
Harry & Johan Potter

What If Lilly and James were never killed, what if they lived in Godric's hollow, unharmed, yes Voldy's at large but he's been almost defeated by the order of phoenix and is now lost somewhere in Albania. Yet Harry has never been alone in his whole life, there was always someone there for him, his twin brother Johan.

SMMCLIPS · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

Chapter 4- Hogwarts and a Stern Start


Malfoy groaned as I smashed his face into the wall of the train, blood leaking down from his nose and into his mouth that once dared to sneer at my friends. I kept smashing his face in, till even Harry and Ron looked uneasy and told me to lay off. But I couldn't because this was too effing personal!

"What did you call her you little shit!" 

I turned Malfoy around and readied my fist, I could feel my muscles tense and all of a sudden I let them relax, sending my large and clenched fist straight towards Malfoy's face, repeatedly smashing it until his chin and nose were out of place and his eyes were sufficiently bruised.

I dragged him to his compartment with Crabbe and Goyle in suit, threw him in there, and looked at him with a violent grimace on my face, perhaps I had gone slightly too far, but he deserved it the sniveling dog!

"If you ever, mess with my family and friends Malfoy, it will be the end of your sorry life!" 

When I returned I sat down in the compartment, sliding the door shut to a mixed reception, Ginny grinned at me with a sort of happiness because I stood up for her, Ron was happy too but like the death stare Harry was giving me now, he thought I went overboard. Harry had no words at first but then started slapping me and shouting at me telling me how much of a stupid moron I am, picking fights. 

My robes were now stained red with blood, good thing I bought 6 robes, one as a spare so if I mess one up, there would be a reserve. Good thing I listened to Mum, though she only told me to do it, for some reason she believed Harry wouldn't go picking fights, with him being a big old softie!

I pulled out the spare robes and began to get changed for the second time today, everyone closed their eyes and had their hands on their faces, come on we're eleven, but I could swear, while I was shirtless and fumbling around with my robes, I could feel a pair of eyes on me, but when I turned, there was no one looking. Maybe it was someone outside the compartment, I mean it helps when your parents are famous Aurors and your father's next in line for minister. 

But no one was inside, I waited for a few seconds and turned to Ginny who I caught with her fingers open over her face, she hid embarrassed and I just looked at her in surprise and grinned stupidly before finishing dressing up and telling Harry and Ron discreetly to open their eyes, I pointed to Ginny and this time all three of us caught her lacking, she had all her finger spread out on her face, and her reaction was hilarious as the three of us the boys fell about laughing.

"Johan you jerk!" 

I smiled at her amid the laughs and just blew her a kiss, teasing her, she looked incredulous, angrier than her mum sometimes got with Arthur when he blabbered about his muggle-wizard inventions too much. I swapped with Ron again and looked over at Ginny.

"It's just a joke Ginny relax!" I said while laughing. 

"Well, it's not funny Johan!" she said.

"Hey, I'm sorry, really this time!" I said pulling a serious expression out of the hat.

"Well it's alright I guess, but you already know I like you, so why don't you ever ask me out?"

I was shocked. I mean I knew she liked me but I never thought that she would just pull it out of the air like that. Ron looked like a dead fish with his mouth agape, Harry looked at me like he wasn't shocked at all, "About time you asked him, Ginny," he said. 

I directed my gaze back at Ginny and spoke.

"Look, Ginny, if you think you are ready for my bull shit, then all I know is that I was ready years ago!"

She smiled before moving over to her seat and hugging me firmly, the start of the year was made even sweeter by it and I looked forward in anticipation for the future. 

1 hour later:

The train came to a halt, we left our luggage on the train and headed towards the Giant of a man that was the famed Rubeus Hagrid, gatekeeper and former student of Hogwarts. He directed us onto the boats and had a fond word with Harry and Ron before giving me a nod, but then saying, "Listen mate, Johan, Professor McGonagall wants you the first thing we get there, it sounds like you're in trouble mate, wha'dyou do?"

"Nothing Hagrid, just a minor skirmish," I said as I got onto the boat with Harry, Ron, and Ginny. "Minor! not by the looks of the boy!" Hagrid said pointing a Draco who was now nursing his pretty much broken face.

As the boats arrived the group was led in by Professor Flitwick, while I took a different route with Professor McGonagall, her stern mannerisms making me fear for my future at Hogwarts, she took me into an office and sat me down.

"What on Earth were you thinking Potter!"

"I'm sorry Professor, he called my girlfriend a whore and he slandered her brother Ronald Weasley, I couldn't stand by and watch!"

"It does not matter Potter, who or what you were defending, though that is rather gallant of you, you have 2 days of detention with me after school this week, off you go." The route back to where the group stood before was easy and from there a returning Flitwick took me with him to the others. I found Harry, Ron and Ginny and gathered around with them, they seemed to have found a couple friends. Ginny seeing me walked over and put her arm around mine and we waited, for what might be the most stressful the first year of Hogwarts could ever get.