
Hadrian Peverell in Twilight

Harry Potter after the war became the Master Of Death,but through this he finds the deception of his so called friends and even the whole of wizarding Britain turns on him calling him a Dark feeling tired of the world he asks Death to take him away from this world.Thus he ends up in the Twilight world

Just_for_fun1997 · ภาพยนตร์
89 Chs

Chapter 70

Inside the Cullen house, the atmosphere was electric with tension. Hadrian stood at the center of the room, his expression grim as he surveyed those gathered. To his left were Kate, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Alec, and Dimitri—each of them steeling themselves for the storm ahead. Carlisle stood with Esme beside him, her face etched with worry, while Ashley, Emmet, Adam, and Lia lingered nearby, listening intently. Jacob hovered by the entrance, Quil and Embry close at hand, sent by Sam to represent the pack as others patrolled and guarded Charlie.

The air crackled as Alice stepped forward, her voice low and urgent. "A newborn army is heading our way."

Ashley's eyes widened in shock. "An army of newborns?" she echoed, disbelief coloring her words.

Alice nodded gravely. "Yes. They've been created with one purpose—to destroy the Tribe and your Coven."

Esme's brow furrowed with concern. "But newborn armies are banned by the Volturi. Who would take such a risk?"

Hadrian's eyes narrowed, his voice a growl. " Its Victoria."

The mention of Victoria's name sent a ripple of unease through the room. The Cullens knew all too well what it meant. The red-haired vampire was bent on revenge, blaming both the Quileute Tribe and the Cullens for the death of her mate. This was a vendetta, a bloody one.

Adam clenched his fists, frustration boiling over. "So, we're facing an army of newborns because of something we had no part in?"

Hadrian's gaze was unyielding. "Victoria lost her mate. She doesn't care about who was actually involved. She wants everyone she holds responsible to suffer."

Lia leaned into Adam, her voice a soft mutter. "Great. Just what we needed."

Edward's voice cut through the tension. "How long do we have?"

Alice's eyes clouded with visions of the future. "Four days. Victoria's staying in the shadows, keeping her hands clean. After all, creating a newborn army is a crime even the Volturi won't ignore."

Carlisle sighed, pulling Esme closer as the weight of the situation settled on his shoulders. "This could turn into a bloodbath."

Edward's mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle. "If it's not Victoria leading them, then who?"

Hadrian's voice was cold and certain. "Riley Biers. He's local, manipulated by Victoria to act as her puppet while she stays out of sight."

Jasper, lost in dark memories of his past, finally spoke, his voice laced with experience. "It doesn't matter who's leading them. What matters is that the army is coming—and we need to be ready."

Jacob stepped forward, his expression fierce. "We started this fight. We'll be there to end it."

Carlisle exchanged a glance with Edward, who subtly shook his head, signaling caution. But Carlisle knew better. "This fight will be brutal. Lives will be lost. And Victoria won't stop until one of us is dead."

Hadrian looked at Jasper, who gave a subtle nod of agreement. "Jasper's the expert when it comes to newborns. He'll be our key to winning this."

Carlisle nodded, his voice steady. "But we need to coordinate. This isn't just about us—it's about everyone."

In the corner, Bella's thoughts drifted to her father. She had recently confessed everything to him, expecting shock, but instead, she learned that he already knew about the Cullens and was planning to join the Quileute Tribe after marrying Sue. She was slowly getting to know Sue and the Black family, but the looming danger made her anxious.

Hadrian sensed her worry and leaned in close. "Don't worry, Bella. The Tribe is watching out for him. He's one of us now."

Bella nodded, her gaze avoiding Edward's, who watched her with longing. But she was moving on, determined not to slip back into her old ways. Despite everything, she maintained a strong bond with Esme, Ashley, Lia, Adam, and Emmet.

Hadrian turned back to the group, his voice firm. "We'll need to train. Fighting newborns isn't like fighting anything else. Jasper will lead the training. Jacob tell Sam, Rachel and Rebecca to join us—your pack will need this knowledge as much as we do."

Jacob nodded, the fire in his eyes burning bright. "Name the time and place. We'll be there."