
Harry & Johan Potter

What If Lilly and James were never killed, what if they lived in Godric's hollow, unharmed, yes Voldy's at large but he's been almost defeated by the order of phoenix and is now lost somewhere in Albania. Yet Harry has never been alone in his whole life, there was always someone there for him, his twin brother Johan.

SMMCLIPS · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

Chapter 1- Godric's Hollow, Potter Cottage

(*Author's note, If you are wondering why Lily and James are not dead, then don't bother asking me, the truths will only be revealed at the same pace the MC and his brother Harry work it all out, and that could be a hundred chapters away even, so be good readers and let me keep my sanity!*)

I was born three hours before my younger brother Harry, my mum, Lily Potter, had struggled during her pregnancy with Harry, he was less nourished and weak, and he was fighting to come out, the doctors said my mum would bleed out, but miraculously, she was saved and so was my brother Harry. But from the first walks of life, Harry had a noticeable scar on his head, in the distinct shape of lightning. 

We grew up all our lives in the confines of Potter Cottage and the borders of Godric's Hollow.

Potter Cottage became a hub of laughter and love, with Lily and James doting on both Harry and me. Their presence filled every corner of our home, infusing it with a sense of security and joy. From the moment we were born, they showered us with affection, nurturing us with their unwavering love and guidance.

As siblings, Harry and I were inseparable. We spent our days exploring the enchanting streets of Godric's Hollow, chasing after imaginary creatures in the nearby woods, and creating mischief that only siblings could concoct. Together, we discovered the wonders of magic, practicing spells under the watchful eyes of our parents and marveling at the mysteries of the wizarding world.

Despite the scar on Harry's forehead, a relic of the past that we never fully understood, our childhood was blissful and carefree. Lily and James shielded us from the darkness that lurked beyond the safety of our home, instilling in us the values of courage, kindness, and loyalty.

As we grew older, our bond as siblings only strengthened. We faced the challenges of adolescence together, supporting each other through triumphs and tribulations. As we approached adulthood, we carried with us the lessons imparted by our parents, the memories of a childhood filled with love and laughter.

In Godric's Hollow, surrounded by the love of our family and the magic of our heritage, Harry and I forged a destiny that was uniquely our own. And though the world beyond our doorstep may have been fraught with danger and uncertainty, within the walls of Potter Cottage, we found solace in the embrace of family, and the promise of a future filled with endless possibilities.

As the years unfolded in Godric's Hollow, the quaint village became more than just a backdrop to our lives; it became a character in our story, its cobblestone streets and ancient buildings weaving themselves into the fabric of our memories. Each corner held a tale, each nook whispered secrets of generations past, and with each passing day, we discovered new wonders hidden within its folds.

Our childhood in Godric's Hollow was a tapestry woven with threads of magic and mundane moments alike. We roamed the streets with a sense of freedom that only a small village could offer, our laughter echoing through the air as we played games of wizarding hide-and-seek or raced our broomsticks through the clear skies above.

But amidst the joyous moments, there were also challenges to be faced. Growing up in the wizarding world meant learning to navigate its complexities, from mastering spells to understanding the intricacies of magical law. Our parents, Lily and James, were our guiding lights, imparting their wisdom with patience and love.

In the cozy confines of Potter Cottage, we spent countless hours poring over old family tomes, tracing the branches of our family tree back through the centuries. Each page was a portal to another time, another era filled with tales of heroism and adventure. And though our own story had yet to unfold, we felt a deep connection to those who came before us, their spirits lingering in the very walls of our home.

In the weeks leading up to our eleventh birthdays, anticipation hung in the air like a palpable force, crackling with excitement and possibility. Every morning began with eager anticipation, as we rushed to the mailbox in the hopes of finding our Hogwarts acceptance letters nestled among the mundane envelopes.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks stretched into months, our impatience grew, fueled by the tantalizing prospect of the magical world that awaited us. We spent our days poring over books on magic and wizardry, practicing spells in secret and dreaming of the day when we would finally set foot within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts.

But as the weeks dragged on with no sign of our acceptance letters, doubt began to creep into our minds. Had there been some mistake? Were we not destined to join the ranks of witches and wizards at Hogwarts?

Lily and James, ever the pillars of support and encouragement, reassured us that our letters would come in due time. They regaled us with tales of their own experiences receiving their Hogwarts letters, reminding us that sometimes, magic takes its time in revealing itself.

But as the days passed and our birthdays drew nearer, the uncertainty gnawed at us like a persistent ache. What if we were destined to remain in Godric's Hollow, forever separated from the magical world that called to us with its siren song of adventure and mystery?

And then, on the eve of our eleventh birthdays, just as the last light of the setting sun cast long shadows across the landscape, it happened. A soft, rhythmic tapping echoed through the quiet of Potter Cottage, drawing us like moths to a flame.

With trembling hands, we flung open the door to find a majestic owl perched on the doorstep, its amber eyes gleaming in the fading light. In its talons, it held two pristine envelopes, sealed with the emblem of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Our hearts leaped with joy as we tore open the envelopes, our eyes scanning the elegant script that confirmed our acceptance into Hogwarts. The air crackled with magic as we danced around the living room, our shouts of joy mingling with the hoots of the owl perched on the windowsill.

In that moment, as we stood bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, we knew that our lives would never be the same. Hogwarts awaited us, with its promise of adventure, friendship, and the fulfillment of our wildest dreams.

But little did we know that our journey was only just beginning, and that the real magic lay not in the pages of our textbooks, but in the bonds of friendship and the courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead.