
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

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All Parties Send Off Their Daughters, Lord Ye City

"Congratulations to Master Ye for forming a Gold Core in the White Sun City Qian Family. May Master Ye enjoy eternal immortal blessings and live as long as the heavens...""Congratulations to the Yan Family in Ao City for the early breakthrough of the Patriarch into the Infant stage...""Greetings to the Wang Family in the Northern City for the achievement of the Patriarch in forming a Gold Core, spreading his renowned reputation far and wide...""..."Ye Kaishan sat at the head, receiving blessings from all sides.The majority of the people here are from cultivation families, either the family heads or important figures within the families.Ye Kaishan carefully noticed that many people were accompanied by young and beautiful women, some with one, some with two.The gazes of these women towards him were filled with affection.In addition, Ye Kaishan's offspring had already received the news and rushed back from all over the country.His eldest son, Ye Fan, was now a cultivator in the later stage of Qi Refining. Although his progress was slow, it was still solid.Some of the offspring with good spiritual roots had slightly higher cultivation levels.Those without spiritual roots had achieved considerable success in business or politics.Some of them, in their thirties or forties, appeared much older than Ye Kaishan.This is the difference between mortals and cultivators."The Qin Family from the capital of the Fire Country presents a Yellow Grade top-quality Spiritual Weapon..."A long voice sounded, and the Qin Family from the capital of the Fire Country arrived.This is Qin Chan's natal family.The head of the Qin Family is the vice head of the Treasure Pill Pavilion, holding a high position and receiving great favor from Li Fengtian.Originally, when the Qin Family learned that Qin Chan had secretly married Ye Kaishan, they were so scared that they immediately erased Qin Chan's name from the family genealogy.After learning that Ye Kaishan had become a Gold Core Patriarch, they immediately added her name back and put her at the forefront.Furthermore, Qin Chan's father, the head of the Qin Family, Qin Wen, personally came to congratulate his son-in-law.Regarding this, Ye Kaishan just shook his head and smiled, not paying any attention to it, as if nothing had happened."The Xu Family from the capital of the Fire Country presents a thousand-year-old Ice Soul Snow Lotus..."Accompanied by an announcement, a charming woman walked in. It was Xu Ruoyan."Master Ye, congratulations, congratulations. Speaking of which, we are still relatives. Xu Yueru is a member of my Xu Family... I am her aunt."Xu Ruoyan said with a smile. She had only learned of this news recently.Xu Yueru's father was originally someone abandoned by the Xu Family, so he came to Azure Cloud Town to become a mayor.But after learning about Xu Yueru's relationship with Ye Kaishan, he was immediately called back to the Xu Family to take on important responsibilities.Everything is so practical.Ye Kaishan's face looked strange, suddenly having so many relatives.This is what they call being ignored when poor in a bustling city, but having distant relatives when rich in the deep mountains.Azure Cloud Town is just one of the many small towns under White Sun City. In the past, I'm afraid no one knew about this place.After the Xu Family's congratulations, representatives from the Cloud Billow Sect and the Hundred Flowers Sect also arrived, presenting their gifts.This surprised the guests present even more. To receive congratulations from immortal sects, one must have a great reputation.However, upon further thought, Ye Kaishan was surprised to see that the Great Master Gu Li and his disciple Shen Miao also came to congratulate him.Ye Kaishan immediately ordered his men to entertain them well.Just when the guests thought there were no more important figures, the Crown Prince Li Xian finally arrived.Instantly, all the guests showed expressions of surprise.The faces of some people gradually became strange, especially the head of the Qin Family, Qin Wen.The Crown Prince and Qin Chan have an engagement.Is he here to cause trouble?For a moment, the atmosphere became tense.The Crown Prince walked in with a commanding presence, trying to remain calm and not reveal any flaws.However, when he saw Qin Chan standing behind Ye Kaishan with a protruding belly, he almost lost control.He took a deep breath, trying to calm his excited emotions."I, on behalf of Fire Country, congratulate Master Ye on forming a Gold Core...""Brother Li... you're too kind."Ye Kaishan smiled and responded, feeling a bit embarrassed since he had taken someone else's fiancée.Upon hearing this, Li Xian's expression stiffened slightly. Yes, he was indeed too kind, even giving away his fiancée.Next, he took out a golden scroll."On the orders of the current ruler, Azure Cloud Town is hereby established as the twenty-ninth city of Fire Country, and Master Ye is appointed as the Lord of Qingyun City."As soon as these words were spoken, the guests present all showed expressions of surprise.However, it wasn't over yet. Immediately after, the Crown Prince announced Li Fengtian's next decree.To betroth the Ninth Princess of Fire Country to Ye Kaishan.Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan remembered the mischievous and spirited woman he had met at the Pill Cauldron Sect that day.The Ninth Princess had exceptional spiritual roots and outstanding looks, reaching an overall green quality, making her a rare and excellent match.So, Ye Kaishan nodded and agreed.As for what the Flame King thought, he simply didn't care.His vision was not limited to just a small Fire Country....The congratulations ended, and it was time for the banquet.Ye Kaishan also symbolically participated, and then it was time for the various cultivation sects to perform."Master Ye, my daughter has admired you for a long time, take a look..."Many people took the opportunity to introduce their daughters while toasting.They knew that the Ye family head had a preference for this, as long as they could become in-laws, the relationship would be stable.Naturally, Ye Kaishan didn't refuse any of them."Lord Ye, this is my daughter, Duan Lingshan, who has always admired you..."The Lord of White Sun City, Duan Xuefeng, also came forward to introduce his daughter.Beside him was a girl who appeared to be eighteen years old, with a melon seed face, big eyes, and a cherry-like mouth, exceptionally charming.Ye Kaishan secretly checked the girl, she was nineteen years old, with a Yellow Grade top-quality spiritual root and at the fifth level of Qi Refining."So young, did they have a daughter specifically for me?"Ye Kaishan found it strange in his heart, amazed at the girl's youthfulness.He thought she just looked young, but it turned out she really was young.At this point, Ye Kaishan naturally didn't refuse.The surrounding guests were envious and annoyed, why didn't they have daughters or sisters?They were so frustrated!The banquet lasted for three days before finally coming to an end.From then on, there was no more Azure Cloud Town, only Qingyun City.Ye Kaishan immediately ordered the expansion of his residence, the bigger the better, in preparation for the future.With the rapid expansion of the Ye family's population, the population of Azure Cloud Town had already multiplied several times.Merchants selling children's products near the Ye family had already made a fortune.The wedding with the princess was scheduled for three months later.Ye Kaishan set off early, taking a few people and boarding the silver lightning, heading to the capital.The journey was long, so they kept it simple.Half a month later, Ye Kaishan arrived in the capital of Fire Country.With his arrival, the major aristocratic families of the capital immediately became busy.They all invited Ye Kaishan to various grand events.It must be said that the capital had a variety of styles that other cities couldn't compare to.There was still some time before the wedding, so Ye Kaishan didn't refuse the invitations from the various family heads."Master Ye, tonight I'll show you something good, you'll definitely like it."The head of the Xu family said mysteriously, with a somewhat ambiguous expression on his face.