
Halo of Infinite Code

[[ After enduring inhuman torture during the experiment to remove the brain limiter, Azkar Oblivion died. He woke up in a world where humans possessed unique abilities and magic, but, to his luck, the very world itself was heading towards the apocalypse. Having been literally broken from the experiment in his past life, when he awakened his abilities in the new world, he was able to see the coding of the very fabric of the world. In his second life, Azkar is creating his way towards his goal to free himself from everything, so no one is able to control him; no rules, no boundaries. This is the goal he aims to achieve in his second life. This is a story where the protagonist is so crazy that he didn't kill any of his enemies in a normal way; he killed them in a very cinematic and overpowering manner. ]]

Azkar_ · เกม
81 Chs

Civilization Ranking

>1. Type 0: Subglobal Culture - This level implies a civilization that has not yet mastered the efficient use of its planet's resources on a global scale. Interconnectedness and unity are limited.

>2. Type 1: Planetary Culture - This civilization has achieved global unity and can harness the energy resources of its entire planet, effectively managing and controlling its environment.

>3. Type 2: Stellar Culture - At this level, a civilization can harness the energy output of its entire star. This often involves constructing a Dyson sphere or a similar megastructure to capture a significant portion of the star's energy.

>4. Type 3: Galactic Culture - This is a civilization that can control energy on a galactic scale. It can harness the power of multiple stars and has expanded its influence and control over a significant portion of its home galaxy.

>5. Type 4: Intergalactic Culture - A civilization capable of harnessing and controlling the energy of multiple galaxies. This would involve technologies and capabilities beyond our current understanding.

>6. Type 5 : ????????