
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Mysterious Catwoman, Identity Repression

"Oh? Then I must take a look," Ye Kaishan became interested.Next, everyone arrived at a huge venue."This is the largest auction house in the capital, gathering rare and mystical items from all over the world.I received news in advance that there will be something good from the Wolf Country today..."Xu Zhen enthusiastically led the way, tirelessly talking."Wolf Country..."Ye Kaishan's heart stirred. Wolf Country is a neighboring country to Fire Country.There, you can find beastmen with the bloodline of demonic beasts, known for their cruel and combative nature.They constantly clash with Fire Country, engaging in countless battles, big and small."What good thing can Wolf Country have?"As Ye Kaishan pondered, he followed the major families and arrived at the upscale VIP room, overlooking the entire venue.Before long, the venue was filled with officials and nobles from Fire Country, as well as members of cultivation families.Soon after, the auction began.At first, there were some demon pills, Law Weapons, and talismans, followed by strange and rare exotic beasts.They had peculiar and adorable appearances, as well as special abilities, which were highly favored by female cultivators.During the process, some of the major families couldn't help but bid on some items.But Ye Kaishan remained motionless, not seeing anything that caught his interest.Just then, the host of the venue suddenly raised his voice, with a hint of excitement."Next, we have treasures from the Wolf Country. I'm sure everyone has been eagerly anticipating this, so let's begin..."With his loud shout, the staff pushed forward a huge iron cage.Inside was a beastman.She roared and pounded on the iron cage, revealing sharp fangs, crimson pupils, and a pair of pointed beast ears on her head.She wore simple beast skins, giving off a wild and untamed aura.Seeing this, the male cultivators present couldn't help but swallow their saliva in silence."Ladies and gentlemen, this is a member of the Rabbit Clan from the Wolf Country. If you want to experience exotic charm, she can fulfill all your fantasies..."The host began to explain, his words intense and full of temptation."Beast Ear Girl..." Ye Kaishan looked at the beastman in the iron cage, his expression strange.He finally understood what Xu Zhen meant by "good thing."It turns out that cultivators also have a liking for the two-dimensional world."What do you think, Lord Ye? Are you satisfied?" Xu Zhen approached and asked, looking like he wanted to be praised.Master Ye enjoys taking concubines and appreciates beauty, which is well-known.Based on this, it can be inferred that he must also like this.It must be said that Xu Zhen has a keen eye for people.Since entering the venue, Ye Kaishan had finally become interested for the first time.He nodded slightly, revealing his true thoughts."How about I help you acquire her?" Xu Zhen was overjoyed and tentatively asked.Ye Kaishan didn't rush to answer, but secretly examined the quality of the beastman.Red-colored, cultivation at the seventh level of Qi Refining, Yellow Grade spiritual roots.Apart from mediocre cultivation, she had no other outstanding qualities, especially in terms of intelligence, where her beastly nature prevailed."No rush, let's take another look," Ye Kaishan said calmly. His standards were quite high now, and he had certain criteria.Next, one beastman after another was pushed out, with all kinds of appearances.Ye Kaishan witnessed a cultivator eagerly buying a minotaur, with its weight and barrel-like waist, suffocating to behold.But the other party seemed to enjoy it, with a satisfied expression on their face.During this process, Ye Kaishan has been secretly inspecting the quality of the orcs.None of them passed the quality check."Next, this is the last orc, reportedly a princess of a tribe. It took a lot of effort to capture her..." the host continued, his voice loud.As he finished speaking, a huge iron cage was pushed out.In one corner of the cage, there was a silver-haired orc curled up, dirty all over, but unable to hide her delicate features. She had a pair of furry animal ears on top of her head, looking extremely cute.Seeing this, the venue immediately erupted in a commotion, everyone was amazed by this orc.In many people's eyes, a strong desire was evident."As you have already seen, this is a cat girl. She has a flexible body and a relatively obedient personality. Moreover, her cultivation has reached the Perfect Qi Refining stage, and she can help you in your cultivation..." the host spoke in a somewhat cryptic manner, but the smile on his face already revealed everything."Cat girl..." Ye Kaishan's mind stirred as he examined the cat girl's quality.Suddenly, a green light burst out from her.Green quality, Profound Grade lower-level spiritual root, Foundation Building... Perfect!"This cat girl is hiding her cultivation..." Ye Kaishan's expression became strange as he carefully observed the cat girl huddled there.She seemed scared, with a pitiful appearance.But through her lowered eyelashes, one could see her gem-like eyes, without any panic, only calmness and composure.Could it be... Ye Kaishan smiled, this cat girl still had a story, perhaps she was intentionally captured by someone.Therefore, when everyone was frantically bidding, Ye Kaishan slowly spoke up."Five thousand lower-grade spirit stones!"The starting price was one thousand lower-grade spirit stones, and after several bids, it reached three thousand. He immediately opened with five thousand.In Ye Kaishan's opinion, a cat girl at the Perfect Foundation Building stage was worth buying even as a bodyguard.As soon as the bid of five thousand lower-grade spirit stones was made, many people immediately withdrew.But there were still people competing."Six thousand lower-grade spirit stones!" a voice came from a VIP room, from the third prince of the Fire Country."Seven thousand!" Ye Kaishan calmly announced the price.At this time, several major family heads on the side became anxious. Xu Zhen cleared his throat and spoke loudly."This is the price quoted by Lord Ye. I hope everyone remains calm and doesn't make any mistakes."He directly used his status to suppress, regardless of who the other party was.After finally getting Ye Kaishan to come out, how could they allow those ignorant people to cause trouble?Sure enough, after hearing his words, the venue fell into a brief silence.Lord Ye?Isn't this the ancestor of the Ye family?The only Gold Core ancestor in the Fire Country!Where would anyone dare to compete, they would rather bid on behalf of Ye Kaishan.The third prince's face turned green, but considering the other party's identity, he could only choose to endure.There were many princes, but there was only one Gold Core ancestor.Even if it was his father who came, he would probably have to give face to this person.Seeing that no one else was bidding, the host could only reluctantly bring down the hammer and announce the deal."Lord Xu... you're going a bit too far." Ye Kaishan shook his head and smiled. He had unexpectedly become the opposite of a bully."Not at all, I'm just afraid these youngsters don't understand and offend the ancestor." Xu Zhen smiled, and the other major family heads also nodded repeatedly, saying:"It's only right for the younger generation to show respect to their elders."Afterward, escorted by the auction house, Ye Kaishan returned to his residence with the cat girl.