
Lost Memories of the Predecessor


Gabriel was relaxing over a tree, thinking about the future in the Witch's Knoll, he knew that Ruby's master(The name is Ruby, with the Y, I checked the wiki) is dead, but when he extended his En in the garden, he found two unfamiliar auras, one should be Ruby, but he didn't knew the second one.

Then he heard a scream, and Gabriel hastily rushed in the place to find that Yukari disappeared, while the others were attacked by crows that slowly dispersed.

Gabriel: Tsk… Too late…


Yukari opened her eyes to find herself in another place of the forest, and in front of her there was a young woman surrounded by crows, the woman had long black hair and wore a black dress. In her hand she had a sunflower and a magic wand.

Yukari: Huh? What… Where… Where am I?

?: Hey… You're awake. So, how's it feel to be with humans, you looked terrible back there, young witch.

Then a crow got near Yukari, and she panicked.

Yukari: Kyaaaa.

?: Oh… Don't worry about them, these crows are my friends. They've helped me bring you here from those humans.

Yukari: What… What are you?

Ruby: My name is Ruby, I'm a resident of the 'Witch's Ranch'. I really wanted to be your friend so I came over from the ranch. I have been living in the human society, so I understand that humans are powerless, pitiful creature that can't do anything, but destroy.

Then Ruby walked towards Yukari and gave her a sunflower.

Ruby: Those humans that fill us with hate are planning to destroy the sunflower patch along with our ranch. That is why Yukari, in order for us to fight against the humans, we need your help. Will you help us?

Yukari thought about it before she nodded, Ruby gasped and hugged Yukari with excitement.

Rubi: Really!? Yaay, now you are one of us, let's be friends

Yukari: Kyaa, Ruby…

They were interrupted when something crashed near them, raising a smokescreen, then they heard a voice.

?: Give me a break… Oi, Yukari, I can't always look for you…

When the smokescreen settled down, it revealed Gabriel, still in human form.

Yukari: G-Gabriel?!

Ruby: You human, how did you know that we were here?

Gabriel: I gotta to be an idiot to not notice the amount of crows here…

Ruby: Tsk… Disappear!!

Then she used her magic to make appear 3 pairs of bladed jet black wings and used them to cut Gabriel, but he just stood there, and let his tail do the job, surprising Ruby.

Ruby: You… What are you?

Gabriel: I'm the King.

Then his tail moved downwards, moving the wings too and then the stinger found itself in Ruby's neck.

Gabriel: Now… Why were you following us before?

Ruby gritted her teeth while Yukari panicked and runned towards Gabriel.

Yukari: Wait, Gabriel! Don't kill her!

Gabriel looked at Yukari and sighed before his tail slammed in Ruby's neck, making her fall unconscious. Then the tail grabbed Ruby's abdomen and Gabriel grabbed Yukari, and jumped away.


Ruby was dreaming about her past, until she suddenly woke up, and found Tsukune, Kurumu, Moka and Yukari watching her. Ruby stood up and said with panic.

Ruby: What? Wh...Where am I…

Yukari: Ah! Ruby is awake.

Ruby: 'Is this a dream? Oh, now I remember. I tried to kill that guy but I got defeated really fast instead…' Where… Where am I? What are you guys…

Tsukune: I'm Aono Tsukune. Well, we are all monsters. We arrived here today because of our extracurricular club research. We are in our tent, in the middle of the forest.

Ruby: You… You are all monsters?

Then Gabriel entered the tent and said.

Gabriel: Eeeyup! We are all monsters, some weak, other strong…

Ruby: You… Why didn't you killed back there?

Gabriel: Well, Yukari asked it. Otherwise yo-

Moka glared at him and Gabriel flinched a bit before saying.

Gabriel: Just, Yukari asked it… I'll leave you all to sleep… Good night…

Then Gabriel entered in his own tent and started to sleep while the others talked to Ruby.


Gabriel found himself in a dark room, it was full of pillars here and there, the room was gargantuan, and over his was a giant hole, that was showing the stars, he tried to control his body, but it was responding with different commands.

Then he jumped in a pillar, and turned towards a giant golden statue of a bodhisattva with countless arms, in front of it there was a muscular old man looking at him with killing intent, then he jumped towards the old man, but the old man did something incredible.

The world around him slowed down to an alarming rate, and became black and white, then he seen the old man's arms leaving afterimages while slowly bringing them in a prayer gesture, then the old man's right hand was brought up and slashed downwards.

The statue behind the old man did the same thing and hit Gabriel with the slash made from the statue's hand, flying away before he landed in another pillar and with an amazing agility, he jumped in another pillar and rushed once again to attack.

Gabriel: 'This is… The fight with Netero!'

Gabriel's body, or Meruem, continued to jump against Netero who counter attacked him with many different combinations of attacks, but Gabriel didn't felt pain, he felt excitation, then he and Meruem laughed at the same time while jumping for another attack.

Some thousands of clashes later, Gabriel's body dodged a golden arm, and rushed at Netero to cut off his arm, but before he could cut it, his body shook, and woke up from his dream. When he opened his eyes, he found Moka who was waking him up with a worried face.

Gabriel: W-what's happening?

Moka: Ruby ran away!!

Gabriel: Eh? At least this time it wasn't Yukari…

Then Gabriel and Moka grouped with the other 3 people to talk.

Yukari: Ruby… I thought we could be friends, she ran off just like that…

Gabriel: And what the hell are you waiting for? Hey Bus Driver, can you give me your keys? I will promise that I will not break your bus.

Then from the door, the ever-smiling bus driver came and said.

Bus Driver: First go get your driving license, then we will talk about it…

Everyone else: Mr. Driver!!

Bus Driver: The mastermind is finally taking action. I'm guessing she's going to bring an army to destroy this city, and that army includes Ruby. She is going to destroy the city and kill all humans just to protect her ranch.

Gabriel: This… Is oddly specific…

Bus Driver: Don't worry, so what are you going to do, young ones? The relationship between humans and witches are deeper than you think. Can you stop them even if that's the case?

Tsukune: Well, we know where they live, let's go and bring back Ruby…

Yukari: Tsukune…

Gabriel: Boss, you heard him.

The Bus Driver smirked and said while lighting a cigarette.

Bus Driver: Heh, Boss… I didn't heard that nickname from a long time.

Gabriel: Be a bit honored, the only people I call boss right now is you and the guy that makes good Kebab… 'Jesus, I miss those…'

Everyone giggled at him, and got in the bus towards the Witch's Knoll

Hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you like it, comment, put PS, review and bye.

General_Paragoncreators' thoughts