
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · Others
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139 Chs

What Is Ye Kaishan?

With a loud shout from Ye Kaishan, the energy condensed and a white light shot out with a loud bang.Wherever it passed, not a blade of grass grew. The densely packed sea creatures were instantly cleared out, leaving only debris."Human!"A powerful sea creature at the Nascent Soul stage dodged and looked at the Moonwatcher Flying Boat with a mix of shock and anger, commanding the sea creatures to attack together with the soldiers.Ye Kaishan took out a pile of spirit stones and stuffed them in.The Moonwatcher Flying Boat erected a protective shield, absorbing all the attacks.Boom...Immediately after, three consecutive shots were fired, a large-scale area-of-effect killing technique.After a few shots, most of the sea creatures here were cleared out.Even those at the Nascent Soul stage were buried by the cannon, leaving only some small fry fleeing in all directions.Inside the flying boat, everyone looked on in astonishment. They didn't expect this thing beneath them to not only carry people but also have such terrifying destructive power, easily killing Nascent Soul stage cultivators."Master Ye is not only powerful, but also so skilled in artillery..."With the sea creatures in this area dealt with, Ye Kaishan controlled the Moonwatcher Flying Boat and headed to the next location.Guided by the Eight Wasteland Mirror, he could easily find the location of the sea creatures.In this way, in a short period of time, Ye Kaishan cleared out battlefields in various places.This news quickly reached Sha Pojun's ears."Sir, the humans have launched a counterattack and killed many of our clan members..."A giant sea turtle reported.At this moment, Sha Pojun was carefully sensing the aura of the Dragon Ball.He knew that the Dragon Ball was on this land, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly which person it was on."Even if the rivers run red with blood and all the people are killed, I will find the Dragon Ball."Sha Pojun's heart was firm, his eyes filled with coldness.The Dragon Ball was crucial to whether the Golden Shark Clan could ascend to become a powerful clan and dominate the seas.Therefore, even if it meant paying any price, he would not tolerate it."Hehe... daring to resist, it seems that the other party is in the wrong and doesn't want to hand over the Dragon Ball."After hearing the report from his subordinate, Sha Pojun sneered. He had already determined that the Dragon Ball was here, and it was useless for anyone to come."Sir, this is the territory of the Fire Country. It is said that there is a very strong human here who can even kill those at the Soul Formation stage."The sea creature reporting continued, responsible for gathering intelligence. Even if the enemy seemed weak in their eyes, they did not take it lightly."Oh? Quite capable, isn't he?"Sha Pojun laughed.According to his understanding, the strongest here was only at the Nascent Soul stage, which was a long time ago.He didn't expect that there would be someone at the Soul Formation stage now.But in his eyes, Nascent Soul and Soul Formation were no different."By the way, go spread the word and let the King of the Fire Country come to pay homage to me. Let him help me find something.""After everything is done, I will allow him to establish a totem and receive the protection of my Golden Shark Clan."Sha Pojun said with a smile, thinking that he would give the Fire Country a chance to help find the Dragon Ball.After all, humans understand humans better.Once everything was done, he could also easily bring the Fire Country under his command to do things for him.If it were any other time, Sha Pojun wouldn't even bother coming here.Because there was nothing in the entire Seven Nations that he found worth his attention."Yes, sir, I will deliver the message immediately."The turtle secretary nodded and left.Not long after, Sha Pojun's words spread.Upon hearing this news, Ye Kaishan immediately laughed."Hehe... they want me to pay homage to him, establish a totem, and receive the protection of the Golden Shark Clan?""Elder Ye, it's asking your son to go." The cultivator delivering the message reminded in a low voice.Why does this person still think of himself as a king?Better not to trample on him..."It's all the same. Go and deliver the message, let the Golden Shark Clan come and pay their respects with three kneels and nine kowtows. From now on, I, Ye Kaishan, will protect them."Ye Kaishan shouted loudly.Upon hearing this, the messenger almost wet himself in fear.Arrogant! Too arrogant!With an uneasy heart, he left the flying boat and ran out to spread the news.Sha Jiaojiao looked at Ye Kaishan strangely, thinking that it was quite difficult for him to show off in front of her.Ye Kaishan is only in the mid-stage of Soul Formation, yet he dares to make the entire Golden Shark Clan kneel before him.Even the Silver Shark Clan wouldn't dare to say such things.It didn't take long for the news to spread among the sea creatures."What? The arrogant human dares to make the Golden Shark Clan kneel and pay their respects, and even claims to protect them?""Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. It seems that the foolish humans have no idea how powerful the Great King of the Golden Sharks is.""No wonder, we sea creatures rarely come ashore, and humans have forgotten the fear we once instilled in them.""Hehe, this time I will taste the beauty of human women..."The sea monsters who heard the news laughed heartily.Once upon a time, when the dragon race was prosperous, the sea creatures were powerful and exerted great pressure for a long period of time.But after the dragons disappeared, the sea creatures couldn't be so high-profile anymore and retreated into the endless sea, claiming to love peace."What is Ye Kaishan? The King of the Fire Country?"Upon hearing the news, Sha Pojun was first stunned, then burst into laughter.To be honest, he hadn't heard such a funny joke in a long time.Humans can be humorous.Their strength may not be much, but when it comes to boasting, they are one after another more ruthless."Not really, Ye Kaishan is the strongest cultivator in the Fire Country, and the King of the Fire Country is his son."Turtle Secretary explained slowly."Oh... so he's an old stubborn person who relies on his age and experience. It's a pity that he probably doesn't know that because of his stubbornness, he missed the opportunity to rise. He will also lead the Fire Country to its doom."Sha Pojun's face gradually turned cold, and an invisible killing intent filled the air."Spread the order, launch a massive attack. I want to make this place flow with blood."He enjoyed the taste of blood, which was the purest stimulant for the Golden Shark Clan.After saying that, Sha Pojun moved and rushed towards the front line.He was looking for Ye Kaishan's whereabouts.He wanted to make this arrogant human experience despair.At this moment.Ye Kaishan and the others encountered a large army of sea creatures, led by a Soul Formation Stage cultivator.After a fierce battle, that Soul Formation Stage sea creature was smashed into meat paste by Mei Mo's Palm Heaven Seal.Its Primordial Spirit was also crushed.Ye Kaishan sat inside the Moon Gazing Flying Boat, enjoying Mi Yao's massage.At any time, Master Ye would never compromise and lower his quality of life."Stop!"Suddenly, Ye Kaishan raised his hand, signaling Mi Yao to stop.He slowly stood up, his gaze becoming sharp."There's a strong enemy approaching!""It's that shark!" Sha Jiaojiao and Ye Kaishan exchanged glances, both sensing the aura of the Golden Shark Clan."Prepare, set up the formation."Ye Kaishan ordered, his figure moved, flying out of the Moon Gazing Flying Boat."Hehe...""You must be Ye Kaishan?"Before the person arrived, the voice came first, Sha Pojun's mad laughter resounded through the heavens and earth."Yes." Ye Kaishan remained calm, staring intently in one direction."So, you're the one who wants to protect our Golden Shark Clan?"