
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

This Is A Heaven Grade Magic Weapon, Brother, Grandpa Baodun

Sha Pojun revealed his figure, standing in mid-air, looking down at Ye Kaishan with a cold and playful sneer.Finally, he caught him."Mid-stage of Soul Formation... with such arrogance, I thought you were a powerful expert in Body Integration," Sha Pojun said with a mocking tone.At the moment he sensed Ye Kaishan's cultivation level, Sha Pojun completely let down his guard.A person with this level of strength, he could easily slap three of them to death.After hearing his words, Ye Kaishan remained calm and casually responded."Killing the people of Fire Country, you deserve to die a thousand deaths! If I were you, I would immediately take those shrimp soldiers and crab generals and go back to the sea."As he spoke, his gaze swept over Sha Pojun.He was dressed in golden armor, with a strong and muscular body, exuding a fierce aura.At first glance, he looked like a human, but the aura on his body was not something a normal person could possess."Hahaha... arrogant!"Sha Pojun laughed loudly, and at this moment, cultivators from the flying boat began to come out one after another.When he saw Sha Jiaojiao, his smile abruptly disappeared, replaced by a hint of surprise in his eyes."Sha Jiaojiao! You're not dead?"When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous."I won't die even if you die!" Sha Jiaojiao said coldly."Our clan's reinforcements are on their way. If you don't want to die, you better leave now."She continued, with a calm expression. However, the news had just been sent back, so they didn't know when the reinforcements would arrive.This was an intentional intimidation by Sha Jiaojiao, hoping to make him retreat.In Sha Jiaojiao's view, this was the only option left.None of them on their side were a match for Sha Pojun."Hahaha..."Sha Pojun laughed uncontrollably, revealing his madness."Sha Jiaojiao, do you think I'm scared of you? A bunch of defeated soldiers, what do I have to fear?"As a high-level predator in the sea, how could he be afraid of such threats?At this moment, the leaders of the Soul Formation stage from the sea clan all arrived.There were a total of four of them.Their cultivation levels ranged from mid-stage to peak of Soul Formation.In order to obtain the Dragon Ball, the Golden Shark Clan did not dare to be negligent and mobilized a large number of powerful individuals."Attack! Let these humans taste our power!" Sha Pojun shouted, his killing intent boiling.He was angered by the fact that there were so many beauties around a human."Form the formation!"Ye Kaishan shouted, and the cultivators behind him immediately reacted.Ten Nascent Soul cultivators set up the Ten Directions Thunder Formation.Other cultivators summoned their treasures, preparing for battle.Ye Kaishan raised his hand and grabbed the Sky Breaking Hammer, rotating it and smashing it towards Sha Pojun."You underestimate your own abilities!"Sha Pojun sneered, releasing a golden light from his body. A layer of palm-sized scales appeared all over his body, tightly wrapping around all the vital areas."It seems you still don't understand the huge gap between us."Boom!Sha Pojun made a fierce move, throwing a straight punch towards the Sky Breaking Hammer.This was how the Golden Shark Clan fought.They always fought barehanded.Their physical bodies were their proudest treasures.The hammer and fist collided.Crack!Sha Pojun's proud right hand broke, his finger bones shattered, the scales crumbled, and blood gushed out, extremely painful."Ah... my indestructible right hand!"Sha Pojun howled in pain, his ten fingers connected to his heart. The immense pain distorted his face."It seems you're not very bright. This is a Heaven Grade treasure, brother!"Ye Kaishan laughed. It was one thing for the opponent not to dodge, but to dare to collide head-on.He had never encountered such a straightforward opponent before.However, Sha Pojun's physical strength also shocked him.If it were a human cultivator, they would have exploded under this hammer long ago.Most of the sea creatures focus on their physical bodies, while human cultivators focus more on the cultivation of Dao.The Golden Shark Clan is famous for their physical bodies, and the name "Golden Shark" is not just for show."A Heaven Grade treasure? No wonder, is this your reliance?"Sha Pojun laughed in anger, raised his hand, and a half-human-sized dark golden shield appeared in his hand.This object is the hardest part of the Golden Shark Clan's past powerful individuals—the skull.The shield made from this thing is not only hard, but also blessed by ancestors.The Golden Shark Clan believes in this.And what Sha Pojun is holding is the skull of his great-grandfather, passed down for many generations.This is his treasure, rarely taken out in normal times.But the current situation has reached the point where it must be used."You can be proud that I'm using my great-grandfather's treasure shield."Sha Pojun sneered, his figure moved, and he attacked like lightning, causing ripples in the void as if it couldn't withstand his power and was about to explode."Great-grandfather's treasure shield?"Ye Kaishan was stunned for a moment, then laughed. Is he pretending to be Captain America?In the next moment, he shook his body, his figure expanded, and the broken sky hammer in his hand also grew larger.Boom! Boom! Boom!The continuous sound of impact echoed through the heavens and the earth.This is the sound of the broken sky hammer hitting the skull of Shark Great-grandfather.Ye Kaishan responded with countermeasures. The purple true essence flowed like a torrent from his body.Noble, transcendent, as if a Saint had descended.This made his entire strength, vitality, and spirit greatly enhanced. Although he was only in the mid-stage of Soul Formation, the explosive combat power he displayed was no less than Sha Pojun's."This kid is not right!"Sha Pojun, in the midst of battle, was shocked. According to reason, with his cultivation level, even a human opponent in the early stage of Void Refining could be crushed.But now, facing Ye Kaishan, who was only in the mid-stage of Soul Formation, he couldn't even put up a fight."Damn it! This isn't the Endless Sea, I can't exert my full strength!"Sha Pojun angrily shouted, finally finding the reason.He couldn't adapt to this environment!"Hehe... Stop howling, even in the sea, I can still defeat you."Ye Kaishan's mouth curled up, sneering."Nonsense, if you have the ability, come with me to the sea!"Sha Pojun shouted, his pupils bloodshot with anger."No, I won't!"Ye Kaishan said straightforwardly. He wouldn't be as foolish as Hao Yang and go to battle with you in the sea."Damn it! Die for me!" Sha Pojun roared and attacked with all his strength.Boom!Shark Great-grandfather's skull collided heavily with the broken sky hammer.A deafening explosion.Everyone's eardrums were almost pierced.In the next moment, with a crisp sound, the shield in Sha Pojun's hand shattered.It fell to the ground with a clatter.Seeing this scene, Sha Pojun's pupils were about to burst, and a mournful roar resounded through the sky."Great-grandfather!""You unfilial child, you actually used your ancestors in battle."Hearing this, Ye Kaishan probably guessed what it was.He waved his sleeve, and the six-winged golden cicada flew out, lightning-fast, towards the shattered shield.This thing can contend with a Heaven Grade treasure, so you can imagine how hard it is.For Xiao Liu, it is a rare tonic."Stop!"Sha Pojun panicked, feeling that things were not going well, and was about to rush over to snatch back the skull.He could go back and repair it for use."Your opponent is me!"Ye Kaishan shouted, revealing his radiant body, and a giant hand surrounded by divine power reached out across space, astonishingly grabbing towards Sha Pojun.