but after a little while he nodded "I will"

The stream of fire became thicker and my step-dad nodded again. My mother stated her final term.

"Will you promise to end the war at least in the next ten years?"

Lycan gave my mum a strange look. That was a huge task to ask but I assumed that the reason behind it was that my mum didn't want me to fight for my entire life. She probably wants me to have a peaceful life.

"I will accept those terms" The stream of fire finally enveloped both their arms and seemed to shine brighter and brighter until the veil of fire entered their skin and disappeared.

Alaric was cheering and hugged me way too hard. It felt like he was trying to turn me into tomato juice. "Welcome to the clan brother! It feels good to finally have a younger brother! All those older vampires are so boring and unadventurous. I'll tell you all about how to please a woman!"

I laughed at his remark but I still thought it was a little weird. I'm literally 10 what was he thinking. My mum gave me a weird look and gave Alaric a slap to the head. That was the second time he had been smacked today but he just laughed it off.

Celeste observed me for a while but finally said something "I'll be sure to teach you some etiquette. Your table manners are preposterous"

My mum bared her fangs at her and countered "You're just a posh bitch who's only good at playing politics"

Celeste was infuriated and also bared her fangs "You wanna fight for old time's sake you sleazy bimbo!" Alaric was looking from behind a corner and yelled "Wooo! Cat fight!"

This was a fatal error and they both targeted their anger at him. Alaric looked like he had seen a ghost and quickly hid behind Lycan.

"Ladies settle down, settle down, I know I'm hot but please I don't need your attention" Alaric said boldly. This only angered the two female vampires more and they jumped at him.

Lycan sniggered and simply snapped his fingers and the Celeste and my mum were at the place where they were before they jumped.

Lycan was even more impressive than I thought. "Let's stop this idle chit-chat and head back to the manor. He snapped his fingers again and all their stuff came flying towards them. He snapped his fingers once more and everyone disappeared to suddenly appear again in front of a huge black and white manor.

The pillars were made out of marble and in an Ancient Greaccian style. The frames were Made out of a black stone. It also seemed to be some kind of marble but I wasn't sure. There was a huge frame at the top which depicted Gods sitting around a table. They all seemed to be bleeding from their neck with two little cuts. Standing on the table seemed to be a vampire.

The building looked just like the one in Berlin I believe it was called the 'Reichstag' but smaller. The manor was beautiful, maybe even more so than the Reichstag. It did have a haunting feeling though. It felt like death. And I could tell, I had died after all.

Lycan turned to me with a devilish grin on his face. "Enter…. if you dare"

Another one! I don't know why but I suddenly had a lot of motivation to write so this is the fourth one of the day. Thank you for all your power stones! I appreciate them! Have a good night sleep in a minute. I'm sure I will :)

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