
Hades: Love in a dream

Stephanie moved to Tokyo to escape her small town and make new friends, instead she finds herself alone and overworked. As she falls into delirium, she begins to hear voices, experience strange dreams, and visions of a mysterious man. As her love for him unfolds so does her grasp on reality.

cclilannie_9887 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

chapter five: if you love someone set them free

Friday morning all the students had two mass lectures instead of classes. It was open seating, so she sat next to Suzuki, and her other friends. She was happy to share a table with him. During one of the more boring parts of the lecture they played a game together. They both held one end of Suzuki's phone, and moved closer to one another. She watched him in the corner of her eye. She wished they could just do this all day.

At the end of the lecture they walked to the train station together.

"Where do you want to meet on saturday?" He asked.

"Why don't we meet at Akasaka Park ? I want to take some photos for web design, and then work on the rest at my place? It's walking distance, and I'll prepare some lunch for us."

"Lunch made by you..I can't wait to try it! I'll message you on LINE when I'm there."

That night she filled a bath. She started to feel a little too hot, and light headed. She could hear Hades voice calling out to her, but instead of giving in, she forced herself to try get up, but she was too drowsy, and with a splash she fell under water. She kept hearing him calling her, but resisted, and pulled herself out of the bath. She landed with a hard thud on the floor. Coughing and gasping for air.

She couldn't just disappear again, and who knows how long the next time will be. She told Suzuki she would meet him tomorrow, and she intended to keep that promise.

She got up, put on a shirt and undewear, and walked over to the kitchen.She made coffee and sat on the couch. Maybe I should just stay awake, she thought to herself, but she could feel hades pulling her in.

"What's this?" Blue flames swirled all around her, but they didn't burn her. She couldn't see anything beyond them anymore., and with a large thud, she fell on the floor.

"Miss, miss, are you ok?"

A maid leaned over her. Stephanie stared at her for a moment, then the maids face dropped. She realised she was looking down at her underwear.

"Oh my god." Stephanie said covering herself.

"That's alright miss, Master has prepared you some clothes on the bed." The maid gestured over to the bed.

Stephanie looked over, and saw a beautiful dress laid out, with some shoes that looked like ballet shoes with ribbons that went around your ankles. They were very comfortable, and pretty.

The maid left, and she got dressed.It was an above the knee peach coloured dress with loose fitting sleeves that went to the elbow. The bottom of the dress had two layers that made her sway her hips side to side. This would be fun to dance in,she thought to herself.

"Are you dressed miss?" Asked the maid behind the door.


"Alright let me fix your hair and add some makeup before we leave."

The maid fixed her up and led her to an exquisite library. There was some jazz music playing, and some drinks placed by two sitting chairs.

"You look as beautiful as ever." She saw Hades standing there.

"Hades! Your place is beautiful, you seemed like the nomadic type the last time we met."

"I like a bit of a spontaneous adventure everynow and again." He smiled.

"Well... As beautiful as it is, I can't stay long. The last time we met, I missed a whole day in my time."

"Well that's why I chose a Friday night. You don't have work or school right? Some other plans perhaps?"

"Uh.. yeah, actually.. I have to meet a friend tomorrow." She looked down to the ground.

"A friend? Is that really all that he is to you?"

Stephanie was shocked, and annoyed at the personal question.

"That's none of your business, listen I need to go."

Hades felt hurt, and couldn't control his insecurities at that moment.

"You are not leaving!"

His head and eyes lit up with blue flames. Stephanie stared at him. At first she was in shock, but then she started to feel upset.

"I don't need this, I am leaving now!"

"Ha, Goodluck with that!"

Stephanie ignored him, and ran into the hall where the maid was waiting.

"Excuse me, please can you tell me how I can return home?"

"Sorry miss, Only my master can send you back."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Stephanie stormed back into the library where Hades was waiting with a smug look on his face.

"Take me back home right now!"

"Or else what?"

Stephanie's face could kill in that moment. She was so mad she didn't know what to do or say.

"So what, you are just going to keep me here against my will?"

Hades thought for a moment about what he should do. He was hoping he could persuade her to stay. He didn't want her to meet with Suzuki. He had been watching her, he knew how she felt, and it made him burn with jealousy. Her rejecting him, made him even more angry.

"Astolis!" He called

"A who now?"

A man appeared by the door. He looked normal except for his eyes. He had pinprick pupils, that made him look insane.

"Yes, master. How may I serve you?"

"Take her to her room, and make sure she cannot escape. Tell the maids to make sure she has everything she needs."

"Yes, master."

Stephanies eyes widened as the man grabbed her by the arms. He put his hand over her face, and she could hear a ringing in her ears as the room faded to black.

When she woke up she was back in the room where she dressed earlier. She felt so frustrated, and began to cry. She never knew she valued her freedom until now. She began missing all the small things that seemed so insignificant before.

"Will I ever go home?" She said rubbing her tearful eyes.

"You will"

She turned to see Hades standing there. He had been watching her. The sight of her crying made him angry, and broke his heart at the same time. He couldn't understand why she would rather be there than here, or be with Suziki over him. He could feel a war in his heart, but he hated seeing her like this.

"I'll let you return home tonight, but on one condition. Make no plans for the next weekend. You'll be staying with me."

She wiped away her tears. She needed to say whatever she needed to get out of there.

"Alright, it's a deal."

"Goodbye for now.." He whispered.

Flames surrounded her, and she was gone.