
Half-Demon's Legacy: The Journey of Fenris

Fenris Tonelico was destined for greatness from birth, or so it seemed. Born into the prestigious Tonelico clan of mages, he should've had every advantage. But fate had other plans. Fenris was born with black hair and eyes, unlike any other member of his clan. Even worse, he was the son of a mistress. Fenris was seen as an outcast from a young age. Only his adopted father and younger sister accepted him as family. The rest of his family outcasted him. Fenris struggled to find his place. Without the help his brothers were given, he educated himself in secret. Then, he made a discovery that would change everything - within him lay immense, untapped magical power. Fenris saw a new purpose. If he could master his magic, he could prove himself worthy of the Tonelico name. He set his sights on the most prestigious magical academy in the land: Lodonea. But gaining entrance to Lodonea requires more than passing the written exam - applicants must also prove the depth of their magical abilities. Fenris' journey has only just begun. But if he can harness his power and overcome the obstacles on his path, he has a chance at reclaiming his destiny and making a name for himself that transcends his illegitimate birth. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Genre: Fantasy Tags: Male MC, Isekai, Romance, Harem, Mystery, Drama, Academy, Magic, Action, Adventure, Dark Fantasy Schedule: TBA Novel Type: Light Novel ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to get into contact with me, my Discord is Manatin#2225. My messages are open for the time being, but that may or may not change in the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cover of Hanyou no Tabi is derived from Seiken Gakuin. Please note that the use of it has no commercial purposes whatsoever and is purely meant to represent the novel. Credit goes to the artist who drew it.

Madamaru · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

005 The Path of the Blade (2)

After about 6 months of training with the knights, Fenris was still determined to become stronger and more skilled. So, he began working on his physical fitness in addition to his swordsmanship. Under Gly's guidance, Fenris underwent a rigorous physical regimen that would help him get into shape and improve his overall dexterity.

Every morning before breakfast, Fenris ran long distances through the countryside, his breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as he pushed himself to the limit. The sun was just starting to rise, casting a warm glow over the fields around him. He felt the cool morning air fill his lungs as he ran, and he pushed himself to go farther and faster than he ever had before.

In the afternoons, he lifted weights, the metal clanging against the ground as he strained to lift them. The other knights watched in awe as Fenris's muscles grew larger and more defined with each passing day. Gly stood by his side, offering words of encouragement and guidance as he lifted the weights.

During training sessions, Fenris wore weighted clothing to make movements harder and improve his strength and agility. The added weight made it difficult for him to move at first, but he persevered through the discomfort, reminding himself of the end goal. Gly watched closely, offering tips and advice on how to make the exercises easier over time.

During one particularly grueling session, Fenris was struggling with the added weight. Sweat poured down his face as he panted for breath, his muscles burning with exhaustion. Gly approached him, a look of concern on his face.

"You're doing great, Fenris," Gly said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's tough, but you can do this."

Fenris nodded, taking a deep breath before pushing himself to finish the exercise. Gly watched with pride as Fenris finished the set, sweat dripping down his face.

"Great job," Gly said, smiling. "You're getting stronger every day."

Gly then demonstrated some exercises that could make wearing weighted clothing feel easier over time and ones designed specifically for building upper body strength used exclusively amongst elite warriors only. He emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself always no matter what happens along the path towards greatness while reminding everyone, including himself, about the importance of loyalty unto death towards others, irrespective of where they come from.

As their conversation came to an end, Fenris felt grateful for having someone like Gly on his side who believed in him even when he struggled most. He had come a long way since he first arrived at the training ground, and he knew that he still had much to learn.

In addition to improving his own skills, Fenris also took on the responsibility of helping Sophia cultivate her magical abilities under Rifa's guidance. She had shown interest in learning how to harness her innate magical potential, despite being a servant. Fenris was happy to help her, and over time they developed a close relationship.

Fenris and Sophia would often train together in a spacious field surrounded by trees, far from the prying eyes of the other knights. The secluded location allowed them to focus on their training and bond even more than before.

"Sophia, can you try casting a fireball spell?" Fenris asked, gesturing to a nearby practice target.

Sophia nodded, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. She focused her magic energy and spoke the incantation clearly. "Incendio!" she shouted, and a burst of flames shot out of her hand, hitting the target and setting it ablaze.

"Great job, Sophia!" Fenris said, clapping his hands in approval. "Your spellcasting is getting stronger every day."

Sophia felt a rush of pride at Fenris's praise, her admiration for him growing stronger with each passing moment.

Despite her growing feelings, Sophia kept them to herself, not wanting to complicate their training or their friendship. Fenris, for his part, remained focused on helping Sophia improve her magical abilities, but he also enjoyed spending time with her and appreciated her company.

As they continued to train together, Fenris and Sophia's bond grew even stronger, and they became a formidable team. They worked together seamlessly in combat, each one complementing the other's strengths.

Fenris was sparring with one of the other knights, Gly, in the field. Gly was a skilled swordsman, but Fenris was able to hold his own against him, using his own swordsmanship and agility to dodge and parry Gly's attacks.

Sophia watched the two knights with admiration, impressed by their skill and dedication.

"Fenris, how do you stay so focused during battle?" Sophia asked, as she watched Fenris deflect Gly's sword with ease.

"It's all about finding your center and trusting your instincts," Fenris replied, his eyes never leaving Gly's movements. "But it also helps to have a partner who has your back."

Sophia felt a flutter in her chest at Fenris's words, but she pushed her feelings aside, not wanting to risk ruining their friendship.

