Pearl_And you?...
Pearl_Haha..Your parents..tried to do the same thing...As our parents..Theymade us maids did not care about us..until they had you..Before we were maids those were our funny Uncles and Aunties then they had drugs drank alcohol and they stoped having attention to us even our parents..They had you.. soo.. happy..Then we saw there plan..Plan was this..
N.A.L.P (Plan)
Tom 1977 Midnight bring kids to basement...And kill...
Pearl_Exactly has no plan....-_-
Amethyst_We got you and Run...To keep you safe people got you and thought we were gonna kill you...Threw us in the trash...You were special.....
WAIT Please comment happy bday bc ITS MAH FRIENDS BDAYYY SHes nOt A BaBY AnYMORE her_Wut...
Anyways UwU
Im rlly srry tbc.....