
Halo: Be Human

In a cold unforgiving universe a soul finds himself waking up in the body of a orphan. Baffled to his new predicament he comes to find out he is in one of fiction's most terrifying universes: The Halo universe. With the knowledge of the universe's fate in the future he is offered a choice. With it he will decide humanity and the universe as a whole's destiny. (I own nothing, not even the Cover I found on google)

MEMES_R_gud · วิดีโอเกม
51 Chs

Chapter (15) Take No Prisoners, Violence isn't a solution but a question and the answer is yes (3)

(In case the title got cut off the title is Take No Prisoners (3), Violence isn't a solution, but a question and the answer is yes)


(Mc Pov)

"Oh for fuck's sake!" I exclaim in anger as the alarms blare around me.

Go figure my fucking luck would pull some bullshit like this. I mean come on is this what it's like to be a protagonist of a fantasy story!?

After getting extremely pissed about my life and cursing my birth a little. I moved forward formulating some plan that I could take to complete the mission, and hopefully not get shot to death by an entire militia group.

'The data transfer has 30 seconds so I HAVE to stay here for at least another half minute," I let out a quick deep breath 'Alright, according to the schematics the main armory is on the other side of this bunker. Meaning I can't reach it in time to break the door controls. Wait! I have the main commands in this control center I just have to go back to the other conso-'

I regained my hope that I could control the situation. Only for it to be completely smashed the next second when I looked at the computer that I already put my fist through. While looking at it though no one could see under my helmet I was giving the console a glare that could obliterate planets and gripped my fists hard enough to where the blood flow was slowly being constricted resulting in a pins and needles feeling in my hand.

It took me a few seconds to calm down after looking at the…predicament I had found myself in. After that, I kept going through my head searching for some strategy I could use to maybe make my life a bit easier. Eventually, my half a minute of free time was over and I had no complex smart plan I decided on my course of action.

"Well, it looks like I am doing things the old-fashioned way," I said, taking the tool I used for data extraction out and storing it away.

I cracked my knuckles and neck.

*Crackle* *Crack*

I checked my weapons making sure they were filled to the brim with ammo.

*click* *click*

Then finally I closed my eyes, taking a second to calm down and focus. After a couple of seconds, I opened my eyes armed and ready.

I then turned and ran out the door that I came in….I came back and pulled my knife out of the throat of the first rebel I killed…and wiped it off on the corpse's clothes. What? Can't have my blade rusting professionals have standards. I then ran back out the door prepared to fight.


{Before reading I suggest going into whatever music app you have and searching for "Take No Prisoners" By Megadeth for the definitive version of this chapter because I can assure you that is what I am listening to while writing this next part of the chapter}

(3rd Pov)

Tens of soldiers flooded the hangar fully armed from the hangar equipped with whatever they could get their hands on from the armory. Some of the rebels had just woken up from their slumber and were not fully dressed which was reflected in the lack of shirts, pants, and other standard articles of clothing.

Currently, they were all gathered in a large crowd surrounding one figure. Their boss was giving them orders after they had entered the large open area. Most of them were anxious after a group went to check the source of the alarm. Only to find the men and women stationed there butchered, and covered with a river of blood littering the ground.

"EVERYONE LISTEN UP! AS YOU ALL MAY HAVE HEARD THAT EVERYONE IN THE COMMAND CENTER WAS KILLED. WHILE THAT IS A TRAGEDY AND WE WILL MOURN FOR THEM FOR SOME TIME. NOW IS NOT THAT TIME. WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND FOR ALL WE KNOW THE ONE WHO KILLED THEM ALL COULD STILL BE LURKING AMONGST US. SO BAND TOGETHER WITH YOUR UNIT AND LET'S COMB THE BASE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM TO FIND THIS ANIMAL AND MAKE THIS SORRY SON OF A BITCH FEEL EXACTLY WHAT OUR FRIENDS FELT AS HE MASSACRED THEM LIKE A COWARD." Nemesio yelled, gaining nods of affirmation and boosting the morale of the surrounding soldiers. After his small speech, there were some yells in agreement and the general mood had lightened up with the now riled and bloodthirsty soldiers looking to avenge their fallen comrades. (Author's Note: I swear to fuck if anyone puts down a among us meme I am going to Nova Bomb your house)

"ALL TEAM LEADERS REPORT HERE STANDING IN FRONT OF ME SO I CAN ASSIGN PATROL POINTS." Nemesio finished with planning on how to handle the invader or perhaps even turncoat.

