
Harry "Doom" Potter

STORY DROPPED! Summary: Harry Potter gets hit in the face with the Killing Curse, and is saved by his Mother's sacrifice. What happens when the failed curse brings something forward in Harry's Soul, that was supposed to have been forgotten? What happens when Harry remembers his old life of being Victor Von Doom? Will include: Demons, Time Travel, Magic, Kinda OP Character(Seriously, it's Doom!)

HelloDarkness07 · ภาพยนตร์
14 Chs


Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, which is owned by JK Rowling, nor do I own Marvel Comics. I also lay no claim to the characters of Harry Potter, Victor Von Doom, or any other character I have used in my fic, except for the completely OC characters I introduce.

This is a work of fanfiction, not made for earning money, but just to satisfy my hobby of writing. There is also no guarantee that I will finish this work of fanfiction, so keep that in mind before taking a look inside.

Also while I do have a Pat-reon account, it is completely open for the public, with no paywall for any post on it.


Yours faithfully, HelloDarkness07.

Fandom: Harry Potter, Marvel, MCU, or a crossover between the three.

Timeline: 1981.

"No.. Not Harry, please.. Take me! Not Harry.."

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" A Green flash. A blinding explosion. Nothing.


For over 5000 years, humanity has used Magic. In one form or another, it always found Magic and used it. Be it for good, or to cause harm.

Some were born with a connection to the planet below them, and nature all around. Druids, they were called, most of the time. But another name they went by, was Priests of Nature.

Some were born connected to their Entire Universe. They went by many names. Warlocks, Mages, Sorcerers, and finally, Wizards and Witches.

And there were those that learned to connect themselves to the planet, or the Universe, over years of training. They weren't usually born with anything special. They just had a will to learn, to survive, and an affinity to the Mystic Arts. They went by the name of Sorcerers the most.

Lastly, came Witches. Not to be confused with the female Wizards, Witches were those that made deals with one entity or another, in exchange for Magical power. Some took these powers from other Dimensions, some took them from strong beings from this Universe. Whatever the source, the powers still put them a step above the others.

But not one of these extraordinary groups of Magic users had managed to completely study the one subject.


Such an amazing concept, and one that has remained mostly mysterious, even amongst all the Magical Communities.

Some were unwilling to stoop that low, while others were afraid of the Soul's true power.

Some did try, but they failed to understand what the Soul told them.

Even still, from the limited understanding of the Soul that the Magic users had, some had managed to devise a way to.. manipulate it. A few created artifacts, so pure, that they restored the Soul to its prime, and kept it like that.

Some created artifacts so vile, that just creating one of them damned their souls for eternity. Horcrux, the wizards called them, and no matter who created them, no matter how many you created, Death came to them still the same.

Death, the Entity took offense to the creation of these Horcruxes, and usually took their souls way before their time.

But even if the Wizards had mastered the vile art of taking a part of a soul, and keeping it safe, they still did not understand the soul completely.

Our story starts when a Wizard, barely a year old, was hit upon by a Curse that was designed for just one purpose.

To Kill.

It wasn't the most evil curse, not even close. But it was the one that gave guaranteed Death to anything it hits.

There was no 'building a resistance to it', no defending it with a magical shield spell.

No magical shield, no matter its strength, would be able to shield its user from the curse. The only way to protect oneself from the curse, was to not be the first thing it hits.

Physical barriers.

When Tom Marvolo Riddle cast the curse at a 15 month old baby Harry Potter, he did not foresee the consequences.

His soul was mangled from the creation of 5 Horcruxes, which was already stretching the limits of the soul. The instability of his soul led to a piece of Tom Riddle's soul, a Sixth Horcrux of his, to latch on to the only source of pure Magic it could find. Harry Potter.

Harry Potter himself didn't remain unaffected. Oh no, his soul went through the most unexpected results.

His soul was a recently reborn soul, one cleared of its past memories. The past of a Sorcerer, a Man of Science, and Magic, was erased completely, to give it a new start.

But as it usually is, Energy can never be completely destroyed, nor created. And what are memories within a soul, if not Energy? So, the memories of it's past life remained hidden, waiting to be written over, by Harry Potter's new life, his new Memories.

However, the Killing Curse forced the memories buried deep within the soul to come forth, and the 15 month old Harry Potter, merged with that of a 30 year old Sorcerer.

When he was knocked unconscious because of Magical exhaustion, the Sorcerer and the Wizard became one, and began the process of seeing their memories from an outsider's view.

The soul was still pure though, so despite the amount of memories that made up the Sorcerer, the Wizard remained the Dominant personality. Only now, he had a flavor to it that resembled the Sorcerer.

When he next woke up, Harry Potter, a new resident of Number 4, Privet Drive, wasn't just a Wizard. Now, he was also a Sorcerer, and a Scientist.

He wasn't just Harry Potter anymore. He was also Doctor Victor Von Doom, the student of The Ancient One.

All the while, the small piece of soul that once belonged to Tom Riddle, remained unnoticed inside the scar on Harry Potter's forehead, safe from the dangerous person that was now Harry Potter, but also unable to do anything to its vessel.

And so, Harry "Doom" Potter woke up inside the cupboard under the stairs, unknowing what his presence might bring to this new Universe he found himself in.

Summary: Harry Potter gets hit in the face with the Killing Curse, and is saved by his Mother's sacrifice. What happens when the failed curse brings something forward in Harry's Soul, that was supposed to have been forgotten? What happens when Harry remembers his old life of being Victor Von Doom?