Sophia cherished their time together, knowing that Fenris was not only her mentor but also her closest friend. As they faced new challenges and adventures together, she couldn't help but wonder if their bond could ever become something more.

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After months of rigorous physical training under Gly's tutelage, Fenris had transformed into a robust and agile fighter. Shedding his baby fat and replacing it with lean muscle mass, he had become swifter on his feet and more proficient with a sword in hand.

"Gly, your guidance has been invaluable," Fenris remarked, sparring with another knight. "I owe much of my progress to your expertise."

The other knights at the training ground marveled at Fenris' progress, not only in terms of his physical abilities but also in his mental fortitude, which inspired them to surpass their own limits in their training.

As time passed, Fenris committed himself to his training with unwavering dedication, while also assisting Sophia in honing her own magical abilities under Rifa's guidance. Together, they cultivated their innate magical potential, as well as their emotional control in all situations.

"Fenris, can you show me how to cast a wind spell?" Sophia asked, holding up her hand.

"Of course, Sophia," Fenris replied, taking her hand and guiding her in channeling her magic energy. "Visualize the wind rising around you, and let your magic flow through your body."

Sophia concentrated, feeling the magic energy coursing through her veins. She raised her hand and spoke the incantation clearly. Suddenly, a gust of wind shot out of her hand and knocked over a nearby practice target.

"Well done, Sophia," Fenris praised, applauding her effort. "You possess an inherent talent for spellcasting."

Sophia blushed modestly, feeling a surge of pride at Fenris's compliment.

Fenris recognized the importance of silent casting, a technique that allowed a mage to cast spells without speaking the incantation out loud. He knew that mastering this skill would be critical in certain situations, such as when they needed to remain undetected or when they needed to cast spells quickly without alerting their opponents.

"Sophia, have you ever heard of silent casting?" Fenris asked.

"No, what's that?" Sophia inquired, curious.

"It's a technique that allows mages to cast spells without speaking the incantation out loud," Fenris explained. "It can be useful in situations where we need to remain undetected or when we need to cast spells quickly without alerting our opponents."

Sophia's eyes widened with interest. "Can you show me how to do it?"

Under Rifa's guidance, Fenris taught Sophia the art of silent casting. They practiced in a secluded area of the training grounds, away from the other knights. Fenris demonstrated the technique, showing Sophia how to visualize the spell in her mind's eye and channel her magic energy without speaking the incantation.

Sophia watched intently, her eyes fixed on Fenris's movements. She tried to replicate his actions, closing her eyes and focusing on the spell she wanted to cast. She felt the magic energy surge through her body, and she opened her eyes to see the spell taking shape before her.

"Excellent work, Sophia," Fenris praised, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your silent casting is coming along well."

Sophia beamed with pride, grateful for Fenris's guidance. She knew that mastering this technique would be invaluable in their future battles, and she was determined to practice it until it became second nature.

As Sophia continued to train under Fenris and Rifa's guidance, she began to transform not only physically but also mentally. Her once timid demeanor began to fade as she gained confidence in her abilities, both in combat and in magic.

Despite her progress, Sophia still struggled with mental trauma from her past experiences with her abusive master, Damian, who happened to be Fenris's brother. At times, the memories of the abuse and the fear of angering Damian again would grip her, causing her to freeze up or panic. But with Fenris's encouragement and support, Sophia found the strength to face her fears and continue to push herself, even when it was difficult.

Together, Fenris and Sophia grew stronger every day, forming a bond built upon mutual respect and admiration, rather than superficial gestures devoid of purpose.

"Thank you, Fenris," Sophia said gratefully. "Your guidance has been invaluable to me."

Fenris smiled warmly, feeling a sense of fulfillment in his mentorship. "You are an exceptional student, Sophia. I am fortunate to have you as my partner."

Two and a half years of dedicated training had transformed Fenris from a young boy into a formidable fighter. His once baby fat had been replaced with lean muscle mass, and his movements had become swift and precise. Gly's grueling physical regimen had pushed Fenris to his limits, but he had persevered, driven by his desire to become a great knight. Under Rifa's tutelage, Fenris had also become a skilled mage, mastering spells and honing his magical abilities.

Despite the challenges he faced, Fenris remained unwavering in his dedication to his training. He rose early each day, beginning with a series of intense physical exercises that pushed his body to its limits. Gly would put him through a series of drills, sparring sessions, and weapon training, each designed to improve his skills and push him further. Fenris's body had transformed, shedding the excess weight and replacing it with lean muscle, making him faster, stronger, and more agile.

In addition to his physical training, Fenris also spent countless hours practicing magic under Rifa's tutelage. Together, they explored the intricacies of spells, delving into the nuances of magic and understanding the forces that governed it. Fenris learned to visualize spells in his mind's eye, channeling his magic energy with precision and control.

As a result of his training, Fenris had become a remarkable fighter, both with a sword and with magic. His progress had been nothing short of remarkable, and his fellow knights marveled at his transformation.

Despite his achievements, Fenris remained humble, always seeking to improve himself. He recognized that his journey was far from over and that there was always more to learn. But he also felt a sense of pride in how far he had come and knew that his training had prepared him well for the challenges that lay ahead.

As Fenris continued to grow and develop, he knew that his training, both physical and magical, would always be a critical part of his journey. He remained committed to his regimen, knowing that it was the key to unlocking his full potential.

Looks like Sophia is beginning to feel something 'more' for Fenris! What will happen next? Stay tuned for part 3!

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