The team leaders slowly made their way through the crowd and as Nemesio had said he began handing out orders. He didn't warn them that this event could be the result of a traitor so as to not incite fear and paranoia. He continued handing out their jobs while unbeknownst to them on the catwalk above stood a tall figure cloaked in active camouflage with any sound of its movements being masked by the loud chatter in the hangar.

'Let's see 4 frags, 2 smokes, and 2 more flashbangs…More than enough to get the job done.' the figure thought as he pulled the different types of grenades off the sides of his armor and out of the pack he was carrying.

It took only ten seconds for the ghost to decide where he was going to throw the grenades. He targeted the groups talking absorbed in conversation and not paying much if any attention to their surroundings.

Pulling the pins from the frags he hurled them into pockets of the crowd. Once all of the fragmentation grenades were thrown he waited for a moment and then threw the smoke grenades trying to mask large areas of the room as much as possible. He held onto the flashbangs deciding to wait a bit for when he had to use them.

*BOOM* X 4


Suddenly the area erupted with a couple of small fireballs and shrapnel being flung in every direction shredding any unfortunate person to be in its path and even penetrating through some people into others. Simultaneously smoke billowed out clouding the Insurrectionists' vision. With the sudden commotion the insurrectionists panicked and began firing erratically hoping to fend off whatever threat may be near them but in actuality only ended up causing friendly fire.

At the same time, the shadow on the catwalk pulled out a rifle aiming for the team leaders lined up perfectly like ducks in a row just waiting to be picked off.







6 Suppressed shots flew through the air, embedding themselves into the skulls of the men dropping them like bags of rocks. The leader was completely stunned by the sheer volume of events impacting his senses leading him to freeze for a moment. At that moment the still-invisible Spartan continued firing his suppressed shots into the crowd aiming for both hearts and minds. He pulled the trigger time and time again releasing magazines and pulling another from the pouches on his armor like a machine.

The 7.62 x 51 mm armor-piercing bullets tore through the air ripping through men and women alike. The outer layers of the bullets dispersed once hitting their initial targets but the tungsten cores flew true and did not stop at one target. They penetrated flesh, bone, and anything in between until they had dispensed all of their kinetic energy.

The leader eventually snapped out of his shock around the same time the smoke grenades had dissipated and attempted to call out to his men "CEASE FIRE WE ARE SHOOTING AT OURSELVES. THE ENEMY ISN'T ONE OF US." though there were still bullets being fired Nemesio's loud voice was heard over the firing causing a temporary cease-fire stopping any more friendly casualties. Sadly, the person above had already factored that into his plan.

Switching his rifle for his submachine gun he tossed the flashbangs in opposite directions after pulling their pins. At the same time, he jumped off the catwalk into the crowd. Landing atop an insurrectionist turning his ribcage to dust upon impact. There was no pause in his movement as he then whirled and began firing in full auto.


Though he was forced to deactivate his active camouflage due to the eventuality of his armor being covered with blood. Everyone who had turned to fire at his appearance after landing on the ground was immediately concussed and blinded.

The floodgates opened and smaller caliber bullets ran out the end of the barrel with nothing stopping them except whatever was in front of them. If the scene earlier was something akin to a paper shredder but for people. Then this setting was certain to be a meat grinder.

Blood pooled at the feet of the survivors of the militia group. They eventually were able to shake off their disoriented state and began firing at the agent of death in front of them.

With inhuman reflexes, the gray man dodged, ducked, and avoided almost every bullet that was flung at him. When the volume of metal in the air coming towards him became unavoidable, he would pick up a corpse off the floor moving forward using it as a stand-in for a riot shield. Before dropping it and returning fire with accurate sprays whilst reloading after each 60-round magazine emptied. Even with so many precautions and actions taken to avoid being hit with bullets, some were still able to break through, but the rebels found no solace or relief once they finally hit their target.



DINKs and PINGs were the only other noises heard besides screams of pain and uninterrupted gunfire. Signifying that the demon that had appeared was also nearly impervious to any weapon fired at him. The bullets simply bounced off or were deflected off the growing red armor. Usually, there was no damage from these rounds hitting or if there was it would be chipped pain or maybe even a small divot.

Desperation spread throughout the ranks of the rebels seeing that no matter how many bullets were fired they did nothing to stop the bloodied figure in front of them. Leading to the decision to try their luck at close-quarters combat.





A deafening yell in defiance and rage as well as pain shrouded the final charge of the militia, and their final act to kill the invader. As they approached they were continually mowed down one by one with the suppressed popping of both pistol and submachine gun in the hands of the victim's killer.

'Big mistake' was the only thought that ran through the figure's head as he saw them rush forward.

Once the next combatant was within range and threw a wild undisciplined punch, the figure immediately took a step back out of the fist's range and stowed his firearms. Afterward, he reached up and yanked his combat knife out of the sheath gripping it with his right hand. With his left, he stepped back into range and threw a left hook at the temple of the first aggressor.


With a single punch, he had shattered the opponent's skull sending fragments of bone into his brain killing the rebel immediately. The carnage didn't stop there, the next one went to hit him with the butt of their rifle. He grabbed it with his left hand and slashed through their throat with his knife.

He then immediately turned to face the next opponent blocking a punch and released a roundhouse kick aiming for the head of the insurrectionist. His legs shot out and ripped through the air and broke the neck of his target. Once both feet were on the ground again he took a step back and turned his body to the side then ducked. Dodging a flurry of punches and kicks sent by another enemy.

The next punch launched at him was intercepted with his left hand catching the fist.


The arm the fist was attached to was broken in half after a quick jerk of the Spartan's arm. The victim of the act wasn't even able to scream because, in the next moment, he found a bayonet shoved into his frontal cortex.

With each soldier brutally killed every other survivor running up behind them shivered more. The fear that had been in their hearts since the beginning of the extermination leaked out, breaking the discipline that had been trained into them.

Yet they still ran forward attempting to take down the monster in front of them. Though they could have tried to run away and escape they knew that he would not hesitate to put a bullet through the back of their heads even while fighting their comrades. Perhaps it also gave them a sense of courage to face him head-on instead of running away, but no one will ever know.



After what seemed like hours of fighting there was no longer any sound in the hangar. Broken, ripped, and shattered corpses littered the ground, some in piles while others were lying alone. What was a common theme was that there was almost no square inch of the ground that did not have blood staining it.

There were currently 3 humans still living in the wide open space with only one standing. The other 2 humans, a man, and a woman holding each other for dear life lay down on the blood-soaked ground. The standing red beast was attempting to wipe off the blade of his knife but failing tremendously. This gesture may be seen as nonchalant, and it was but the man and woman were shivering in fear, the figure knew he was fast enough to dodge whatever attack they may still have, and this was a psychological attack. By showing himself as a sociopath he was hoping to push the leader over the edge in an effort to get any extra intel that was not depicted in the data drive he had.

He gave up attempting to clean his knife and just decided to stow it back in his sheath while making a mental note to clean it thoroughly after this mission. He then took the pistol from its holster and pressed the mag release button.


The magazine fell to the floor as the couple's dread began to grow seeing the figure search through the many pouches on his armor for a magazine. He patted each place on his armor slowly and methodically portraying the look of someone who may have run out of ammunition. But to the couple's horror, he eventually found a single pouch with a final 12-round magazine for his M6C Socom pistol.



The magazine was shoved in and the slide was pulled back and released chambering a round. The figure did not immediately shoot the two but instead opted to move closer most likely for a point-blank execution.



The sound of wet flesh being tread upon was the only sound that filled the room as the figure slowly made his way to the man and woman. Seeing the figure's intentions the man's face grew paler by the second and the woman began to shed tears.

The man kept trying to think of a way to get his wife and unborn child out of this place alive. Running complex calculations through his head until the figure stopped in front of him. Once the figure began raising the pistol he let out a sharp deep sigh accepting fate and deciding his next course of action.


How was the action this chapter? Do I do good? Was it entertaining? Was it too short? Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me.

Yeah so not really a battle this chapter so much as a one sided massacre. Which is understandable Noble 6 did similar things being known as the one to take out entire militia groups in one night. Since the Mc is stronger and MUCH more experience than Noble 6 (Seriously Noble 6 was Hyper Lethal and only had like 5 years of experience before his death on Reach) he should be capable of at least this much.

Anyway I will release another chapter later today but I have a LOT of studying to do Finals are coming and to be honest for the next two weeks I will be MIA.

BUT I will at least finish this mission arc first so don't worry and I SHALL NOT DROP.

More information will be in the later chapter so stay tuned.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will See You Star Side.